The Ohio Independent Baptist, December 1972

eart to eart mong t e omen - Mrs. Earl Umbaugh - Women' s Editor- What's In A Name? ··1·1 1 (>lt ,/ 1 , 1 / r cal/ His 11a111e J e 11 , /or He sl1all save H'is people I ro111 tilt ir si11s. · ( \I attl1eu 1 1:_J) .. ro,c b\' an\' other nan1e would mell as sweet", we often quote. TrlIC. bt1t na111e. ;re identification and very important. I do not wish to be called tr ~. John Doe. I am not Mr . John Doe. Call me by MY name. \\ ho then 1 thi one the angel aid to call JESUS? The one named J b, Jo eph and Mary on that first Christmas . "Thou shalt call H 1 na111e- Je tl , for He hall ave Hi people from their sins ." (Matthew 1: 21 ) God the Father aid to Him "Thy throne O God, is forever and e\ er...., (Hebrew l : 8) The apostle Peter said , "Thou art the Christ, the on of the Ii,,ing God.' ' (Matthew 16: 16) The apostle Paul said, ..... gi,,en Him a name which is above every name, That at the name of JESUS ever)' knee should bow ... that every tongue should confess that Je u Chri t is Lord..." ( Philippians 2:9-11) pace doe not permit us to fully express all that is in His name. A fe\.v onl}' can be mentioned . .. GOD - LORD - ANOINTED ONE - CREATOR - SUSTAINER OF LIFE - BREAD OF LIFE - SUBSTITUTE-RESURRECTED ONE- ADVOCATE - SHEPHERD - COMFORTER and SAVIOUR. "And they that know thy name will put their trust in thee." ( Psalm 9: lOa) In knowing His name we know Hi character, His nature His power and His purposes. We put our tru t in H im. Veteran E.B.M. Missionary Speaks The Bethany Women's Mi ionary Fellow hip met recently at the First Bapti t Church Niles, with 73 Wo– men in attendance from eleven a rea Baptist Churches. The speaker was Miss Beth Odor 25 year veteran mis ionary to the Niger Republic, West Africa. She instructed the wo– men on "How to Pray for Mission– aries.,. She told of circumstances in \l.:hich missionaries are particularly vulnerable and listed six needs for \l:hich to pray: Sufficient grace to o.verc?me i.n the face of annoying s1tuat1ons, time taken to pray, persist– ence to stick to the job, stewardship of time. ~ompassion for the people, and effectiveness while on furlough. Working alone on an "out-station' ' in Dosso. iger, Miss Odor is oftimes the only white person within 100 miles. Fo11owing the program she re– ceived several personal and house– hold items brought by the various \\'Omen's missionary groups. Election of officers was held with a ll incumbent officers being re-elec- 12 DECEMBER, 1972 ted: Mrs. David Hunter, Vienna Bap– tist , President ; Mrs . William Gilmour, First Baptist Ni les Vice-President~ · Mrs. Thoma McClish, Sharon Bap– tist Secretary-Treasurer ; a nd Mrs . Kenneth Romig, Bethel Baptist , W ar– ren, Advisor. Mrs. McCli sh a nnounced that the goal set for mattresses and covers for Shalom Lake Camp, Huntsburg, this year 's project, had been exceeded but additional gifts would be forwarded to the camp. Devotions were given by the presi– dent, Mrs. Hunter, on "How God Can Use the Little Person ." Mrs . Gilmour gave the welcome. Special music was presented in vocal duet by Mrs. Clyde Albertson and Mrs. Bernice Mason of Faith Baptist Church , Niles. Mrs. David Warren Champion Baptist Church , was son~ leader and accompanists were Mrs. Charles Moore, Boardman Baptist Temple., pianist and Mrs. Wayne Thomk1ns, organi st. The next meeting will be h eld at the Boardman Baptist Temple on January 23, 1973 at 1 P.M. ' f • • Shower Held For Missionary To Brazil The Mi sionary l'raye r Band of th a lvary Baptist hurch - Bt1cyru Ohio, recently hosted a Tupperwar Shower for their missionary, J ane Wolfe. Last year Janet went on an emerg ency basi5 to Brazil , South Americ to be a teacher for mi ssionary chi ld rcn. In addition to teaching she be gan language study. Presently she i doing deputation work to secure sup port, that she may again return t1 the work to which the Lord ha called her. - Miss Wolfe has a BS and MS de gree in education, teaching for thir teen years in public school s . She ha, fos ter children in her home for f ou years, three of which accepted th Lord and are members of our church She was an active church membe being a Sunday School teache1 Young People's leader, organist, pi anist and treasurer. Janet is serving with Baptist Mid Missions - C leveland, Ohio. She j desirous to return to the field a quickly as possible. She may be con tacted by sending her mail to th Calva ry Baptist Church, Marion Re and Beal Ave., Bucyrus, Ohio 4482( Editor' s Note: In talking with M is. Wolfe recently, she told u s that th Lord had u sed an article in THl OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIS'" to peak to her heart regarding miss ionary ser vice. It was the person2 testimony of Rev. Doug Couch whc with his family are serving the Lor,. under Bapti t Mid-Missions in Aus tralia. Thi s really makes your edito happy! Ladies Sponsor Cove red Dish Dinner • The Women's Missionary Union o the Trinity Baptist Church, Loraii recently sponsored a covered dis) Dinner at the church with Rev. Ea1 D. Umbaugh giving the D.F.C. pres entation. Mrs . Nancy Reed , Presi I dent presided. AVAl LABLE FOR . . . Pulp i t Supply and or Sermons Song REV . GEORGE P. ZINN Route 3 , Huber Road Norwalk, Ohio - 44857 Tel. (4 19) 668-8072 . I n THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIS