The Ohio Independent Baptist, March 1973

to eart ong t e omen • - - Mrs . Earl Umbaugh - Women's Editor- Feasting On The Word ..Tl1)' li·ords \Vere fo i~nd. and 1 did eat tl1e111 . .." - (Jeremiah 15:l 6a) We \! ill note from thi verse that God does not want us to merely taste Hi Word , but to eat it . .. make it a part of ourselves. There are several things that make up a good meal, and Jesu is able to supply every one of them. The P almi t aid, uThou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemie .'' - ( P aim 23 :5) We have a most wonderful guest to eat with us. Je u aid, HI will come in to him, and will sup with him." (Rev. 3 :20) Linen i provided - "The fine linen is the righteous acts of the saints." (Rev. 19:8 RV) Our God has a cup provided - "My cup runneth over." ( P aim 23: 5) Our table is ready for food. What shall our food be? "I have trea ured up the words of His mouth more than my necessary food." (Job 23: 12 RV) On our menu today we have the following: MEAT - "My meat is to do the will of Him that sent me." (John 4: 34) SALT - "Let your speech be ... seasoned with salt." (Col. 4:6) BREAD - "Man doth not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of the Lord doth man live." (Deut. 8: 3) BUTTER - "Butter and honey shall he eat." (Isa. 7: 15) HONEY - ". . . and it was in my mouth as honey for sweetness. ' Ezekiel 3: 3 and Jeremiah 15: 16) MILK - "I fed you with milk." (I Cor. 3 :2 RV) FRUIT - "The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, Jongsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance;" (Gal. 5: 22, 23) Thus we have a good meal for the child of God, and thus, God's child can go out and win the battle against Satan and sin. This can be done, for "Thy words were found and I did eat them." Ladies Meet at Boardman Baptist Temple . . • THE BIBLICAL DIGEST for 1973, to provide money for a tape recorder for Miss Beth Odor, mission– ary in Dosso, Africa. Mrs. Rhea Gil– mour, First Baptist Church, Niles, Ohio closed the meeting with prayer. Preceding the meeting the Jadie5 of the host c.hurch served those attend– ing coffee and cookies in the fellow– ship hall. The next meeting will be April 24th at 1: 00 p.m. The place to be an– nounced. -reported by Mrs. Thomas McClish Important Dates To Remember! APRIL 5 - Nortlz Bethel W0111en's Fellowsl1ip at Fir t Bapti t hurch, Fostoria Road and Plaza Street, Findlay Ohio. Speakers are Mrs . Don Worch, Baptist Children's Home (Kouts, Indiana) and Mrs. Earl Umbaugh (Stow, Ohio). APRIL 17 - Women's Missionary Union Sprin! Rally - Calvary Baptist Church 2000 Broad Street, Findlay, Oh~ (Just off I 75). Theme: "Establis~ thou the work of our hands.' (Psalm 90: 17) Speakers includ< Rev. and Mrs. David Gerhardt (FBHM work with Sioux Indians Martin, South Dakota) and Rev Warren Simmons (FBHM Jo, • Clubs Director Elyria, Ohio) Details regarding luncheon will bt included in the general mailing tc the OARB churches. • ~ia~ • 2601 LINCOLN ROAD . SOUTH s~lt4'4 .~ 49129 A ml•alon a~ency approved b) ond cooperotln~ with lhr G ARB( Miss Ruth Hege was the speaker when 104 women from 13 area churches attended the Fellowship at the Boardman Baptist Temple, Board– man, Ohio. Miss Ruth Hege, retired missionary to Venezuela and the Congo under Baptist Mid-Missions challenged the ladies to live daily for the Lord, especially in their homes, to bring up their children in a con– secrated Christian way in order that they might be prepared to meet to– days problems. Nancy Ellis of the host church was the song leader. Mrs . Roxie Weimer, organist and Mrs. Charles Moore, pianist were from the host church which also provided special music with a trio consisting of Nancy Ellis, Vange Eisenbraum and Edith Stiles. Mrs. Hazel Seifer brought the devotions. Capsules of Life Mrs. David Hunter, Vienna Baptist Church, presided during the business session. A new project was chosen 8 MARCH, 1973 The great living lessons taught by Christ in His parables used the common, everyday exper iences of life. His illustrations and aptness of app lication came from the heart that sought on ly good for the listener and you the reader of today. The accounts of missionary bravery and true incidents in the lives of experienced Christians characterize the literature we publish for you . Our take-home papers are planned to cover a broad area of Chri st ian experience. Your --·· ' church can only benefit from the read ing of these f ine papers: ._ FOR MOMMY AND ME, PR!~ARY PAL. COURAGE, CHALLENGE, CONQUEST. ~;~~,!~~~~ee Regular Baptist Press 1800 Oakton Boulevard • Des Plaines, Ill. 60018 THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIS