The Ohio Independent Baptist, May 1973

Poco-a-Poco by paul matthews Seven Ways To Help Your Director 1. Be on time. Your director finds it helpful to see every choi r member ready to begin rehearsal on time. 2. Be dependable. Your director can plan the work so much bet ter if he h a<; i choir of members he can rely on to be at rehearsals and in their pl aces for Sun– day Services. When times necessitate an absence, be courteous in lett ing the direc– tor know of your absence. It's "uplifting" to have a choir you can ucount on.,, 3. Observe dynamics. Your director is happy for you to watch the f f, mf, p, pp, and other markings on the music. Thi s speeds up the learning or rehea rsing process, and your director won't need to "overdo" his direc ting moti ons if you ue alert to the expression marking indicated by the composer or a rranger. 4. Follow the directing. It is most pleasing to hear a choir tha t start s Hon :he beat" and releases its phrases and endings uniforml y. 5. Avoid unnecessary talking. "The best choir members are singers." Because the work load is usually greater than the rehearsa l period , time is at a • Jrem1um. 6. Be a booster. Contribute to building a positive atmosphere wi th the choir . You will feel a greater unity among the choir as a result , as well as adding to your personal enjoyment. 7. Look pleasant. You'd be surprised at your effect on the rest of the choir. When you appear depressed you lower the spirits of both your director and the ;hoir. Try to appear happy and friendly. Let your eyes and manner reflect an eager- 11ess to sing, a willingness to help. It not only encourages your choir director when you do these things, but it 1elps you, your choir, and the entire congregation. You may furnish the spark hat will inspire your church to greater growth in Christ. WHAT'S WRONG WITH A DOCUMENTATION OF THEOLOGICAL CONFUSION! BY REV. D. A. WAITE , Th .D., fh.D . • GET THE FACTS! • Don't be confused • Refutational analysis • Well documented • RCC groups • NCC groups • NAE groups • 47 false doctrines • 63 mimeo pqes • 37,000 words The BIBLE for TODAY $2.50 each 609/ 854-4452 900 PARK AVE , COLLI NGSWOOD, N. J. 08108 • t1011 ibltlt <·11,)()/ Reg11lar Baptist Prl!!i!i Department 018 -VBS 1000 Oakr on • Des Pl ai nes, 111. 6001ll Special Fund To Aid Students In the "»pr ing of 1972, 'icvc ral Ce– darvill e <; tudcnt ~ hcca n1e n1uch awa re of the need for a <iou rcc of fin ancial aid for tho\e \ tudcnt<; who we re in– cligi hl c for fund~ fron, <; la te or na– ti onal \Ource<;. T hrough the concen– trated efTort 'i of tho<;e "i tu<.J en t\ and n1 en1 bcrs of the Student C' ouncil, the Student Bouy Loa n and G rant Fund, a se lf- perpetuating source of aid , wa\ initi ated . Prec;c ntl y, a<; a result of a gift fron, the Clas~ of '72, the Walk-a- thon ef– fort <;, a faculty gi ft , an alumnus gift and student council fund <, the projec t has swell ed to a Lo tal of over $6,5()0. • Beginning with the fa ll qua rter , <;cv- enteen <; tudents were borr0wing vari– ous amounts up to $ 1,000 at 6% , to cover costs of their educa ti on. Ove r 50% of the student body attending Cedarville must borrow rnoney to con– tinue their educati on. Because the stu– dents rea lize the import ance of keep– ing this fund ava il abl e, each student body member has donated each quarter a fourth of his class dues to– ward the Student Body Loan and Grant Fund . Just one year old, the success of this proj ec t has been seen in the li ves of those seventeen young people ,vho have been aided by the fund . Anyone interested in lea rning more about this project can write the Financial Aid Office, Cedarville College, Cedarville Ohio 453 14. REGULAR BAPTIST CHILDREN 'S HOME 2 14 N. Mi ll St ree t St. Louis, Michiga n - 48880 F1r$ in Service to C~ildren and the Unwed Mothers Since 1952 ' Prav for U Brethren Apf)roved by Na ional Assn. GARBC W an More Informa ion? Write