The Ohio Independent Baptist, November 1972
(Concluded from page 4) tiently declare ot1r lJord 1 s deity. 1 ac– ept what the Bible says about hrist's eity, not what ome c)f-stylcd trans- 1tor ay about it , who i expert in ei ege i " but woeftilly weak in sound exege is." THAT Speak of purpo e, "in order th a t.' ' WHOSO V R Mean ' 'all , everyone." hri st tas ted eath for every man, all, everyone Heb. 2: 9). The bibli cal view of the tonement is that hri t died for every ndividual who ha ever been born or hall ever be born. Mr. Moody ai d , The elect are the who oever wil] and he non-elect a rc the who oever von ' ts.' ' BELIEVETH Means " to place trust in," " to rely 1pon," "to cling to." It ha the thought ,f taking ourselves out of our own eeping and placing our elve into 3od 's keeping. IN HIM These two words mean liter a ll y "into Iim." The object of saving fai th i the ,erson and work of the Lord J e ti s, tot baptism, not good works, not the hurch , but Christ. SHOULD NOT PERISH The meaning is "come to ruin ," "be ost,' ' "miss the purpose for which God nade man. " How terrible the torn1c11t ·if the sinner in Hell who will ay, Christ died for me yet I am lo t. ,. Iell was prepared for the devi l and 1is angels. Man goes there by inful hoice by refusing to believe in C hri t s Savior. BUT -Tells of the great contra t, life in– tead of death , light instead of dark- 1ess, salvation instead of sin , redemp– ton instead of ruin, deliverance instead ,f death. HAVE Means present possession of sa lva– ion. The blessing of salva tion is not ,ut out there in the far distant future or us but is NOW a possession. "There s therefore NOW no condemnation to hem which are in Christ Jesus...." Rom. 8: 1). EVERLASTING Speaks of that which cannot end be– ause our salvation is forever anchored n the fau ltless integrity of God who vii) keep His promises to us. Our God vill never leave us o r forsake us (Heb. 3: 5). LIF Is God's life, the highest kind of ife, forever enduring, imperi shable. Jt s a 1 ife which death cannot destroy . .Jet us 1:0 forward to tell 111en every– vhere abottt this life availa/J/e to 1J1e111 hroug/1 faith in the fi nisl1 ed ..,.,,,ark of r:hrist. HE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST Radi o Messenger Kenneth Myers ~Cl\ 0 OHIO BIRTHPLACE AND HOME OF THE FELLOWSHIP OF BAPTISTS FOR HOME MISSIONS Reaching America at thi s Strategic Time P.O. BOX 455 ELYRIA, OHIO 44035 Phone: (216) 365-7308 DR. KENNETH A. MUCK, President NOVEMBER 1972 13
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