The Ohio Independent Baptist, March 1973

ATTENTION PIANO STUDENTS AND TEACHERS NOW A COURSE YOU HAVE DREAMED OFI A complete course for piano, based on the old beloved h) rnn tunes Play hymns from the very first lesson. Develop your talents for the glory of the Lord. Books One through four are now available. Only $3 00 per book plus 25 cents shipping. Cornplete satisfact ion or your money back. Order from: Mary Jo Moore 286 Poland Avenue Struthers, Ohio - 44471 Christian Ed. Conference The enia Area Bapti t Pa tor Fello\v hip i pon oring a Christian ducation Conference which will be held March 17 at the Wa hington Height Bapti t Church 5650 f ~a r Hill Ave11ue. Dayton Ohio. The conference will begin at 1: 00 p.n1. and conclude at 5: 00 p .m . Everyone i invited! Gue t peaker will be Alberta Hel- frick. She is a children's worker fron1 Cleveland, Ohio, well experienced in the work of Child Evangelism Fel!ow- hip. Discussion will center around Brigade anc Pioneer Girls, Vacation Bible School s, Five Day C lubs, Sun– day School Teachers, Children's Church and Home Bible Clubs. There will be workshops, displays, practical l1elps, demonstrations, prin– ciples of teaching and questions and answers. So True Today!! Writing about some of the evangel– i tic efforts of his day ( 1850 c.) J . C. Ryle had this to say regarding the recorded statistics: "They are stirred and excited into professing what they have not really experienced. They re– ceived the Word with a 'Joy' so ex– travagant that it almost startles old Christians. They run for a time with such zeal and fervor that they seem likely to outstrip all others. They talk and work for spiritual objects with such enthusiasm that they make older believers feel ashamed. But when the novelty and freshness of their feelings is gone, a change comes over them. They prove to have been nothing more than stony-ground hearers . . . little by little their zeal melts away, and their love becomes cold . By and by their seats are empty in the as– sembly of God 's people, and they are heard of no more among Christians . ' ' 'ASK WHAT I SHALL GIVE THEE.' ' (IKl..3,'5.) m-1t·51 12 MARCH, 1973 ' ' '//_.._/ s... enc.__ Wis l='OJ? Oorv, w. Goo~ OQJ-{ ~ ' . ./ / I I /J;;;'~-'~\· \'GIV£··THY SEAVANT AN UNOEASTANDI NG H EAAT.' ' ( I 1(/.·.3,'S.J You Should Have These Dr. Arthur F. Willi amc; ics presently serving as Interim Pastor of the Ca l– vary Bapti t hurch in Xenia, Ohio. He and Mrs. Williams are living at 1962 Prouty, Xenia, Ohio - 45385. Down through the years, Dr. Williams has written some excellent articles and tracts. These have proven a blessing to many and some are avail– able today. For example, hi s study on Christian Baptism, as well as his tracts, "The First Five Minutes After Death" , "Another Gospel", and "Does A Good Man Need A Saviour?" all - may be purchased at the Cedarville College Book Store, Cedarville, Ohio - 45314. Every church should have a good supply of these! The Pastor's Sermon Sunday the sermon was sluggish, 'Twas hard attention to keep. The theme was faultily chosen, It almost put me to sleep! Monday was blue with sheer boredom~ Tuesday was carnal by choice. Wednesday my conscience awakened By pleas from a still, small voice. Prayer meeting left me uplifted, Loyalty lingering long. Thursday my heart was responding; Friday His nudging was strong. Saturday I came to repentance And all on the altar I lay. I yielded in full surrender, To prepare for the Lord's Holy Day. Sunday the sermon was perfect, Superb and quite at its peak, Amazing how greatly the pastor . Improved in the space of one week! Hidden Blessings A familiar story is told of a king who placed a heavy stone in the road and then hid and watched to see who would remove it. Men of various classes came and worked their way around it, some loudly blaming the king for not keeping "the highways clear, but all dodging the duty of getting it out of the way. At last a poor peasant on his way to town with his burden of vegetables for sale came, and contemplating the stone, laid down his load and rolled the stone into the gutter. Then turning around, he saw a purse that had lain right under the stone. He opened it and found it full of gold pieces , with a note from the king saying it was for the one who would remove the stone. Under every obstacle our King has hidden a blessing. We can onl y lose if we do not face the obstacles in our pathway. In facing them honestly, and courageously, we will find God's hidden blessings for us!! .. . copied THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPT IST