The Ohio Independent Baptist, March 1973
• Geare d toward re– v iva l and edification of the saints, with an emphasis on evan– gelism. ----- MIKE COYLE Musical Ministries ----- Ut ilizing a tenor vo ice and play ing the French horn - Mike Coyle uses power– ful sound equipment with taped accom– paniment to minister the word of God, through the medium of mus ic. A Christ cen tered and God honoring minis try God has used for His glory. 2731 Central Ave., St. Petersburg, Fla. Phone: (813) 828-7911 NOW AVAILABLE New E.B.M. General Director (> 4 Effective September I, Mr. David Marshall former director of our Mali field in West Africa became the Gen– eral Director of the work of Evangeli– cal Baptist Missions at home and a-round the world. Dave and hi s wife Elaine came to EBM in the late 1940s after their graduation from the Bible Institute of Pen11sylvania which is now the Phila– delphia College of Bible. They first sailed for Africa in 19 50 and began their missionary work early in 1952 in the fabled city of Timbuktu in what was then the French Sudan and since 1960 has been the independent republic of the Mali. Their youngest daughter Diane was born in Timbuktu on Christmas Day 1953 . David, their son, is married. Their oldest daughter Sandy is a college student and Diane is in nurse's training. Mr. Marshall succeeds Rev. Robert Richards who resigned in 1970 and Dr . Harold Wittig who served as Ac– ting General Director for the past two years. Your continued prayer support of the Marshall s will be appreciated and the entire membership of BM an– ticipate a most joyous and fruitful ministry under Dave's Jeade;:-ship. , . • THE EVANGELJCAL BAPTIST THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST How To Read Your Bible Read the Bible, not a a newspaper, but a\ a home letter. lf a cluster of heavenly fruit hang withi n reach, ga ther it. If a pron1i e Jies upon the page a a blank check, ca h it. If a prayer is recorded , appropriate it, and lau nch it as a feathered arrow from the bow of your desire. If an example of holiness gleams before you, ask God to do as n1uch for you. If the truth i revea led in all it intrinsic spl endor , en– treat that its brilliance may ever irradi ate the hemisphere of your life. - F. B . MEYER THE CHILDREN'S GOSPEL HOUR, INC. Henry C. Geiger, Executive Director- Livingston, Tenn. 38570 Presenting Jesus Christ to Youth by Radio and TV PRAY FOR THE SALVATION OF BOYS AND GIRLS The Children's Gospel Hour ts now on 80 radio and 36 TV stations each week Pray that more stat ions w ill take the program. The youth of America need to hear the Gospel now. Wr ite for f u ture information . OHIOANS TAKE NOTE - R•dio: WKTH-FM, Kenton - Saturdays, 2:15 p.m. WCOl·FM, Columbus - S•turdays, 11 :30 a.m. WTTO, Toledo - S•turday, 8:00 a.m. WRWR-TV, Port Clinton - S.e listing. CHRISTIAN SCHOOL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES The Baptist Chri stian School of Cleveland, Ohio, has the following posi t ions available: Music Instructor- both elemen tary and secondary Bible Instructor- secondary Commercial Instructor- secondary Homemaking Ins tructor- secondary (A comb ination of teaching f ields is desi rable but not entirely manda tory.) Pr incipal - elemen tary or secondary Director of Development Contact: Mr. Walter F. Garland, Administrator Baptist Christian School 27200 Emery Road Cleveland, Ohio 44128 ·----------------------------------------------------------------- Radio Messenger Kenneth Myers ~~ \ 0 ~ r.. A \',\<>cir1terl u1it/1 /Ji/J/e Cl1ristia11 U ni<>11 , Patc/1r,g11t• MARCH, 1973 13
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