The Ohio Independent Baptist, December 1972
• upply Evangelists 1f Berean Meeting On October 5th an al l day Bcrean is ionary Fell ows l1ip n1ecting was ·Id at the uclid-Nottingham Bapti t nurch in .. uclid. Mr . Lue ll e White e ided. Lovely jello alad and cakes ere erved by the ho t church. A eling of haring wa en cd throt1gh- 1t. Happine at being pre ent, not compul ive duty, pern1cated the eeting. Mr. & Mr . Jame Shield , St1pply 1angeli t for Bapti t Mid-Mi ion !re the peaker for the day. Mr . iield had three table loaded with a h ard of stories and songs he d written and prepared . It wa truly challenge. The Mi ion hurch - est Bethel - received the Banner r having the highe t percent pre - t. Thi was a thrill to everyone. The xt meeting wi ll be March 15, 1973 . Fourth Annual Holiday Musicale I~ach yea r during the " I I oJ i(lay caso11", the E n1 m a n u c J Bapti!) ( C' htrrch of Toledo, Ohio ( 4 2()7 l askey l{oad) presents a I IOl..,IDAY M SI Al .,I~. 1 his yea r it wil l be held 01.1 riday evening, Dcccn1bcr 15 - 8 : ()0 J . n1. It will prove an exciting evening! J)ecial n1u ic will be presented by the church's 100 Voice ( 'hoir , the Pri– mary hoir, Junior hoir, Tee11 hoir, -= mmanuel Youth Singers, I .. a– dies nse n1 ble, Pastor ' Wives Trio, Male Quartet and Roger and arol Kilian. The entire program wiJJ be under the direction of Mr. Don Krueger , Mini ster of Music at the n1n1anuel Bapti t hurch. It will be presented in the church'c; new lovely auditorium which 5ca t\ 1600. The public is invited. If you pJan on attending (and yott should ), we ttgge t you get there a bit earl y. Your heart will be blessed! OHIO BIRTHPLACE AND HOME OF THE FELLOWSHIP OF BAPTISTS FOR HOME MISSIONS Reaching Amer ica at th is Strategic Time P.O. BOX 455 ELYRIA, OHIO 44035 Phone: (216) 365-7308 DR. KENNETH A. MUCK, President , __________________________________________________________ _.. : OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST edarvi//e C News Fr mrJarv/// 0//ege Libr Cedarville Colleg: Oh/a 4sa 14 ary A111ong the slu(lcnt bo(ly at ( cc.far– v11Jc ( oll cgc this fall 1~ the largc~t nurnbcr of foreign sl ue.tents 1n recent yea rs. ( 01ning fron1 such cou ntr1cs afi I jhcria, Portugal, the f'h iJ 1pp1nes, I-Jong Kong, a11d Japan, nine stt1dents arc attending c la\scs a t the coll ege. Many of the st ucf ents who arc con1i ng to the coll ege in fail h, come with the an ticipa ti on of returning to their own country in \Orne avenue of part - time or f uJJ - tin1c Chr istian • se rvice. During Homecomi ng activ ,t icc; at cdarvtll e, the commen1orativc corn– er\ tone wa\ placecl in the new Sc,encc enter, scheduled for completion April 2, 1971. The marhlc corner– stone was donated by Mr. Dan Drout , co-owner of Milwaukee Marble , Mtl– waukee, Wi sconsin. Autumn quarter enrollment at Cedarville 5lands at nearly 950 stu– dents since the colJege began classes on September 28, 1972. Student 1 i5ting shows 290 freshmen enrolled thi s fall with 265 sopho– more , 173 junior<;, and 173 c;eniors. There are also 42 part-time special students attending classes. A first at Ceda rvi ll e Coll ege, Gam– ma Chi , a women·s organization spon- ored the first President's Wife's Tea, November 5, 1972. The tea honored Mrs. Jeremiah and those in– vi ted included each coed of the stu– dent body and all faculty wives, wo– men instructors and women staff members. ATTENTION Your Bible can be repaired, re– bound and recovered . Don't dis– card years of precious notes. Con– tact: Rev. John H. Green l I Water Street Arcanum , Ohio 453()4 DECEMBER, 1972 13
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