The Ohio Independent Baptist, November 1972

From Australia by Doug Couch What do y u really know about At1~tralia? Is it a lantl llf kangaroo and koala , where the koobabt1rra si ts in the old gum tree , where it i hot and dry, where Aboriginal s ·un around throwing boon1crang. at goa nn a<;? Or is it a land filled with large citic with ky , craper. and modern auto plant and beautiful uburb with manicured lawn ? Au. - tralia i a little of both. It ha the Aboriginal in the "out– back" and it ha everal large , beat1tiful citie . After return– ing recently from a 3000 mile preaching tour into the "out– back" we have come to appreciate even more ome of the problem that Au tralia face with it. va t continent, and its mall population . It ha been a little over a year now ince we boarded that plane in Cleveland Hopkin. , aid good-bye to our friends and relative and began a new, challenging a pect to our mini try. Upon arriving in Au tralia, we ettled in a little town 120 mile from Melbourne to as i t in an e tab– lished Mid-Mi sions work. Thi wa a helpful time of ori– entation and now, a we look back, we ee how helpfttl it ha been in our own mini try. In November 1971 we left Benall a, and moved to the suburbs of Melbourne. The Lord provided us with a house ·and oon we were having prayer meeting with another mis ionary couple and a few friend . This developed into a new work in the Ringwood-Croydon uburb under the leader hip of a Canadian Mid-Mi ssions missionary cot1ple and our elves. Right from the sJart thi work showed igns of n1oving ahead, and we realized that we could soon move into a new area to tart the second new work. In June J 972 - we moved to a new location and began immediately look- ing for a uitable place to hold services. The Lord provided both a lovely home and an excellent hall all within the same week . September 10 th we held our first service . Over 1 500 invitat ions had gone out into the community, good contact were made, but would anyone come? We were both thrilled and deep!)' challenged when 26 came to the morning service and 36 the evening. The second little independent Baptist hurch is started. There is nothing ahead but hard work Vi iting - LAKE HOPE? " Danny" helped " Uncle Doug" make the children 's meetings a success! and some tru5tration, but I am reminded of the ver5e Sal]y and I took a a Jife verse whi]c st ill in coHcge. Proverbc; 3: 5 and 6- HTruc;t in the Lord with all thine heart , and lean not 11nto thine own understanding. Jn a11 thy wayc.. acknowl– c<.lgc Him and He shall direct thy paths." Because we are l ndependent Baptic;t and Americans we are regarded with rea l u<;picion by the Bapti <;t Union. In all f airne to the "union,' ' we have met 5ome men who are \Olid in their stand on the Scriptu re<;. But over the la5t few yea r that po5ition has been challenged by many younger liberal mini sters. Even though the Baptist Churches like to think that they are independent, the Union seems to have a strong hold and i not about to let go. We are viewed as a threat. Therefore , few men want anything to do with u5. The Australian field is now looking at camp property located in the mountains next to a 7000 acre forest reserve . We can purchase a hund red acres for around $4,000 dol– lars. Some of thi would be very rugged natural bush land, ot her i uitable for bui lding. We are working on financing thi , but with only four couples on the field it is a heavy burden. Then we al o mu t get into a Bible ColJege training program. We have yoting people who are now ready for training. We are a new field, with only five couples (one home on deputation), the area is vast, the needs are great, the progres is slow, we need more help . We u e HDan ny" in joy clubs and children' n1eeting'-t . He ha been a "smashing hit' ' with the children of Australia. On our recent trip into the '·outback" on everal occa ions we had over I 00 Aboriginal child ren in ot1r meeting to meet "Danny." Attending - OHIO UNIVERSITY? A Warm Welcome Await you THE CHILDREN'S GOSPEL HOUR, INC. at . . . ALBANY BAPTIST CHURCH Albany, Ohio Paul G. Williams, Pastor Jr, st ten ,niles fr<>1n tl1 e A th ens Ca111pus c·atl if yo1,1 need transportation Phone ( 6 14) 698-3163 We have need of - 18-20 Pews 13 1/2' • 20' Long THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST Henry C. Geiger, Executive Director- Livingston, Tenn. 38570 Presenting Jesus Christ to Youth by Radio and TV PRAY FOR THE SALVATION OF BOYS AND GIRLS The Children's Gospel Hour is now on 81 radio and 43 TV stations each week . Pray that more stat ions will take the program. The youth of America need to hear the Gospel now. Write for further informa tion. OHIOANS TAKE NOTE - Rad io: WKTH-FM, Kenton - Saturdays, 2 :1 S p.m. WCOL-FM, Columbus - Saturdays, 11 :30 a.m. WTTO, Toledo - Saturday, 8 :00 a.m. WRWR-TV, Port Clinton - See listing. NOVEMBER, 1972 5