The Ohio Independent Baptist, December 1972

Land Purchased For New Church The Grace Independent Baptist hurch of arroJJton, )hio (Rev. D .D. antcrbury - Pa tor) have pL1rcha cd ve acre of )and on which they pl an to erect thei r church uilding. Seen in the picture i Rev. anterbury ( left f ign) and Mr. John Warren (right of ign ) from horn the land wa purcha ed. • • The propo ed building will be two torie high . lts two oor will be crved at grade level by a drive following 1e terrain contour , with an1ple parking and cventtaall y ith two eparated exit to the highway. The seating apacity for the auditoriun1 will be 180 with overflow rea eating an additional 50. Julura Si Ir of GRJtE!NDEPENOENT AP.T. HURCH Presenitf Mee~ni in Odd fellows Hall WMainSt. Carrollton Oh· D DCanftrhury ffntor • IO Thi church wa organized in January of 1972. They ere received into our OARB fellowship at our 45th nnual conference in Port mouth. t Is Easier To ielieve God's Word! "Once upon a time, perhap two nd a half billion year ago, under a eadly sun, in an ammoniated ocean >pped by a poisonou atmo phere in 1e midst of a soup of organic mole– ules, a nucleic acid molecule came ccidentally into being that could Jrnehow bring about the existence of nother like itself.. .." (That's how f e began.) Isaac A simov, in , "The VelJsprings of Life, ' 1960. hare Your Faith What can I do to share my faith .nd support my church? Have phone . . . . . . . . . will call Have pen . . . . . . . . . will write Have interest . . . . . . . . will come Have car . . . . . . . . . . . . will bring Have money . . . . . . . . . will . tithe Have voice . . . . . . . . . will sing Have concern . . . . . . . will pray Have conviction will share There is no halfway to belief! We ther do or do not believe God! EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH of West Shore Rev . Wesley Bli ss, Pastor Moving or Tra veling through the Harri sbu rg, Pa. area? Stop and visit Emmanuel Baptist C hurch at 4681 E. Trindle Road , Me– chanicsburg, Pa., just five min . off the Penna. Tpk . Exit 17. Beaut ifu l new building completed. Lo– cated in the center of Harr isburg's West Shore. MOVING or TRAVELING PLAN A VISIT Phones: (717) 737-1131 (717) 737-6529 Harrisburg Area Now Has A Christian High School Now Engaged In Unique Ministry Rev. dward C. Helmick, formerl y pa tor of the First Bapti st Church in La Grange, Ohio, has accepted a call to pa tor the Astatula Baptist Church in A ta tul a, Florida. Brother Helmick is o rganizi ng a uniqt1e campgrou nd ministry to reach ome of the new campground resident near Di sney World. The A tatula church is an independ– ent Bapti t church. They are pioneer– ing the campground work in their area . Their Senior Youth Group is preparing the program for thi ministry and pre enting it through the use of pup– pet , co turned characters and the like. BIBLE LANDS and ATHENS TOUR February 12 - 21, 1973 $729 Fo r info rmati on and brochure Write- TOUR HOSTS Rev. & Mrs. Earl Umbaugh 2150 Marhofer Avenue Stow, Ohio 43224 Phone-{216) 688-3241 SATISFIED WITH YOUR MUSIC MINISTRY? If not, for just $8.00 you can receive three units of study which are TRIED and PROVEN methods for greater SUCCESS in your CHURCH MUSIC PRO– GRAM. Unit one is to be sent out in October. Send your checks to - Paul H. Matthews 3488 Fairmont Blvd. Cleveland Heights, Ohio - 44118 (Be sure to inc lude your name, address and zip code) Distinctively Baptistic ... that's the character of our literature! Presenting the great fundamental dodrines of Scripture to the pupil in language that he can understand. This Bible– centered, pupil-related literature that has the proper approach to the Scriptures can be ordered today from Regular Baptist Press. Send for free sample packet. Regular Baptist Press 1800 Oakton Boulevard • Des Plaines, Ill. 60018