The Ohio Independent Baptist, February 1973
.. VON BAPTIST CHURCH - At Thanksgiving, we took a special off er· g for our missiona ries. Our young people •Id a Popcorn Festival at the church. We ok part in a Singspiration with the young ,ople from the Abbe Road Baptist Church Elyria . The Lord blessed through our special 'lristmas programs . •ALNUT CREEK BAPTIST CHURCH, A\LTIMORE - Ours is a new work. We have called Rev. D. Canterbury to serve as our pastor. He 1s accepted and moved to this area in early ,nuary. ·oRTON BAPTIST CHURCH, ~RBERTON - We held a special Candlelight service at hristmas t ime. The film - " Korea's Wanted ,d Unwanted Children' ' was shown at our /a tchnight service. EREA BAPTIST CHURCH Recently Rev. Andrew Wood, Executive irector of Shepherds, Inc. spoke to us He resented a workshop on " How to Sta rt and \aintain a Class for Mentally Re tarded Child– ~n" . Rev. Robert Rogers (FBHM) supplied everal Sundays when our pastor, Rev. Gibbs , ,as ill. At Christmas our choi r presented ohn Peterson's - "The Story of Christmas" . IRST BAPTIST CHURCH, LANCHESTER - The Pine Ridge Boys Quartet ministered ere in December. The Lord blessed in our pecial meetings with Editor I Evangelist Don hoffat. The New Life Quartet ministered ,ere on January 21st. ·IRST BAPTIST CHURCH, ,OWLING GREEN - An all-church Christmas party was held or our missionaries - The Will iam Bump amtly Editor I Evangelist Don Moffat min– stered here the last Sunday of '72 anci at >ur Watchn1ght service He will be returning or special meetings - February 11 -15. The -nonth of January is our "Prove Me" month. THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST - Wt invite all of our OA RBC pastors to place u.r on t la t I r m a I Ii n g list. Send us your Church Calen– dars tach week. Our mailing ad– dress is simply - Editor Don M o I I a t , Box No. 160, Xenia, Ohio - 4Ci 385. CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH, BUCYRUS - "The Grants" who are missionaries to Australia were with us to tell of the need for the gospel in that great land. A special Ch ri stmas prog ram was presented on De· cember 17. WHIPPLE AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH, CANTON - The ministry of Evangelist Hugh Horner was a grea t blessing to us . Our choi r pre· sented a Christmas cantata - "The Night of Miracles ' '. We held a specia l Candlelight Com– munion service on the Sunday evening just before Christmas. BETHLEHEM BAPTIST CHURCH, CLEVELAND The film - "Sound of The Trumpet" was shown at our Watchnight service. Miss Dona Craft, fifth grade teacher at Baptis t Christian Lower School, spoke at our lad ies Mission– ary Fellowship meeting. Her subject was "Dare To Discipline". CLINTONVILLE BAPTIST CHURCH, COLUMBUS - Our church choir presented the cantata - " Love Transcend ing' '. Our pastor, Rev. Hatten– field, is bringing a series of messages on the Book of John . This is at our Sunday morn· ing services. At the evening services he is teach ing the Book of Genesis . HOPE BAPTIST CHURCH, COLUMBUS - Recen t speakers include Rev. Samuel Horn– brook (BMM- Mexico), Dr . James T. Jeremiah (President of Cedarville College), Miss Gladys Baines (BMM- Home Office) and Dr . Ri chard Stagg (ABWE- Bang ladesh). IMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH, COLUMBUS - The cantat a - "A Song Unending" was presented by our choir. Our Sunday School presented a lovely Christmas program - " Jesus, The Light of the World' '. We joined with the Memorial Baptist Church in Co– lumbus for their Wat chnight service. MARANATHA BAPTIST CHURCH, COLUMBUS - A Word of Life Team Leader's Conference was held here in December. Our choir pre– sented the cantata - "The Story of Christ– mas' ' at Christmas time. MEMORIAL BAPTIST CHURCH, COLUMBUS - We have called Mr . Tim Northey to serve as our Youth Pastor He began his ministry here on December 3rd. Brother Northey was married on December 30th. We are happy to have both Mr . and Mrs . Northey with us . We now have a "Youth Church" for boys and girls (six to nine years of age) who ride our buses. We held our Second Annual Missionary Conference January 5, 6 and 7. Guest missionaries were Miss Beth Odor (EBM-Africa), Rev. and Mrs . Samuel Horn– brook (BMM-Mexico) and Rev. James Der– sham (FBHM). EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH, DAYTON - A group of our young people travelled to Toronto, Canada . There they visited the Longbranch Baptist Church which is pastored by Rev. Raymond Reed. HEIGHTS BAPTIST CHURCH, EAST LIVERPOOL - The lord blessed through our evangelistic meetings with Ed itor / Evangelist Don Moffat . We thank the Lord for those who made decisions . We are nearing the completion of remodeling our church auditorium and class rooms . This will greatly enhance our ministry is this community. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH, ELYRIA - We held a Cedarville College Day . in December at whi ch Dr . Allan Monroe , pro– fessor at Cedarville College, spoke. \Ne had an excellent Christmas program with special music presented by our Bell Choir, Men 's Choir, Phil Olsen and the Girl 's Tr io. Rev. Leste r Beckley spoke at our Watchnight Ser· vice . Evangelist Tom Will iams ministered here January 21 through 28 . The Lord blessed! EUCLID-NOTTINGHAM BAPTIS'T CHURCH, EUCLID - We regret losing our pastor , Dr . Wilbur Rooke. He will complete his ministry here on May 1st. Brother Rooke will be engaging in Bibl e Conference work. We look forward to our Missionary Conference which will be held March 25-28. The Bible Teacher at th is time will be Dr . John Moore of Scotland. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH, GALION - At our Watchnight service we viewed the film - "The Little Apostle". We closed out the old year around The Lord 's Table. "Miss Janet Wolfe (BMM- Brazil ) spoke to our Women 's Guild concerning the Fortaleza Academy FAITH BAPTIST CHURCH, GALLIPOLIS - Brother George Zinn was gues t soloist at our Thanksgiving Eve Musical. We held cur Third Annua l Christmas Banquet at Rio Grande College Cafeteria. It proved to be a t ime of rich fellowship . FEBRUARY, 1973 7
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