The Ohio Independent Baptist, April 1973
lis Ministry ,ne Of Blessing Elsewhere in this issue, is a small I concerning Mr. Mike Coyle. We ant our readers to know that your litor highly recommends our broth- and his ministry. It has been our ·ivilege to be associated with him a number of meetings. His work that of spreading the Gospel of sus Christ through the medium of • USlC. Mr. Coyle is considered to be 1e of the top 40 French horn artists the world. The Lord has also en– >wed him with a beautiful singing >ice. He has played his horn with ,me of the world's greatest musi– ans, however, his love for Christ "LS led him to turn from the classical orld to the sacred. He appears regu– rly before Bible conferences, Chris- 1n colleges and churches in many eas of the country. He has been frequent guest musician on the na- Jnally syndicated , half-hour, color )ay of Discovery" television pro– am. His mini stry is that of holding nini-conferences" which last two or ree days. He has three basic pro– ·ams - one on salvation, one on >nsecration and one on praise. His usic is of the highest quality. It is ,irit-filled and Christ-honoring! He has a way of presenting his -ogram that it causes many who ave been enamored with so called Christian rock" to see how this type usic is injurous to a chi ld of God. le could wish that all of our 1urches could sit under the ministry f our brother! Also in this issue, you will find q article entitled "Music In The hurch ' ' written by Mr. Coyle. He well qualified to write on this 1bject. If you would like him to minister 1 your church, write - Mr. Mike oyle, Musical Mininstries, 2731 entral Ave ., St. Petersburg, Florida - 33713. HE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST Accepts Call To McDonald Church The First Baptist Church, Mc– Dona ld, Ohio has called Mr. Thomas B. Brennan to serve as their pastor. He began his ministry there on Febru– ary 26. Pastor Brennan attended Kent Uni– versity for three and one-half years majoring in Chemistry and ~1athe– matics. He also spent three years at the Akron Bible Institute where he majored in Bible and gr aduated with a Pastora l Ministry diploma. He has attended Tennessee Temple College, Chattanooga, Tennessee where he ma– jored in Bible and Psychology and graduated in '72 with a B.A. degree in Bible. Our brother has been active in the Gr aha1n Road Baptist Church, Cuya– hoga Falls, Ohio and in the Highland Park Baptist Church, Chattanooga, Tennessee where he worked full time with their Vi sitation Minister. Pastor Brennan and his wife, Julia, have four daughters - Sherry, Jill , Debbie and Cathy. We look to the Lord to bless his ministry in Mc– Donald. Northfield Youth On The March! The young people of the North– field Baptist Church are on the march! Recently, they reached the 70 mark in their 6: 00 o'clock Sun– day evening youth meetings. There were 34 Senior High and 36 Junior High teenagers in attendance! Brother Bruce McDonald, Mini5ter of Youtl1 at the Northfield Bapti st Church, has chal lenged thi s group to become the largest fundamental gath– ering (that meets Sunday evenings at 6: 00 o'clock) in the Cleveland area. They have accepted th is chal– lenge! Each Saturday afternoon they engage in a "Youth Visitation" pro– gram. On Wednesday evenings many of them attend a Youth Bible Study Hour. Nine of Northfield,s young folk are looking forward to attending a Christian col lege thi s F a ll . Seven of thi s number are already signed up for Cedarville. CHRISTIAN SCHOOL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES The Bapt ist Ch r is t ian School of Cleve land , Ohio, has the f ollowing posi t ions available: M usic Instructor - bo th elemen tary and secondary Bibl e Inst ruc tor- secondary Commercial Ins tr uc tor- second ary Homema k ing Ins tructo r - secondary (A combina ti on o f teachi ng f ields is desirable bu t not ent i rely ma ndato ry.) Pr incipa l - elementary or seconda ry Directo r o f Deve lopment Contact: Mr . Walter F. Garland, Administrator Baptist Christian School 27200 Emery Road Cleveland, Ohio 44128 APRIL, 1973 11 i
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