The Ohio Independent Baptist, January 1973

(Concluded from page 5) On aturday, Nov. 4, about a dozen New Yorker appea1 ed to help the Delawarean build the roof of the .;hurch. They were Jed by one of Dunham, on , Virgil, f ro1n l_ittle Valley, N. Y. The Dunhan, have 1hree other children: Virgil' twin , Verlee, of Lafayette, Ind.: Yalgene, Jf Denver, olo. and daughter Vaughn E tep of Nunda , N . Y., who Na in Dover with her husband the Jay her father died. UTho e New York people that "new him are concerned that hi vork be fini hed/ ' ay John . John reveal that DLtnham was so >opular with the folk at the church hat they had a ked hin1 to stay be– ond the church' con1pletion and be he church' permanent pa tor. "I wi h I'd known him a lot better," ay John with regret. "The main WCDR Increases 3roadcasting Power Ten years ago the Federal Com- 1unications Commission authorized 'edarville College to begin operating cation WCDR. The first programs ,ent on the air December I st, 1962. t that time their broadcasting range as very limited due to low power nd short antenna height. December 26, 1972 was another ·nportant day for Cedarville College tdio. They began transmitting from a 00 foot tower. Coupled with their 000 watts of power, the college sta– on now provides excellent reception I listeners in the entire Dayton· and :,ringfield metropolitan areas. Their aim is to provide a "Chris- 1n Educational Radio' ' station that ill be an alternative to present day ·ogramming. In this way they feel ey can be helpful to their listeners their daily living. The entire fam– ' will find programs of interest . Those living in the Dayton / Spring– !ld areas are invited to listen to 'CDR. They are on the air 6: 30 The Word Of Life • E OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST thing he rad1ate<.i Wa\ love of the l...ord. ' ' l "' hc l)ovcr church people plan on \0111c J)crn1ancnt n1e1noriaJ to Dun– ~a111, pcrhaf)S in the f orn1 of a plaqt1c In the 11cw building. . Pasto.r Dunha111 l1as left a great 1n1J)rcss1on on those who knew hin1. J>rorl1pt cd by his untimely death, the s111all congregation have become 111orc close-knit and, with the help of Dunhan1 's other friend<;, have see11 their new church progress f a\ter than before. hey hope to be using part of the building around the first of the new year. Dunham's son-in-law may have ~aid it best: "God doesn't n1ake mis– take , we can see that in what ha~ happened since then ( the accident). "So much ha taken place in a few weeks." a.m. to 12: 00 midnight with programs that are "different.'' The majority of their broadcast are in /Lill stereo. You can find WCDR at 90.3 MHZ on your FM dial. The college is preparing a "listen– ing guide" and will be mailed out soon. It will give more information about W DR-FM STEREO PRO– GRAMS. Patmos Brochures Mailed To Churches The 1973 CAMP PATMOS bro– chures were mailed to the churches of our OARBC fellowship at the end of December. There is the possibility that some might not have received theirs. Those requesting brochures (or needing extra copies) should write to Mr. Mike Hooks, Calvary Baptist Church, 2000 Broad, Findlay, Ohio - 45840. This past summer ( 1972) was greatly blessed of the Lord. Camps were crowded with young people. It is believed 1973 will be even better. REGISTER EARLY! - . ESTABLISHING BAPTIST CHURCHES WHERE THERE WERE NONE · United States and Ca11ada New Opportunity Pastor David F. Lunney of the al– vary Baptist Church, Norwalk has taken on added responsibilities. He was recently appointed deputy sheriff and is the first chapJain of the Huron County Jail. In this position, he is f rec to counsel with prisoners request– ing his services. It gives him an ex– cellent opportunity to present the message of salvation to those outside of Christ. Warned Of Blasphemous Remark Evangelist Jack Wyrtzen, in a let– ter to Rev. Dale Lind of St. Peter's Lutheran Church, New York City, warned the minister to repent of blas– phemous remarks on a TV talk show in which he 1nade fun of two com– mandments. Lind allegedly invited comic Henny Youngman on the show to visit a pub where the minister is a bartender. Youngman reportedly asked, "Do you have some special drink which will let me see the light?" Lind is said to have replied, "How about some scotch on the Rock of Ages?" Wyrtzen wrote to Lind: HMay I remind you, sir, that God com– mands, 'Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain'." He added that Habakkuk 2: 15 warns, "Woe unto him that giveth his neigh– bor drink, that puttest thy bottle to him and makest him drunken.' ' Wyrtzen told the minister, "The woes of God are upon your head for such blasphemy." He urged Lind to repent and be born again. . . . The Standard - AVAILABLE FOR . .. Pulp,t Supply and or Sermons ,n Song REV GEO RGE P Z INN Route 3 , Huber Road Norwalk , Oh,o - 44857 Te l (41 9) 668-80 72 JANUARY, 1973 15