The Ohio Independent Baptist, December 1972

{Conclud d from page 11) f rca~: Th n1ass ne\ s and entC'rt~innient rnedia many publishing h u~ 5 , and !-Ong \\ riters of currrnt n,usic , have to a large degree (uccurnbcd to th in11nora l dcrnands of a segment of our populace, b e ploiting sc , nudi1 •, and obscenity of every level, and, \ her as: There arc those in high places who would use the am– biguit of our la,vs as loop holes, givrng license and protect ion to the srnut peddlers, and \\ herea~ : The Word of God not only condemns the lust of the eyes and the flesh I John 2;16 but also ind icts those who " have pleasure in then, that do them", Rom 1 :32 BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the messengers of the Ohio Associat ion of Regular Baptist Churches annual meeting at the Temple Baptist ChL•rch Portsmouth Ohio, October 16-1 8, 1972, that we vigorously oppose in every way possible the open availabili ty of pornography "'hether printed sung, or viewed, and that our churches be encour– aged to provide Christian li terature for our consti tuents . Mai nt ain a constant vigilance against the furthe r infection of such pollut ion, and that we commend where possible those who a re making a stand against the ugly inroads of this plague, such as Charles Keating and hrs citizens for Decent l iterature, Inc. VOTING RESPONSIBILITY Whereas: 1972 is a president ia l election yea r and Whereas: the scriptures clearly remind us of our ci t izensh ip respon- sibili ties (Romans 13:1-7, Titus 3: 1) BE IT RESOLVFD that we, the messengers of the Annual Conferen< of the Ohio Association of Regula r Bapt ist Churches meet ing in t~ Temple Bapt is t Church of Portsmouth, Ohio, October 16-18, 197· encourage all the voting const ituency of our Assoc ia tion to go to th polls and vote on November 7th, in accordance w ith the Biblic standards of r ighteousness and ethics and be it, FURTHER RESOLVED that in keeping w ith the scriptural injunctio to pray " for a ll tha t are in authority" (I Timothy 2:2), we urge all c our people to pray wi th increasing intensity for our elected leade that they lead us in the best interest of the nat ion . HOSPITALITY Whe reas: The scriptural admoni t ion to " use hosp itality one to a1 o ther without grudging" (1 Peter 4:9) has been so delightful heeded in every possible detail by the generous people of Temp Bapt ist Church, in Portsmouth, Ohio and Whereas: The Pastor and staff of our host church have labored ! d iligently to make our stay in this city product ive and spiritual stimulating, by genia l kindness and concern above the norm pursuit of duty. BE IT HEARTILY RECORDED by the messengers in attendance at t ~ annual meeting of the Ohio Association of Regular Baptist Church, held in Temple Bapt ist Church, Portsmouth, Ohio, October 16-1 1972. Our sincere appreciation and prayer that God may "make ye perfect in every good work to do His will , working in you th which is well pleasing in His sight, through Jesus Christ, to who be glory for ever and ever, Amen", Heb. 13:21 . To Consider Change O.A.R.B.C. Statistical Report In OARBC Constitution In the Associational Hour at our 45th Annual OARBC conference held in the Temple Baptist Church , Ports– mouth Ohio the following was pre– sented to the voting messengers. It was acted upon and passed. THE MOTION That the messengers at the annual conference of the OARBC in Ports– mouth, Ohio, in October 1972, re– ceive for consideration the following amendment to our constitution, to be acted upon in our next annual meet– ing October 1973. THE AMENDMENT ARTICLE 5 .Sec. 1 be amended to read: "The officers of the association shall consist of twelve men from the fellowshipping churches, the terms of whose office shall be three years, so arranged that no more than four men shall be replaced at each annual meeting. After serving for one term the council members shall be ineligi~ ble for re-election for one year." ARTICLE 5, sec. 2a be amended to read: "three years" wherever "two years" appears. Did You Know . . . · · . there are 365 "fear nots' ' in the Bible? One for each day of the year! 14 DECEMBER, 1972 Total Number of Churches No. of Churches Reporting Percentage of Churches Reporting Total Church Membership Reported Additions to Churches Reporting: By Baptism By Letter By Experience ( Restoration included in Experience) TOTAL Deletions from Churches: By Death By Letter By Erasure TOTAL GIVING: Current Missions Building TOTAL 188 98 52% 20,050 1210 602 436 2248 119 635 691 1445 $2 576,667 824 630 636,300 $4,037,597 THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIS •