The Ohio Independent Baptist, December 1972

)irector Of :hristian Education Roger L. Salomon The Berea Bapti t hurch ( Rev. Roy G ibb , Pa tor ) ha called Mr. Roger L. Salon1on to erve a their Director of hri ti an ducation. Brother Salomon at tended the tale Univer ity College of New York ( Buffa lo ) and later graduated from the Bapt i t College of Penn ylvania with a major in hri ti an ducation. He received the Ma ter of Religiou Education degree from Lo Angele Theological Seminary in Newhall , alifornia. He has served on the staff of two churches prior to comi ng to Berea. ·He has al o taught at the Bapti t Bible Institute of Cleveland. His work at the Berea Bapti t Church will be admi ni strating the total educational program of the church. This includes the Sunday School , youth ministrie , leadership rraining and visitation. r=: -.ikn.---"w,c--->etctc==:::>IMtc >« Church Music Seminar - A Success! ·rhis <.lay o f n1u '> ic cn1pl1asi\ in the )?cal ,cl1urcl1 , l1c l (l at ( 'cdar Hill Iia1,– ttst Cl1urch tl1i 'i pns t October 14th , was attended by so11c I 80 church n1t1s1ci:1ns f ron1 Michigan , Ohio, Penn – sylvan 1a, New York ancl Canacla. Mr . David Matson, Chrn1. o f the M u\i c Dept. , cdarvill c C'o)lcge wa'> in– strt1ctor in cl a 5ses tl eali ng wi tl1 on– tl ucting Tips. Mr . Harolcl De OU, well known co111poscr , a rranger , con– tluctor, rccorc.ling arti st taught clac;<;C'> dealing with the uc;e of the organ and piano wor~hip . Mr . Bob Johnson Mini ter of Mt1~ic, Canton Bapti. ~ Tcn1plc wa<; instructor in classcc; c.lea l- 1ng with the ong se rvice and the song leader. Director for the eminar wac; Mr . Patil H . Matthews, Mini \ lcr of Mu5ic, edar Hill Baptist Church. Mr. Matthew<; dealt with Youth Mt1sic and hildrcn' . hoi r Methods. Tin1e was given fo r panel di scus– sion o f pertinent quc~ti ons from those in attend ance . An opportunity for ' reading through on1e new literature' . erved as a laboratory ~ess ion . The day was brought to its conclusion with a mall conce rt by Mr . De Cou - gue t from Sing pirati on, Inc. When polled , by mean o f an eval– uation heet, tho e in attendance in– dicated their des ire to have another "mu ic day" uch a thi . Thi s is now under con iderati on with a pos- ibl e 2 or 3 day in focus. Subscribe to: $2 .00 per year The Ohio Independent Biptist FOR A FRIEND Sox 160 Xenia, Ohio 45385 letter said .. "Please send Bible tracts for distribution to servicemen. We have found them effective in reaching men for Christ.,, Within hours a shipment of tracts- pro– vided by people like you- was on its way to a dis– tant port city for earnest Christians to pass along to members of our Armed Forces. Free Bible tracts is what our ministry is all about! YOUR gift to this world– wide literature outreach could be instrumental in a decision like this one from an officer in the U.S. Air Force: "It was by means of your tract, THE NEW BIRTH, that I finally came face to face with the Living God- and my moment of decision." Paul J. Levin Get invo/ved!- Write for information- TODAY! • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Please send literature to: name-~~~----~~------~------~~~send free packet of tracts address~---------~----------------- O Send Bible Tracts city_____________ state zip---- bulletin BIBLE TRACTS, INC. Box SOS- Waterloo, Ia. 50704 L!:::=~tc"----Mk >etc Mk >Ck Mk Mk Mk >I THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST An Urgent Call For Help Your ed1t o1 recentl y rcccivctl the fo llow ing rcquc~t .. "We ur gen tl y ncctl a won1nn tt1 lt vc in, to ca re for a \ e111i - 1nva lt <.I n1othcr wi th n1ult1p l c '>C l cr o\1~. We ar c n1cn1hcr~ o f the J 7 un(l an1c nt al Ji ap t i'i l ( "hll rth () f rr all – n1 adge I nt c rc\tcd par ti cs i.;hou ltl cc>n– tact Mr . Ron al t l Wal\h , I 369 Newton t , 1 alln1a,lgc, Oh io - 44278. {>hone. (2 16) ()31-377,." The Advantages Of Prayer 1. It requircc; no money. 2. Jt rcquircc; no travel. 3. It requ ires no pac;s port . You can reach out to the whole worl tl. 4. No one gets jcalouc; of what you're <lo ing. 5. You arc not likely to become va in : 1 f you do, you cease to get rcsul t <;. 6. It blcc;scs yot1 r own c;ou l in pro– portion a c; you bring blc<i~i ng to others. • -· r::J:; ~ ., ' ' a> ~ .... . - "\ ( L ~ • Oo you want an investment that ... • Guarantees you aworry-free ,ncome for \if e? • Pays you an unusua\\y g:.nirous rate of return , much of w ic is tax·f ree 1 • Provides gosp~\s for? scripture\ess m,\l_1ons . • Lets you share in a.~arid:, ·de sou\ winning m1n1stry . W\ . . You can have ,t ,n a P1l Annuity~ P\easure- Prof ,t-Peace of Mind Plus aspiritual harvest in eternityl 1hese are your benefits when you put~our money to work for bot God and you. Wri te today w1thou.t ob\igat1on for f u\\, inf or· mat ion abou t P1l s generous annuity rates. lbePnc~et 1estament leauue. \nc. l. Edward Smith, - \nternationa\ Director ,nternational Headquarters, Qept O 49 Honeck st ., Englewood, N.J , 07631 DECEMBER, 1972 7