The Ohio Independent Baptist, May 1973

Building Advance Realized Newly Paved Parking Area On April 19, 1972, the First Baptist Church of Niles, )hio (Rev. Richard Sparling, pastor) voted to enlarge its resent facilities by purchasing the properties su rrounding ne church. A three phase program was approved. Phase I ,as to purchase the lot to the rear of the church for a park- 1g area. This lot measures 160 x 166 ft. and is capable of ousing 80 cars. Phase II was to black top this parking rea. Phase III was to purchase the lot and warehouse meas– ring 60 x 165 ft. to be turned into an educational and ecreational facility. All three Phases have now been com- ------ Niles Church and Warehouse pleted with the purchase of the warehouse. The total cost of the project is approximately $145,000. The church is experiencing the blessings of the Lord. Souls are being saved and added to the church. During the project a 66 seat bus was purchased for Sunday School use, transporting its Young People for youth act ivities and to transport the "Sounds of Joy"-a youth choir of 45 High School and College age young people when they travel to sing. This group is under the direction of Mrs. Carol Sparling. The folk at First Baptist Church are re– joicing in the Lord for His many blessings! ,, BACK AT THE RANCH 1973' ' - • • • STRIKING IT RICH HE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST SKY VIEW BAPTIST RANCH R.F.D. #4, Millersburg, Ohio 44654 RANCH ROUND-UP SCHEDULE #1 - June 18 Juniors (Grades 4-6) #2 - June 25 Juniors (Grades 4-6) #3 - July 2 Jr. High (Grades 7-9) #4 - July 9 Sr. High (Grades 10-12) #5 - July 16 Jr. High (Grades 7-9) #6 - July 30 Juniors (Grades 4-6) #7 - Aug . 6 Sr. High (Grades 10-12) #8 - Aug . 13 Jr. High (Grades 7-9) #9 - Aug . 20 Sr. High (Grades 10-12) ALL WEEKS ARE OPEN Registration This fee is $6.00 and must be made in advance, the $24.00 balance due upon arrival at Sky View. Send registrations to : Phone: (216) William F. Russell 477 _ 6638 4420 - 2nd. St. N.W. Canton , Ohio 44708 MAY, 1973 11 I I I