The Ohio Independent Baptist, December 1972

work wi th our music and choir We held our 21st Annua l Globa l M1s~iont1ry Con– ference Nov. 4 8. MOGADORE BAPTIST CHURCH - Novernber 5 th ru 12 we re the da tes o f our Evange lis t ic Mee tings We had Evangelist Ken Dod son wi th us dur ing I hese days The Lord b lessed . FAITH BAPTIST CHURCH, NILES - Our pas tor, Rev Clyde Albertson, under wen t very ser ious brain surgery in September for the removal of a b lood clot The Lord brought him through speed il y. He re turned to his pu lpi t in la te October. Bless the Lordi FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH, NILES - We had a t irne of spi r itual blessing throug h our Prophe tic Bible Confe rence . Gues t Bi ble Teache r was Dr. Cha rl es Ander· son. Our You th Choi r sang in Sharon, Pa . (1n October) and in Buffalo, N Y (in Nov) BEREAN BAPTIST CHURCH, OREGON - Edi tor/ Evangelis t Don Moffat and h is wife we re wi th us for special mee t ings recent ly The Lord used them to reach the hearts o f Chris t ians. We a re thankfu l to th e Lo rd for sendi ng us our new pas tor (Rev . J ohn Whi te) and his fami ly. TEMPLE BAPTIST CHURCH, PORTSMOUTH - Edi to r I Eva ngelist Don Moffat spoke here recentl y . We we re privileged to host t he 45th Ann ua l OARBC Conference . The Lo rd blessed our hea rts as we mi ngled with dear Christians in our blessed State fe ll owship. Pasto r and Mrs. Hamilton a ttended the . Ame rican Council of Ch ris t ian Churches meet ing in J acksonvi ll e, Florid a. Pastor Hamilton is President of the ACCC. Rev . Wilbur Parr ish preached in Pas to r Hami lton's absence. BIBLE MISSION BAPTIST CHURCH · t REYNOLDSBURG - _ Our Jr. Hi young peop le have decided to call the ir group - YOUNG PILOTS FOR CHRI ST - (YPC). December 27 thr u 3 1 a re the d ates f or ou r annua l "Faithful Worl d Bihl<' ConfC'rc-nc<'" will be Rev. Ron Pinte r. Guest sp('akcrs thir, Y<'ilr Mc1nar and Rev Joseph BLESSED HOPE BAPTIST CHURCH ' SPRINGFIELD - Revival services were held Oc tober 22 29 wi th Dr William Ward Ayer of St. Pe ters· burg, r:loridcJ Also we were privileged 10 hear Miss Norma Nulph BMM Cleveland) and Miss Kathy Ca rter (ABWE Philippines). We voted, as c'l church, to purchase " Dodge Van ($4300) and to enlarge, as well as black top the church's parking lot SOUTHGATE BAPTIST CHURCH , SPRINGF IELD - We recen t ly had the joy of bapt ,1ing a number of new candidates for church mem· bership . Dr . Joseph M. Stowe ll , National Represen tat ive of our GARBC ministered here recen tly Dr Stowell 15 our pas tor's father We were blessed through his ministry Our Missionary Conference was held Nov . 26-29 EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH I TOLEDO - We are now in our new auditorium. It is beautiful. A week of special meetings were held November 19-26 with former pastors speaking . These included Dr . Regin– ald Ma tthews, Dr . James T Jeremia h, Dr . George Hunt. Also taking par t were Dr . Paul Tasse ll, Dr Joseph Bower and Evangel · is t Pau l Dixon. We held our Fourth Annual Holiday Mus ica le on December 15th This was under the direction of Brother Don Krueger , Minister of Music. GRACE BAPTIST CHURCH , WESTLAKE - Recen t ly we were blessed through the ministry of Dr . Cleveland McDonald, pro· fessor at Cedarville College and former missionary to Brazil , S. A. under ABWE . AYAILAB LE FOR . .. Pulpit Supply-Special Meetings– Weeke nd Meetings Rev. Clayton J . Bates 2246 Fourth Street Cuya hoga Fa ll s, O hio 4422 1 Phon e: {216) 928-623 1 THE ·CLEVELAND HEBREW MISSION P. 0. lox 11056, Cleveland, Ohio 44111 Founded 1904 FUNDAMENTAl - BAPTISTIC - EVANGELISTIC Evangelizing the "kinsmen" of our Lord in Cleveland, Ohio Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil OFFICERS:- Mr. George B. Dunn , President Rev. Roy Clark , Vice President Rev. Ge ra ld V. Smelser, Superintendent Rev. A. Paul Tidball , A sst . Supt. Mr. Earl Helfrick, Sec'y .-Treas. REFERENCES:- Dr. John G. Balvo, leveland, Ohio Dr. Paul Van Gorder, Atlanta, Ga. Dr. Vaughn Sp runger, outh Bend, l nd Rev . Ll oyd Morri I Fl int, Mich. Dr . Robert Ketcham, hicago, Ill. Dr. Ralph toll , Lanca ter, Pa. Dr. Melvin V. faw, Hunt ington, W. Va. Dr. Fra nk . Torrey. Boca Raton, la. Dr . Kenneth Mastell er, Haddon Ht ., N.J . Write fot yovr fR!E copy of ''The Trvmpete, f~ larNI " «I' quarterly lfte9•&1ne devoted to the w~k of Jewish r.,a~llam. THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST In Charge Of Rescue Mission Wo rk Rev. J . dgar Beckley ha re- <:, igncd a<; pa c; tor of the Fi r\ l Bapt ic; t hurch in McDonald , Ohi o to accept the posit ion o f Genera l Director of the Union Re~cuc Mi\sion 1n Frede r– ick, Mary land. Bro. Beckley pa<:, torcd the chu rch in McDona ld for thi rtee n yearc;. He ic; a gradua te of Practical T raining Bi ble chool, Bingham ton, N . Y. Pre– vious pac;torates we re in Hagerc;town, Maryland and Gowanda, N. Y. Need lec;s to say ou r brother and h i. fan1i ly will be grea tl y mis e<l. The Beck leyc; have three child ren - Rev. J . . Beck ley III, pastor o f the F irst Bapti t hurch in ' a tie reek, New York - a daughte r. Andrea. who wit h her husband apt. Rus ell Hot1ck, are stat ioned in the Canal Zone- another son, Phi lip, 1 ma rried and i resid ing in olurnbus, Oh io where he i irculatory T ech nologi . t at Ohi o State Unive r ity. REGULAR BAPTIST CH ILDREN 'S HOME 214 N. Mill Stree t St. Louis, Michigan - 48880 First in Serv ·ce o Children and he U r,wed Mo hers Since 1952 Pray for Us Brelhren Approved by Na ional Assn. GARBC W ant More Information? Vv rite DECEMBER, 1972 s