The Ohio Independent Baptist, February 1973
, , , 11,d l1e G/011 0 The Lord Filled The House'' \) it ,cc111c<..l to tl1c 14()() J)CO(}lc of the tri- late area, who l1ravcd the late at tl't 11t1 )11 'illl)\\ ar1d i , road~ t1n Frida), Dcccn1bcr 15th , to attend the 4th a1111t1al Hc,lt<..ia, l t1. icalc hclti at Fmn1 anuet Bapti t C'hurcl1, 4207; key l~ t,a i. olt:ti . t111ticr the direction of Pastor Donald Krueger, Mini ster of Music. Tl1c l1c .. 1\t'nl, ho, t of l t1lc 2: 11 prai"ing ,od was evidenced a the adtilt choir t'f t) \ er l ()() , t)tcc, ope ned the progran1 "'1th the then1e, "We on1e With Mu ic", ,, l11lc 111ak.1ng tl1cir "'a) f ron1 the auditori um to their re pective place in the ho11 loft a nd surrot1nding area . he dift1ct1lty of travel wa oon forgotten in the mid t of the beauty of the nC\\ !)·-dedicated anc tt1ar decorated with pink and white poinsettia , en– han cd l1\ the ladie love))' gold dre. e and the formal att ire of the men. The pre. ence of the Lord wa manife ted in melodiou me sage a each choir ( dult. Teen. Jt1nior. and Prin1ary), pecial group ( Ladie En emble, Good l ife 1nger , Pa tor · W1, 1 e , Kili an Duet ) and oloi t (Dona ld Krueger, Jack Bt1cl. and Carol Kil ian) ang prai e unto Je u Chri t , the Saviour. The congregation joined in carol inging with the member of the choir who can1e fron1 the choir loft to tation themselves in the ais le and around the auditoriun1 . A poken me age, umming up the Christma story and man· need of a Sa, iour. wa given by Pastor Donald Sewell . The out tanding performance climaxed many hours of hard »1ork and practice during the previou three months for the more than 200 participants. All thi wa done that the glory of the Lord be revealed and that the earth n1ay re ound with Hi pra1 e. OARBC FINANCIAL REPORT General Fund Wm. A. Brock, Treasurer 4659 Trabue Road Columbus, Ohio 43228 NOVEMBER - 1972 Total Givi ng ..... Budget $2 000.00 Surplus Number of Churches Giving . . . . . . Other Income • • 84 Subscriptions, Adverti ing Honorariums . . . . . . . . . .. Debt Free Camps ............................. . $2, 169 .00 169.00 $1 ,022.23 405.00 TOTAL MONIES RECEIVED, NOVEMBER '72 $3,456.23 The Word Of life ESTABLISHING BAPTIST CHURCHES WHERE THERE WERE NONE United States and Canada • The Ohio Independent Baptist - Published Monthly by - THE OHIO ASSOCIATION OF REGULAR BAPTIST CHURCHES SECOND CLASS POSTAGE paid at Xenia, Ohi POSTMASTER: Please send Form 3579 t The Ohio Independent Baptist Box No. 160 Xenia, Ohio 45385 Edi torial Office: () Box No. 160 Xenia, Ohio 45385 Rates of Subscription: $2.00 per year; $5.0 for three years; EVERY ACTIVE FAMILY PLA~ $1.1 S per subscription; BUNDLE LOT PLAI (mailed directly to the church), $1.00 pt subscription . Minimum bundle order - 1 copies; single issue 20 cents. Your Editori1 Office should have all news and adverti ing copy in hand no later than 30 da) prior to printing . Advertising rates will b sent on request. STAFF t:rl ,tor . . . A. l)onc1ld Mott Bo, o. 160, Xenia, Ohio 45385 C11·c11/a1io11 ,\f unagcr . Stuart L. Chafl. Box No. 160, Xenia, Ohio 45385 JI ' 0111c11 's Editor Mr.... Earl U mbaug 1 1 50 Marhofcr A \'Cnuc Sto,,'> Ohio 44224 ·,c11c , tisJ1011ary Earl D. Un1baug 2 I 50 Marhofer A\'e., Sto,v, Ohio 44224 State Yo11t/1 Director Wilbur Parri, c;al11a t . at Waller, Port!ln1ou th , 0. 45662 COUNCIL OF TEN • C hc11 rn1a11 5103 Rroacl,vay, Kenneth I I. c;oo, orth Oln1stc<l, 0. 44 07c t '1c('-Cl1a,r1nan Donald R. \Vintcr 2-135 EJking Road, Col un1bus, 0. -13204 Secretary . W1l11a1n F. Rus~el 19 1 \Vh1pplc Ave., N.W., Canton, 0. -1-170E Treasurer W 1llian1 A. Rrocl 4659 Trabue Rd ., Col unibu , 0. 43228 l'rogran1 Chrn1. . John R . Wooc Rox 596, J~cllcfon ta1nc, Ohio 4 3 31 I .\fis.;ionary Clir,n. . . Ija ,vrencc G. Fetzer 5650 Far Hills A, c., Dayton, Ohio 45429 Edru at ion Cl1rn1 . . Donald J. c,vell 4207 La, key Rd ., \V., T oledo, 0 . -15623 Yout /1 ii~ ark Chrn1. o rni a n E. Bo!I \Vo rth Cedarville College, Ccdar\'illc, 0. 453 r 4 Willian1 Broughto n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rox 12 Cedarvill e, Ohio 453 1-t R ,1\ ,nond F. Hainilton , 1 1 4 (}all ia St. Port mouth , Ohio 45662
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