The Ohio Independent Baptist, December 1972
1£nur .a gtr ' ' I\ 1 •1 J • on,.. These ~·or fs forever thrill 11 ( I , , , (\ • Otar 11 i nll, . as fir c.,t t J1cv ~t irrc,J old Bcthlehc1n \ \ J1cn a ngcl, told that D,l\' ic.i 's di adem \\ l)ttlll he restored in Chri t by God'5 good will. <..)\\ carol'\ ring 1n C\ 'cry land, and fill ( )tir ho 111e~ v. ith blcs i11g f ron1 the tents of Shem; • <) ' ' c\Cr) cl11ld bcco111e a precious gem nc.J co111111on "irtt1e \\. orthier, nobler still. \\' ha t artlc ne love find to win our hearts- o artJe that it proves exceeding wise. It conquer hatred with an Infant's darts And clothe itself in such appealing guise 1 t capture hon1e and chools and busy mar ts. The power of its magic never dies. . . . by Ralph Nordlund We Aren't Listening! It's a ghastly mi stake to think that materialism is the solution to your problems or the problems of the world. The official philosophy of our government seems to be that our national ills can be cured with affiuency, with the full employ– ment federal handouts , and comfortable housing. I do not say these things are not needed; I wish only to point out that virtually every perished civilization fell in the midst of prosperity! Shortly before Rome collapsed she had an aid program that puts ours to hame. There was free food for everyone. Money was plentiful and work hours were short. There were over 200 holidays each year! No sports arena was large enough to hold the people who had the time and money to attend the games. Yes, Rome was Jiving "high on the hog" when her death knell sounded. The same can be said of many other extinct civilization . Apparently there are some things affluence cannot cure, and if you are unaware of that you are a poor student of history and human nature. Man,s basic problem Jies much deeper than a good job, power, cultural environment, adequate education and economic opportunity. The fact that much of our delinquency is a product of the middle and upper class homes should tel l u something. BUT I'M AFRAID WE ARENT LISTENING. • The Word 0( life ~~('4 Baptise Mwicnu . . . John D. Jess ESTABLISHING BAPTIST CHURCHES WHERE THERE WERE NONE United States and Canada J Independent Baptist - Published Monthly by - THE OHIO ASSOCIATION OF REGULAR BAPTIST CHURCHES SECOND CLASS POSTAGE paid at Xenia, Ohio. POSTMASTER: Please send Form 3579 to The Ohio Independent Baptist Box No. 160 Xenia, Ohio 45385 Editorial Office: Box No. 160 Xenia , Ohio 45385 ( Rates of Subscription : $2 .00 per year; $5.00 for three years; EVERY ACTIVE FAMILY PLAN, $1 . 15 per subscription; BUNDLE LOT PLAN (mailed directly to the church), $1.00 per subscription. Minimum bundle order - 15 copies; single issue 20 cents. Your Editorial Office should have all news and advertis– ing copy in hand no later than 30 days prior to printing. Advertising rates will be sent on request. STAFF Editor . . . A. Donald Moffat Hox No. 160 Xenia, Ohio 45385 C1rc11/ation ,\tanager . . Stuart L. Chaffe Hox No . 160 , Xenia, Ohio 45385 it ' 01ne11 '.; Editor Mrs. Earl Umbaugh· 21 50 Marhofer A \'Cnue S to\v, Ohio 44 2 24 Slate .\/ 1ss1011e11')' 2 1 50 Marhofcr r\, c., Earl D. Un1baugh to,v. Ohio 44224 State You/ /1 Director \Vi l bur Parri -. h Gal liJ St. a t \Valier, Port n1outh. 0 . 45 662 COUNCIL OF TEN C hairrn an Kenneth H . Good 5103 Broad \vay• • orth 01111 , te<l, 0. 44 0 70 l '1ce-Cl1a1rn1 a11 I)onald B. \\' inter 24 35 Eaking Roa<l, Columbu s, 0. -1 3204 Secretary . . . . . Will ia1n F. Rus,ell 19 1 Whipple 1\ vc. , i .\V.. Canton, 0 . 44708 Trctisurer . . \Vil ltan1 A. Bro( k 4659 Trabue Rd .. Colun1bus, 0. -1 322 Progran1 C/1 rn1 . . John R. \Voocl Box 596, Bcll cfonta1ne. Ohio 433 11 • .,t 1sJ1011ary Clzrn1. I~a,vrence G. Fetzer 5650 F .. 1r I-I1ll s 1\ \.c., D a> to n , Ohio ,45-129 Education Chrn1. . . Donald J. Se,vc ll 420 7 La, kcr Rd., W., T oled o , 0 . 4562 3 )'0111/1 ii'or~ Cl1r1n . 1 orn1an E. Ro-.,vo rth Cedarvill e College, Cedar, ill c, 0. 453 t -l \Vil Itani Broughton . . . . . . . . . . . . Box 1 2 Cedarville, Ohio 453 14 Ra yn1ond F. Han1tlton . . . 114 Gallia .. t . Portsmouth, Oh10 45662
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