The Ohio Independent Baptist, January 1973

)r. Robert Gromacki )f Cedarville College )rofessor-Writer , nd Preacher As a preacher and teacher, the life ,nd ministry of Cedarville ollege pro– essor , Dr . Robert Gromacki ha af– ected the Jives of thouand with whom 1e has had con tact. Choo ing not to be atisfied with serving hri t in his pres– nt capaci ties only, Dr. Gromacki has hallenged a nd committed him elf to till another avenue of service-Chris– ian wri ting. The author of Tl, e Modern Tongues 1ovement and Are TJ1ese tl1e Last >ays?, Dr. Gromacki recently com– leted a third manu cript, to be printed 'l Apri l, and has begun a fourth. For man with little or no previous inter– st in writi ng, Dr. Gromacki , to hi urprise, has seen his writing mini try row a nd expand within the la t five ears. Success and fa ilure experiences con– ribute to the development of a writer nd the Cedarville author's new career as been seasoned by both. Although is his secret hope that each writing effort will be accepted, Dr. Gromacki en es that each manuscript, successful or not , serves as a building block for him. " I t is a ~enefit to put into wri ting all you think feel and believe. It helps to organize your thoughts", he ta led . ven though an article may never reach the press, he feels a richer individual for undertaking the project. Developing the di scipline to be a succe. sful writer is not an easy task, the Bible and Greek professor readily admits . His first publication, Tlze Mod– ern Tongues Movement, was first or– ganized as his dissertation for his doc– torate. His second book, Are These the Last Days? was an effort completed at the reque t of a publisher. The real test of Dr. Gromacki's po– tential as a writer was ahead as he faced the challenge to pursue a writing project entirely from interest and self– motivat ion. The results of that interest and self-motivation are shown in his third manuscript on eternal security, to be published by Moody Press, and his fourth , a text in New Testament Sur– vey. Exhibiting the truth of Luke 12: 48 -"For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall much be required" - Dr. Gromacki plans for the future. Cedarv,il1e, Ohio 453 '4 Robert Gromacki He holds many responsibilities as a husband, father, teacher and preacher, yet he feels that the Lord has given him an open door to write. In a sense, he commented, "I feel duty bound to continue." And continue he will. Dr. Gromac– ki , in his five short years as an author has not only published three books, but is preparing material for the Adult Training Union publications, and has organized Regular Baptist Quarterlies for release in November. Twenty-Two Years of Faithful Service • Rev. Smelser Rev. R . Kenneth Smelser has re– gned his pastorate at the First Bap– st Church in Medina where he faith– Jl] y ministered for 22 years. H e has een led of the Lord to accept a call > pastor the Barton Road Baptist 'hurch in Lake Worth, Florida. The melsers will close out their ministry 1 Medina on D ecember 31st. They ,i)I drive immediately to F lorida to egin their work there. Many things can happen during 22 ears. Under the leadership of this apable pastor, an addition to the hurch was built. This cost something ke $ I00,000. There have been many members added to the church over the years. Present membership is ap– provimately 500. The church is now debt free. Eleven young people heard the call of God to enter the ministry. Four– teen are presently in Christian schools preparing to serve the Lord in one way or another. Missionary giving is presently over $30,000 a year. The church now supports three mission– aries (fully) and one receives half support. Thirteen others receive par– tial support. Giving also is designated to three Christian schools, two Chris– tian r adio broadcasts, five Mission Boards, both State and National Reg– ular Baptist Associations and our Ohio OARBC camps. The Medina church helped, in part, in getting four area churches started. Brother Smelser represented the GARBC to the ACCC for nine years. He also served on our OARBC Coun– cil of Ten for ten years. He was a loyal supporter of our OAR~C Fel– lowship and will b~ greatly ~1ssed. One unique ministry, while he pas– tored the church, was the "Church in the Park" which ran on Sunday eve– nings during the summer months. This carr ied on and was blessed of the Lord for 17 years. A simi lar n1in– istry was held every year (for 21 years) a t the County Fair. Mrs. Smelser Mrs. Smelser also served faithf ully with her husband. For some time she was the editor of the women's page in THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST. Your Editor and Mrs. Moffat have visited with the Sme1sers in their home. We found Mrs . Smelser a very hospitable person . . . one with a quiet , loving spirit : .. a person with a good understand111g of people and the Word. Needless to say, they Wll..,J.J be missed. Let tis pray for thc111 in their move to the su11ny south! i I