The Ohio Independent Baptist, December 1972

6. Between 30 and 40 p ople started tho Walnut Cr!'ek Bapt ist urch, Baltimore, Ohio on Aug ust 13,, 1972. Their present meeting ,e 1s the Gleaner' s Hall. They are work ing on their const itu ti on d articles of faith . They arc being served by pulpit supplies until pastor can be called This group started as the result of some r,appiness in the Fairfield Baptist Church, Thurston, Ohio. 7. Rev . Charles Lunsford and the Millersburg Bapt is t Church started V\onday night Bible Class at Navarre, Ohio, on Jan uary 3, 1972 ,s has been temporarily discontinued but another effort will be t forth at a later date. 8. Rev . Carl R. Stephenson, Pas tor, County line Baptis t Church, yton, Ohio, led his brother and another man to the Lord a t Mon t– lier, Ohio this past winter . His brother opened h is home for a , le Class hoping to see a new church develop. He and his nily have joined the First Bapt is t Church, Stryker, Ohio The yker church is conducting a week-night Bible Class and is running bus to Montepelier until there is a large enough nucleus to start hurch. Some are being saved from Montpelie r and we a re hoping 11 a new church will develop out of these efforts . ,tistical Report 81 churches spoken in 72 messages other than D.F.C. or new church presentations 11 Sunday School classes and youth meetings 53 Meetings with groups in planning sessions 11 Ordination Councils, Recognition Councils, Building Dedi– cations, etc. 102 Pastors visited 1 Missionary Conference 2 Area wide canvasses 3 Conferences at tended 4 Council of Ten meetings 8 Meetings related to Cedarville College 10 local Pastors and Associat ional Meetings 6 D.F.C. Committee Meetings 3 Meetings wit h Camp Trus tees 66 D.F.C. Presentations 46 D.F.C. present ations 20 D.F.C. combined with new church presentations 34 Miscellaneous meetings Miles travelled 43,691 FOUR NEW CHURCHES WERE RECEIVED INTO OUR OARBC FEL- 1WSHIP AT PORTSMOUTH. THEY ARE: CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH : MARIETTA, EMMANUEL BAPTIST CH.URCH OF PAULDING, GRACE DEPENDENT BAPTIST CHURCH OF CARROLTON AND THE LEVITTS– JRG BAPTIST CHURCH. >.I.B. Editor's Report REPORTED BY A. DONALD MOFFAT Our work as Editor of THE O HIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST began nuary 1st, 1966. We are now completing our seventh year. As we ok back in retrospect , we have much for which we can praise the rd. ''The Lord hath done g rea t things for us; whereof we are ad." (Psa lm 126:3) Today, we are printing 5200 copies of the 0.1.B. each month. :>proximately seven years ago, we were printing 1500 copies onthly. We had hoped by now to have reached the 6000 mark. all of our churches would subscribe either to our Bundle lot plan to our Every Active Family plan, we would easily pass the figure 10,000. Some of our churches are using our Every Act ive Family an . One such church is the Tempie Baptis t Church of Portsmouth, hio in which we are presently holding our 45th Annual OARBC :,nference. If e very church in our Fellowship would do as t hese , lk are doing . . . WOW!!! Some of our churches (large in size) ke a Bundle Lot of only 50 or 25 copies .. . or less! Some of our ,urches {large and small) take no copies at all!! Have you ever thought of subscribing to THE O HIO INDEPENDENT I\PTIST for your young people a t college ? How about subscribing ,r your missionaries, your shut -ins, folk in Rest Homes or young en 1n the service of thetr country? HE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST Our desire is to make our magc1z1nc even bPtt~r thrin it now 1,. In order to do thi s, wo must have better cooperation from o u r pastors . We li!lt here a few way~ 1n wh, ch you could help. 1. St'nd us your church bulletins each week 2. Send us news regarding your church, youth meetings , women's meetings, special events and the like 3 . Send us pictures (black and white) of your work 4 Send us Bible st udies, messages, etc. 5. Contact business men in your church that to adver tise in the pages of 1he 0 . 1B might be willing We wish, too, that the various Associations ,n our OARBC would send us reports concerning their monthly meetings . Our " Camps ' ', " State Youth Meetings" , "Men's Retreats" , "Women's Activities " . these All and other such groups should be sending us announce– ments and reports o f their activities . In most cases, 1n order to gain "news" for the magazine, your Editor has to write reques•ing " news". We really would have a much better magazine if such groups would assign someone responsible to supply us w ith these reports . Recently we were criticized because we did not mention the death of a pastor in the Sta te We did not learn of his death until a month after it happened. No one sent us information! If you have " news" ... please send it our way! WE CAN HAVE A BETTER MAGAZINE . . WE CAN HAVE A LARGER CIRCULATIO N ... WE CAN MAKE OUR O .A. R.B.C FELLOW– SHIP BETTER KNOWN AND UNDERSTOOD BY OUR PEOPLE . . IF WE WOULD ALL PUT FORTH A LITTLE EXTRA EFFORT AND SHOW A BIT MORE INTEREST! In addition to editing THE O HI O INDEPENDENT BAPTI ST, we have (since our 44th Annual Confer ence held last year in Bellefontaine, Ohio) engaged in Bi ble Conference and / or Evangelistic Meet ings, as well as camp work and individual Sunday services. We have spoken 318 times and traveled over 30,000 miles . In grace , the lord blessed by causing souls to trust Christ as Saviour and others to surrender their lives to Him for Christian service. Many other vital decisions were made concerning th ings spi r itual. We wish to express our sincere thanks to ou r Circulation Manager– Mr. Stuart L. Chaffe, Mrs . Inez Milner our Women's Page Editor and to Mrs . Moffat for the hours she spent typ ing 0 . 1.B. copy. Thanks , too, to the many friends and churches that have assisted us in th is work ...especially through their prayers! Resolutions Passed EVANGELISM Whereas: the churches have been commissioned by our Lord to carry out the Great Commission, both at home and abroad, and Whereas: the initial step in th is commission is the evangelization of the lost , and Whereas: considerable confusion exists in the minds of many as to the proper associations and methods of such evangelism, BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED, that we , the messengers of the Annual Conference of the Ohio Association of Regul ar Baptist Church<.;s, meeting in Portsmouth, Ohio on the 16-18 of October, 1972 go on record as: (1) Encouraging our churches to seek that spiritual revival from the Lord without which there can be no truly successful evangelistic outreach, and (2) Urging our churches and people to be more active in personal and corporate witnessing to the lost as a simple matter of obedience to our Lord, and (3) Discouraging the use of man-made schemes for merely emotional and psychological persuasion of the masses which must eventually damage true evangelistic effort and, (4) Repudiating the associat ions with Liberalism, Romanism, and the Apostasy which are so popular and prevalent in our times . PORNOGRAPHY Whereas · It is the responsibility of each America n citizen to cry out ag a inst po ll ution and filth of every kind, whether environrne nt a l or mental , and (Continued on page 14) DECEMBER, 1972 11