The Ohio Independent Baptist, December 1972

• Re orts! 5 I ' I OA RBC co11/er e11ce /1 eld i,1 t/1 e T e111ple 8<1ptist ( Oil/' ... f I ) 1111/lfl 1,,,,. I,. PcJrts,,i<Jtttli. 0/ii<> sr,cc·i, 1/ reports ivere presente<l . We f elt ot,r 0./.JJ. re<J(/ers ,,,i'!l,t csi,ecialf.v /,e intereste<I ir1 t/1e reports fr~111 )'Oltr .\t itc ,\ l l\\to,,arr ccJllCtrr, ing /1is lVo rk i,1 seekir1g t o esta!JILsh new ,·J,,,rcl,cs nri<I ,,,;, Del,r / :'ree a111ps pr<,gra,11 . A /so, we incl11de t/1e report I . o J l'' £l<litc>r a\· l rell as, tl1e reso /11tior1s passed at tlte co11/er ence. <J \ ()Ill .. J. • ~ D.F.C. Program REPORTED BY EARL D. UMBAUGH Dt, ing the past year we have worked with a deb t re t irement cor ,rnittee cornposed of Rev Norman Bosworth, Rev. Ha ro ld Green, ,\ e Hool...s H Richard Davison, Dick Wafker and Rev. Wilbur Pa rr ish. A shde and cassette presentation was deve loped tha t has been sho"' n in 133 churches. $4" 330 has been raised for debt liquida t ion. $11 ,000 of th is has co ··ne from monthly g1v1ng from the churches, $20,775 fr om the Campathon and the balance through o ther special off e rings a nd gi ft s. 73 churches are giving on a monthly basis, 59 have p art icipated in the Can,pathon and a total of 133 churches have part ic ip a ted in one or another. There has been a 30~o increase in campe rs this year w ith about 6 000 in all three camps. Many have be en saved. Amo ng those accepting Christ as a personal Saviou r were two of Vince nt Coste IIo ' s children, from whom Sky View Ranch w as p urchase d . From the last Annual Confe rence un til t he end of Decembe r, I g a ve most of my time to t he new church progr am. Du ring Jan uary and February I gave abou t hal f o f my t ime to D.F.C. and half to the new church program. From Ma rch to J une 15 most of my t ime w as spe n t with D.F.C. The next mont h w as sp e nt on vacation including attend– ing the G A.R.B.C. Con fe rence in San Diego, Cal if . From Ju ly 15 until this conference abou t ha lf of my t ime has been spent w ith D.F C. and the o the r ha lf w ith the new church program. I have asked the Council of Ten to keep the D.F.C. Committ e e intact and to extend the D.F.C. p rogr am for anothe r year . During the coming yea r we would like to ask the churche s to help in the followin g w ays. We w ould Iike to ask every chu rch to include the camps on regula r monthly missiona ry givi ng fo r a t least some amoun t - $1 . to $150. per month . This is the se nsibl e way to solve this problem. If every church w ou ld put the camp s on the budget for $30. per month for each 100 in Sunday School , for 25 months, the enti re $187,000 co ul d b e p aid o ff . The you th thrust , this year, will be to urge e ach camper to br ing a m iss ion ary offering to camp, o f not less tha n $5 .00 per camper, for de b t re tire– ment. If we ge t full pa rt icipat ion in this part o f the program, it could bring in $30,000 to $50,000 . Some churche s have said if we adopt thi s program, tha t the ir ch urch would se nd S5 00 for each camper t ha t attends camp . In add iti o n to th is we would like to ask each church tha t has a vit al interes t in the camping program to have a camp emphasi s Sunday in wh ich a n o ffer ing is received for debt retirement. A sui ta ble visual p resen ta ti o n and ot he r materials are being deve loped for this. Our goal for the coming yea r is to seek each church part icipa t ing in one or more ways and to see our camps free of t hese d ebt s by October 15, 1973 I wish to acknowledge that this program would not have been poss ible w ithout the help of Rev. Norman Bosworth. He has d e– veloped all of the material that has been vsed du r ing t he p ast yea r. Mr . Davison has given untiring effor t as the Treas ure r fo r D.F.C. Mike Hooks has prepared the Poste rs that have come fo r yo ur bullet in boards and Rev Harold Green has served as the able cha irman for the committee and developed the disp lay in t he foyer. AT OUR 45TH ANNUAL MEETING, THE DEBT FREE CAMPS COM– MITTEE WERE COMMENDED FOR THE EXCELLENT WORK THEY HAD DONE AND IT WAS VOTED UNANIMOUSLY TO CONTINUE THE "DFC" PROGRAM FOR ANOTHER YEAR . 10 DECEMBER, 1972 State Missionary REPORTED BY EARL D. UMBAUGH 1. Grace Independe nt Ba ptist Church Carrolton, Ohio, start( Sunday Serv ices on September 26, 1971 in the Odd Fellows H~ I, usir the b u il d ing o n Sundays and Wednesdays. Rev. Dane Canterbu ha s acce pte d the pas torate and has moved to the f ield. The chur is f u lly organize d and was recognzed as a properly const itut, and duly orga nized Bapt ist church on Monday, March 20th . Atten a nce is runn ing between 80 and 110. Land has been p u rchased ar p lans a re being made to bu ild. Although this church is fully se s uppo rting, some f inancial help may be needed through the ir tin of putting up a building . 2. Calvary Baptist Church, Marietta, Ohio, held their first Sund, Services o n October 24, 1971 . Their f irs t meeting place was t i Ph illips Eleme ntary Schoo l. A vacated church bu ilding at 325 ' 7th Stre et has been purchased and is now in use . The building being purchased from Grace Gospel Church, Rev. Relph Yarne pas to r. It is a modern brick bu ild ing less than 20 years old ar will accommodate a Sunday School of 200 . Rev. Al D'Amato assumE the pastorate of thi s church on April 9th and the church is showir a good growth . In five months the attendance has grown fro a round 25 to a peak attendance of 188. Averages for Septemb were 131 , A.M. Serv ice 155, P.M. Service 80 and Wednesd, Service 70 w ith 47 d e cisions for Christ during the month. Tl mos t e ncourag ing thing abou t th is c hurch is that growth is comir from sou ls be ing won to Christ rather than the gather ing of peop • from o the r churches in the area . Chri stian Life classes are beir he ld o n a regular b asis for the new converts and regular teach tr a in ing classes are be ing held to develop an adequate teachir sta ff fo r the Sunday School. Rev . Lou Nic hols, Reg ional Directc Word o f Life Bible Clu bs , ha s been act ive in the start ing of t~ chu rch and has been instrumental in moving them in the d irectic of becoming a Ba pti s t Chu rch tha t would seek fellowship in o Associa tion. 3 . Fai th Bapt ist Ch urch , Craiges v ille, West Virgin ia, began Sund< Serv ices o n Sunday, December 5 , 1972. Mr. and Mrs . Jim Reed membe rs o f Graham Roa d Bapt ist Chu rch , Cuyahoga Fal ls, Ohi mo ve d to Craigesville to accept a teach ing posit ion in the Hi~ School. They ope ned thei r home for a Bible Study Class and you 1 work a nd th is has developed into a church . They have called Re Mead ow s as their pastor . 4. In J a n uary, 1972, a Bible Class was started in Cincinnati, Ohir This class has be en conducted by Rona ld Baker an empl oyee < Ge ne ra l Electric and a graduate of Cedarville College . Rev . Preb Cob b, an F.B.H.M Missionary has accepted the call to pastor th work. Eight f amilie s beg a n Sunday Serv ices on October 8th in tr Map le-d a le El ementary Scho ol. Bl ue Ash . 5 . Dur ing Jul y, 1972 a bout 30 people s tarted Su nday Service in a pr iv a te home, on the west side o f Lancaster, Oh io . They wer served by p ersonnel fr om Cedarv ill e College and others who wet avai la b le f o r a p ul p it su pply min istry. They extended a ca ll to Re Wm. Moser and he began h is min is try on August 20th . The nam I o f Faith Baptist Church ha s bee n adopted and the serv ices are no, being he ld a t the UCT Hall at the corner of George a nd Wheelin Stree ts. Th is ch urch is being started .w ith the approval and co oper , · t ion of First Baptist Church, Lancaster . Joint advert ising is bein pl a nned and othe r act iv it ies to present a uni ted testimony in th commu n ity. Some finan cia l help is needed if Brother Moser is t gi ve his fu ll time to th is work . THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIS