The Ohio Independent Baptist, April 1973

eart to eart mong t e omen - Mrs . Earl Umbaugh - Wome n's Editor- The Missionary Cupboard Because over ea n1ai1ing is prohibited by on1e countries or duties are high , the co t of po tage i taggering a nd often the real need of the missionary is not ,vn ! The MISSIONARY CUPBOARD or chest has become a worthwhi le ,va)' of upp1ying tl1e real and personal needs of the Miss ionary f amity when home on furlough or ju t preparing to go to their field of service. Your edi tor i con ta ntl y rece iving inquiry about how to start and supply the nece sary and helpful items for the CUPBOARD. I am printing this list for }'our guid ance. ( F or a pre-addressed and stamped envelope I wil l be glad to end directions on some specific item li sted). Mrs. Milton Barkley, Lancaster Ohio (Pres ident of our OARBC Wo mens Missionar y Union) and Mrs Earl Umbaugh, Stow, Ohio ( Edito, of our Womens Page - O.I .B.) wist to make known the following. . . 12 i\. CL1tting Projects: Mount pictures. flannelgraph , quilt blocks, coupons. B. Se~ving Projects: Quilts, lap robes, clothing (write missionary for sizes), aprons, hot pads (with mag– net ), curta ins (write for sizes and colors), baby sacques, di aper sets, bibs, pajamas, r ain caps, sew– ing kits, s lippers. C . Craf t Projects: Foam hair holders, foam clothes brushes, foam soap toys, pin cushions, curler boxes, coat ha ngers (covered ), bottle cap trivets, hot pads . D. Knit Projects: Slippers, dish cloths, mittens, ponchos, purses, octopus toys, hot pads. E. V isuals Pro jects: Flannelgra ph, backgrounds and boards, Gospel visual s, fl ash cards and songs (write Baptist Mid-Miss ions a nd Mrs . Jua nita Skinner, 20 l Wolf Avenue, Wads\\'Orth , Ohio - 4428 1 - $.20 plus postage for each) , Wo rdless books, song cards ( furni sh music). F . A wards: Marble bag, jacks bags, puzzl es, book marks ( in language of country ) . G. Candy : Decorate ba by food or instant coffee jars, fill with hard candy, Lifesaver yarn toys, coffee ca ns with fudge for Chri stmas boxes. H. Showers fo r Missionary Cupboards: 1. Miscellaneous: Tupperware, baby towel s, wash cloths, sheets ( twin ), pillow cases, men's socks (stretch ), boy 's socks (stretch ), chi ldren's socks (size) , kerchiefs, ties, books ( adult , children , youth ), baggies, shelfpaper , wax paper , Saran wrap , Aspirins, Bandaids, combs, brushes, stationery, air mail stationery ( thin ) , envelopes thank you notes, stamps fil e cards, typing and men10 paper , carbon paper, pencils, pens, crayons, color books, children's toys, Our OARBC Women's Miss ionar, • Union will be holding their Spri ni Rall y on April 17th in the Calvar) Baptist Church , 2000 Broad Street Findlay, Ohio ( Just off I-75) . The theme for this year is " Estab lish thou the work of our hands" ( Psalm 90: 17) Speakers include Rev a nd Mrs. David Gerhardt, (FBHM work with the Sioux Ind ians, Marti n· South D akota ) and Rev. Warrer Simmons ( FBHM Joy Clubs D irector El yria Ohio). Ladies - Jet 's make this one ol the be t atte nded Spring R allies ever dolls ca rs, tool s ( hammer, screw driver etc .) · sc issors, thumb tacks, birthday ca ndles, ho€ laces, sewing supplies, patterns. 2. Personal: Ladies a nd girl s undies, s lips hose men's and boy's shorts a nd hirts, ties, socks ladies blouses (size ) , men's shirts (s ize ) . child· ren 's blouses (s ize ), baby tra iniqg pant , hi rts pl a tic pants. 3 . T <J i/et Articles: Soaps, perfume , lotions hai r sprays, cosmetics, bath powder, deodorants. shaving supplies, shoe poli sh , toothpaste and brushes, shampoos, bobby pins rollers, na il files, mouth washes. ALMOST ANYTHING YOU CAN USE - THEY CAN USE!! ... Mrs . Earl Umbaugh ATTENTION PIANO STUDENTS AND TEACHERS NOW A COURSE YOU HAVE DREAMED OF! A complete course for p iano, based on the o ld beloved hymn t unes . Play hymns from t he very fi rst lesson. Develop your falenfs for the g lory of the Lord. Books One through Four are now ava ilable . Only $3 .00 per book p lus 25 cents shi pping . Complete sat isfact ion or your money back. APRIL, 1973 Orde r from: Mary Jo Moore 286 Poland Avenue St ruthers, Ohio - 44471 SUBSCRIBE TO The Ohio Independent Baptist a bundle lot of 25 - $25 .00 This averages out less than 10¢ pe r copy THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST