The Ohio Independent Baptist, December 1972

CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH, ASHLAND - Rev William Fusco Representat ive of Bap· t st Mid -Miss ions. was the evangelist for our Fa il Evangel1st1c Conference Guest speaker at ou r Father Son Cook Ou t held ,n October was Rev Dean Henry of Akron, Ohio AVON BAPTIST CHURCH - Our young people held a " Re trea t" on October 28th They also attended a ' 'Sing· spiration " held ,n the Westside Baptist Church of Lorain, Ohio BEREA BAPTIST CHURCH Special meetings with Rev Ralph Crotty of Detroit, Michigan as guest evangel 1st were blessed of the Lord. We preceded these meet ings w ith a "Prayer Chai n". This was a 24 hour period marked off in to 15 minute segments Our people prayed " a round the clock". FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH, BLANCHESTER The New Life Quartet ministered here ,n October Our young people had a good time on a hay ride . They also attended the Swordbearers Con ference a t Cedarville Col– lege . FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH, BOWLING GREEN Our M1ss1onary Conference in la te Octo– ber proved a blessing to our people. Those taking part 1n the confe rence we re Dr Reg inald Matthews (GARBC field Representa– t ive ), Mrs Mildred Leech (BMM Jewish Work), Rev Douglas Wasson (HBM Deputa– t ion Director), and Rev . and Mrs. Newland Pfaff (BMM - Japan). Editor I Evangel 1st and Mrs Don Moffat are to be w ith us to minister at our New Year' s Eve service WHI PP LE AVENUE BAPT IST CHURCH, CANTON ABWE missionaries were p resent for our Annual M1ss1onary Conference These in– cluded Dave and Joan G ardner (New Gu inea ), Bud and Ginny DeVries (Philipp ine Is lands), Roger and J oyce Fe nt o n (Col ombia, S.A.) and Robert and Karen Sh umaker (Japan). 4 DECEMBER, 1972 We invite all of our OARBC pastors to place us on t h e i r ma 11 i n g list . Send us your Church Calen– dars each week. Our mailing ad– dress is simply - Editor Don Mo/ I at, Box No. 160, Xenia, Ohio - 45385. CEDAR Hill BAPTIST CHURCH, CLEVELAND - Recent speakers include Rev. G ilbert , Dr Buck, Rev . Mark Jackson and Rev Leeland Crotts On Octobe r 15, ,n the evening servi ce, special music was presented by our Ad u lt Choir, the Ladies Tr io and the Male Singers . Fea t u red guest a rtist that evening was Mr . Harold De Cou. CLINTONVILLE BAPTIST CHURCH, COLUMBUS - Dr . Lehman Strauss was with us for our Bible Conference Oc tober 22 thru 27 His mi ninstry was one o f great blessing . HOPE BAPTIST CHURCH, COLUMBUS - We praise the Lord for the ministry of Dr . Mon roe Parker d u r ing our special meet– ings . A special "Servi ce of Installat ion" was held on September 26th fo r our pas to r, Rev . Lawrence S. Luard . Others participating in this service were Rev. D. B Winters , Rev Wm. Abern a thy, Rev. Frank Eu ler, Jr, Mrs . Frank Euler, Rev Earl Umbaugh, Deacon Ron Smit h and Rev Gary Hohman . IMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH, COLUMBUS - We hosted an a rea AWANA Conference on October 14th We were told that our chu rch had the la rgest number (25) for the DFC Walk-a-thon We are beginning an AWANA program among our youth. MARANATHA BAPTIST CHURCH, COLUMBUS - Rev Robert Antho ny has accepted a call to serve as Assistant to our Pastor, Rev . Wm. Brock. His ministry, w e believe, will be one of r ich blessing . Brother Anthony 1s no st range r to our OARBC fellowship . MEMORIAL BAPTIST CHURCH, COLUMBUS - The young people of our church, by par– t1c1pat ing in the DFC Wal k-a-then program were able to ra ise $754 . Evangelist Homer Britton held Revival Mee t ings here October 22 through 29 He was assisted in the meet– ings by his son, Lauri , who led the singing EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH, DAYTON - Our Youth Crusade w ith Brother Paul Everett proved a challenge to all. A special emphasis was made toward children. Adults , howe ver , •,vere blessed as well AD BAPTIST CHURCH, ELYRIA - we started our JOY CLUBS with three times the number of children tha t we began with last year Two of our youth groups - JETS and CRUSADERS - directed one of our Sunday evening services Recen t guest speake rs include Miss Beverly Cur tis (Miss– ionary Appointee to Hawaii ), Rev. Ea rl Umbaugh (State Missiona ry) and Rev Long (Miss ionary to Venezuela) FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH, ELYRIA - The Lord gave us a wonder ful t ime du r ing our recent Missiona ry Conf e rence . Mission– ary speakers were Rev. and Mrs . Fre d Whit– man (BMM- ltaly), Rev . Vi rgil Redmond (BMM - Alaska), Miss Beverly Curtis (BMM- Hawaii) and Rev . and Mrs. John McNeal (FBHM- Atlanta, Georgia). CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH, FINDLAY - ..., Evangelist Glen Schunk held special meet· ings here in October. His mi n ist ry was one of blessing . FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH, GALION - Recent speakers have been our State Miss· 1onary, Rev . Earl Umbaugh, Rev. and Mrs. David Ga rdner (ABWE-New G uinea) and Dr . Adly Fam, Di r. of Trans-World Radio (Beirut) Each week, we continue to b road– cast the gospel over our local stat ion WBCO. FAITH BAPTIST CHURCH, GALLIPOLIS At our Second Annive rsary Service, we broke all previous records with 2 24 in Sunday School and 225 in church. We . voted to build a parsonage for our pastor and to make plans for the building o f a new auditorium that will seat 500. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH, GALLIPOLIS - The Life Action Crusade with Evangelist Del Fehsenfeld, Jr . proved a blessing to our people. Work on our new addition is moving r igh t along. Th is added s pace will greatly enhance the ministry of our church. FAITH BAPTIST CHURCH, LANCASTER - Ours is a new work. Our pastor is Rev. William Moser. We covet the prayers of others as we endeavor to reach souls in this area for Christ We believe there is a need for th is tes t imony and look to Him to do great th ings for us . EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH, LORAIN - We wish to thank Brother Earl Willetts for h is m inistry among us when we were without a pastor . The lord is blessing the ministry of our new pastor, Rev . James Mc Coy. Some of our young people recently vis ited Bapt is t Bible College in Clarks Summit, Pennsylvania We held a Father/ Son banquet on October 24. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH, MEDINA - Cedarville Col lege w~s Sunday evening recently. meeting we voted to ask presented one At a business Mrs . Ams le r t o THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST •