The Ohio Independent Baptist, December 1972

• I urg e t • THE CLASSROOM. Enroll now for next session. Baptist Bible College second semester begins January 15, 1973. Write Director of Admissions for catalog and applica– tion. Baptist Bible School of Theology third term begins January 16, 1973. Write Director, School of Theology, for in– formation and application. •_THE WINTER BIBLE CONFERENCE -January8-12, 1973 Personnel Includes: Dr. Bryce Augsburger, Dr. Bernard Northrup, Rev. Wendell Kempton, Dr. Lavern Schafer, Rev. and Mrs. Roger Rose. BAPTIST BIBLE COLLEGE OF PA. BAPTIST BIBLE SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY r;.~.;.;;:.:. 538 Venard Road Clarks Summit, Pa. 18411 ~'. Cedarville College Library ~~~ BBC Freshman Boys-1972 BBC Freshman Girls-1972 BBS of Theology Faculty and First Class