The Ohio Independent Baptist, November 1972
Cedarville College News ... Fvangeli t Paul Di on wa the f ea– turetl speaker at the annt1al Fall Bil1lc (.,onference held for the stt1dents of ('edarville ollege from October 2-6. October 3 wa the Day of Prayer and tudent were privileged to hear Mr . Dixon in both n1orning and evening ,ervice throughot1t tl1c week. Cla e began Septen1ber 28, for the returning t1ppercla men at edarville . Orientation for the incon1ing f re hmen began September 24, and conclt1dcd at the opening day of cla e . Three major change wil] invol ve the staff of the college radio talion , WCDR, a the new fall term gets tan– derway. The re-loca tion of the station' an– tenna and tran former to a new site four mile from the college will in– crea e and crystalize coverage to the Dayton and Springfield area . Second– ly. the addition of two program , one centering on campus event , ho ted by Pre ident James T. Jeremiah, and the other, an in-service training program for doctor and nurse , pon ored by the Ohio Educational Medical Net– work, will be available to WCDR's I isteni ng audience. . The third expanding effort under– taken by the station is the development of a college sponsored radio tation in the Fort Wayne, Indiana area. Plan are now in motion for thi proj ect, supported by the radio committee of the college. Robert D. Abba , Assistant Profes– sor of Psychology at Cedarville Col– lege was recently awarded hi Ph.D. in Counseling and Student Personnel Ad- Ordained to Preach The Word Recentl y nine area Baptist Churches sent 18 representatives to the Temple Baptist Church, Portsmouth , Ohio for the examination of Mr. William David Fultz. After a thorough examination of Brother Fultz as to his conversion, caJI and theological beliefs, he was unani – mously recommended to the church for ordinati on to the Gospel mini stry. Our brother is a graduate of Bob Jones Uni versity ( 1972) and is con– tinuing post graduate work in the same c;chool. With his wife, Linda, he re ides In Greenville, South arolina. His membership, however , is in the Templ e Bapt ist hurch of Portsmouth , Ohio. Participating in the special Ordina– Lion Service were Dr. Raymond F . n1i.nistrat1?11 from the Univer~i ty of M ts'iot1r1 1n ( 'olt1mhia, Mi ssouri . . Dr. Abba~ received the B.M. degree an mt1s1c ed uca tion fron1 Nort hwestern ~' olJ ~gc in M inncsota , the B.A. degree in lJ1ology from Wartbttrg ollege in Iowa, and the M.A. degree in Cot1n– ~el i ng and Edt1cational Psychology f ro,11 the Uni versity of Northern ( ' olo– rado in 1965. He ha5 publi shed ma– teri al~ in the "ducational Rcsotarccs lnforn1ation en ter publications. Before as un1ing hi s teaching posi– ti o11 at Cedarvill e in the fall of J 97 J, Dr . Abba · was formerl y on the ad – n1ini. trati ve staff of Iowa We tern ~on1muni ty a ll ege a admission5 coun. elor and wa the admi ni strative a . istant in the hou ing office of the ni versi ty of Mi .. souri. Dr. Abbas, his wife, Nadine. and one daughter re idc in edarvil le, Ohio. The l 97 1 eda rvi ll e Yellow Jacket ( . occer team) were the wi nners of the Mid-Ohio Conference and NAIA Di - lrict 22 titl es. As of thi reading, they are weJI into their new eason. They faced it wi th gt1arded optimi m. The Jacket retained the majority of their offen e led by Larry Bollback. They do have , however, a young inexperienced defense . They lost th ree of their tarting full– back , a well as, their number one fullback repl acement and their goalie of la t year' team which had compiled a I 0-4 record, coring 55 goal and giving up but 25 goal . The Cedarvi ll e team et three chool records in 197 J - mo t game won ( lO), longest win– ni ng treak ( 5) and lowest defense ave rage ( l . 79 goals per game) . Hamilton, Pa tor of the Port mouth ch urch, Mr. Ray William , Rev. Wil– li am Walker, Rev. E. H . F isher, Rev. Jerry Beil, Mr . William Fultz and Rev. Jame Douglas. AVAILABLE FOR ... Pulpit Supply-Special Meetings– Weekend Meetings Rev. Clayton J . Bates 2246 Fourth Street Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 44221 Phone: (216) 928-6231 Subscribe to: $2.00 per year The Ohio Independent B~ptist FOR A FRIEND Box 160 Xenia, Ohio 45385 ' 'The Dunhams' ' Experience Blessings Many of our 0 .1.8 . readers wi ll re– n1ember Rev. and Mr . Vernon Dun– ham. Brother Dunham formerly served a pa tor of the Euclid A venue Bapti t Church in Lorai n, Ohio. For a number of yea r he served on our OARBC ounci l of Ten. Some of the e year. , he served a its Chai rman. The Dunham are now erving a I nter1rn Mi ionarie under the Fellow- hip of Bapti ts for Home Mi s ion . Pre entJy they are mini tering at the Bible Bapti t Church in Dover , Del– aware The Lord is blessing this work. Recentl y, they held a "groundbreak– ing '' service . Seen in the above picture are ome of tho e who took part in thi service. Brother Dunham i the one holding the hovel. The others include Dr . Kenneth Muck and men from the Bible Bapti t Church. The Dunham, wi h to thank every church and individual who have helped through their faithful support in prayer and financial help. The basement wa ll of the ne\\-· buildi ng are already up and the cement floor ha been poured. Work on the new building i moving ri ght along! SPECIAL BULLETIN Ju t before going to pre . we re– ceived the following word from Dr. Kenneth A. Muck, Pre ident of FB– HM - "We are ending yota thi pecial bu lletin to notify you that on Saturday, October 2 1, 1972. Rev. Verne L. Dunham, one of our FB- • HM Interim Mi sionarie was acca- <lentall y ki ll ed a he wa working on the new church bt1ilding at Dover, Delaware. "God ha5 called home one of His faithful servant . Nevertl1eles\, ~ve orrow at the 1oss. anJ ,-.c arc JOtn- ing in prayer for the fan1il '. . . ...Mrs. Dt1nhan1 •~ ct1rrentl) living at Route No. 2, Allegany, Ne,v York 14706. and l an1 'Ure she ,viii be n1o~t gratetul for ' t1ur J)ra, er ancl ren1cn1branccs ...
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