The Ohio Independent Baptist, December 1972

New Pastor At Oregon Church Rev. John S. White i now serving as pastor of the Berean Bapti t Church in Oregon, Ohio. H e began hi mini try there in September. Our brother received his training for the mini try at the Clear Creek Baptist Bible College, Pineville, Ken– tucky and Ceda rville College , Cedar– ville, Ohio. He has pa tored churche in Ohio and Indiana. Rev. and Mrs. White have five g,i)dren. They are Linda and Donna who have completed thei r education at Bob Jones University and are now teachi ng in Florida . Su an i presently attend ing Cedarvi lle College. They have two children at home - John and Rebecca . It is nice having Uthe John White .. back in our OARBC fellowship . We feel confident that the Lord wilJ richly bless their ministry in the Oregon area. ~~ G.A.R.B.C. Statistical Report Shows Steady Growth Des Plaines, IJl inoic;- The General Assoc iation of R c g u l a r Bapti st C~hurchc <:.i rel easec.I tat i5tics for the fi. ca l yea r ending April, 1972. Thirty– c,ght new churche~ were received in– to the As\ocia tion bringing the total nun1ber to 1443. The average mem– bership per church is Ii ted a 147. Financial report show that gifts to n1 issionc; t o t a l e d $8, 916,834. L.ocal church expenditures totaled $26,774,200. B u i I d i n g cxpan<:.iion reached $6.242,99 1. Total giving for all purposes amounted to $4 1,934,026. A comparic;on of these figures with . imilar one of the prcviou year how an increase in mi s ion giving of $766,922. The per capita mis. ion– ary giving was $43 .27. The approved mi s ion agencic have approximately I 600 home and foreign mi s5 ionaries. Local current expense giving increas– ed by $ 1,737,887. Building expan ion gift howed an increase of $482,494. The Regular Bapti sts are o called becau e of their di tinctive historic Bapti t po ition . They stand forth– rightly on the Bible as the verbally in pired Word of God, and other fund amental doctrines such a the virgin birth of Chri t and Hi atoning death and bodily resurrection. The A soc iation i composed of independ– ent, elf-governing Baptist churches who hold that the Holy Scriptures are the final authority in all mat ters of faith and practice. Strong Bible teach– ing and evangelistic and mi ss ionary fervor are the earmark of thi funda– mentali st f e 1 I o w s h i p of Baptist chLtrches. Season's Greetings . ' ' VOL. 45, NO. 3 DEC., 1972 Council Recognizes Marietta Church On October 5th a Council met to consider the propriety of a group of believer~ a~ a regular and independent Baptist Church . Mem– bcr5 of the Council were Rev. D'– Amato, Mr . l..ou Ni chol s, Rev. Gerald Phipps, Rev. William Carter, Rev. William Ruc;<;c ll , Rev . William Taylor and State Mi c;c; ionary - Rev. arl Umbaugh. Besides these, there were other mcc;sengers. After hearing a 5hort hi <; tory of the church, an examination wa~ n1ade of the Articlec; of Fai th and the Church Con titution . Following this examination, a motion wac; made and econded that the Calvary Bapti st Church of Marietta, Ohio be duly recognized ac; a regular and independ– ent Baptist hurch. The Council commended the Cal– vary Baptist Church for the evidence of the hand of the Lord being upon the church and for the soul being saved and added to the church. Rev. Al D'Amato is serving as their pa tor. Dr. Wm. Kuhnle At Tallmadge Church Dr. William E. Kuhnle , A si tant to the National Repre entative of our General As ociation of Regular Bap– ti t Churche , will be mini tering in the Fundamental Bapti t Church, Tallmadge, Ohio. He will be there December 27 through 31. Brother B. F. Cate , pa tor of the church, ex– tend a warm welcon1e to all to con1e hear Brother Kuhnle . your Editor a11d Circulatio,1 M a12ager wis/1 to express Seaso11 Greetings to the readers of THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST. May the dear Lord bless each one of you both now and during the comi12g year! DECEMBER, 1972 3 THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST