The Ohio Independent Baptist, May 1973

OHIO BIRTHPLACE AND HOME OF THE FELLOWSHIP OF BAPTISTS FOR HOME MISSIONS Reaching America at this Strategic Time P.O. BOX 455 El YRIA, OHIO 44035 Phone: (216) 365-7308 DR. KENNETH A. MUCK, President Geared toward re– vival and edification of the saints, with an emphasis on evan– gelism. MIKE COYLE Musical Ministries ----- New Pastor At Cuyahoga Falls The Graham Road Baptist Church of Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio has called Brother Thoma Hughe to be their pastor. He is now serving in thi capacity. Utilizing a tenor voice and playing the French horn - Mike Coyle uses power– ful sound equipment with taped accom– paniment to minister the word of God, through the medium of music. A Christ centered and God honoring ministry God has used for His glory. Pastor Hughes, as he like his peo– ple to call him. served as a technical repre<;entative for Xerox. lt was while engaged in this work that the l...ord ca ll ed hin1 to prepare for the ministry. He graduated in the class of '72 at the Grand Rapids Baptist College with a major in Bible . He has also attended the Gra11d Rapids Bapti st Seminary. This is hi s first pastorate . 2731 Central Ave., St. Petersburg, Fla. Phone: (813) 828-7911 NOW AVAILABLE Subscribe to: $2.00 per year The Ohio Independent Baptist FOR A FRIEND Sox 160 Xenia, Ohio 45385 12 MAY, 1973 Pa tor and Mrs. Hughes have four children. They are Debbie-age nine, Bryan-age seven, Mike-age five and 'fim-age two. The folk at Graham Road Baptist Church are very happy with the choice they feel God has made for them. Stop and Think! Guilty - or Not Guilty? by Ernest Riley Preacher Joe ( no personal pick ci the J oes in the ministry intended) ha to be at a meeting in a city 60 mile away. When he is about to leave th telephone suddenly rings and he i detained for a few minutes. Free a last, he pulls out to enter the stree from his drive and the traffic iS-heav) He has to wait a few more minute~ Then the local freight is across th tracks and there is another delay. A last it clears and he is on his way. He enters the Interstate Highway O with a 70 mph limit. He is now lat and 1 ike almost all of us he steps up t 75 mph and no one even cares, nc even the State Highway Patrol , fo after all it's only 5 miles over the limi· He travels 50 miles on the highwa and exits onto a 60 mph state road fo the remaining ten miles. He's still lat and consequently he goes the sam five miles over the limit . One mile from the meeting place van load of children, going to th same meeting, pulls out of a side roa at a flasher intersection after stoppini expecting Joe to go around them i the inner lane. He doesn't have tim and plows into them. The local po]ic< the State Highway Patrol , and ey· witnesses claim that it was the va driver's fault. The Church's insuranc company pays the damage to the car~ the hospital bill for Joe·s two wee stay, the funeral expenses of one littl girl, and the hospital expenses of se, era I others. The driver loses his h cense. WHO WAS AT FAULT? Let' see-at 75 miles per hour on the 7 mph limit highway Joe was 3-4/ mile beyond where he would hav been had he traveled the proper LIM IT. At 65 miles per hour on the 61 mph highway he was. .83 of a mi l farther along. Legally, Joe should nc have been there at the moment of th acciden t and morally he is at faul and guilty. No appointment is wortl what that date cost. Can you, in an· way. justify Preacher Joe. God doesn'I Di(/ )'()Lt k noi1 1 t/1at God gets out th 111<)111ent lt'e exc·eecl tlze li,nit an, ler1ves 1,s <1! t/1e 111ercy of the naturG lau·s? AVAi LABLE FOR ... Pu lpit Supply-Special Meetings– Weekend Meetings Rev. Elton C. Hukil l Wellington Mobi le Home Park Wellington, Ohio 44090 Phone: (216) 647-4378 THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIS