The Ohio Independent Baptist, May 1973

After Ten Wonderful Years! l "Ciel rate Br , ,k i(1~ B~\J1tast 'l'~ ia l 111ccti11g~. t f t 11 .1\ . R.B. . tl1cir 1 C)tl1 r111i crsar in even Hills, { lcvclantl , Oh 10, l "hc l1l1rc 11 Re, corgc W. O'Kccfc. Pa ' tor, held four day , of tarcl1 8-11 ,v1tl1 Or. Reginald Matthew-;, Field Rcpre ·cntative Dr. tattl1e,, · 111in1. tr , , as blcs~cd and fruitful with a goodly number re- ,ponding to tl1c 1n, 1tat1 n. for \Vitnc 1ng and vi itang mini trie through the local cht1rch T,, o c, 1 cnt · highlighted the day of celebration . Fir t, we enjoyed a Mini onccrt pre entcd on Saturday night by the uMale Singers,,, 14 voices, of the edar Hill Bapt1 t Church tinder the direction of Paul Matthews, Director of tu ic of the edar Hill hurch. Secondly, the Mortgage Burning by Pastor O'Ke fe a i ted by Harlan Powell, Trustee Emeritus and John Shanklin, Finan– cial ecretar)', Retiree, on Anniversary Sunday, March 11 was a blessed experi– ence. The burning of thi note fulfilled the goal set by the church several years ago. "Mortgage Free in ·73•· and represented the amount of $ 111 ,000 paid to liquidate the indebtednes on our quarter million dollar church building. An additional unu ual thrill came when we witnessed over two-thirds of the \\-ell-filled auditorium ri e to their feet indicating they had been saved and bap– tized or b)' Chri tian experience received into the membership of the church dur– ing the ten year in Seven Hills. Finally, during the days of celebration, March 7, the church voted to triple the missionary budget, maintain a building and im– provement fund and give a very substantial raise to the pastor. Concerning this Anniversary Service, Dr . Reginald Matthews said, "When I witnessed two thirds of the congregation standing, indicating they had been saved, baptized or added to the membership of the church in the ten years of location in Seven Hill s, I was impressed! When I saw the many tears of joy in the eyes of the people while singing the doxology as the mortgage note burned, I was moved! But, when I heard the applau5e of the congregation, when it was announced that Pastor o·Keefe had been voted a very substantial raise in salary, I was overwhelmed!– for I never experienced a spontaneous reaction like that in my entire ministerial existence!!,, "To God be the glor}' , great things He hath done!'' Capsules of Life The great living lessons taught by Christ in His parables used the common , everyday experiences of life. His illustrations and aptness. of application came from the heart that sou1ht only good few the listener and you the reader of today. The accounts of missionary bravery and true incidents in the lives of experienced Christians character ize the lrterature we publ ish for you. Our take-home papers are planned to cover a broad area of Christian experience. Your ' church can only benefit from the readin1 of these fine papers: FOR MOMMY AND ME. PR!MARY PAL. COURAGE. CHALLEN&£. CONQUEST. ~~~~~~!" Regular Baptist Press 1800 Oakton Boulevard • De• Plaines, Ill. 60018 THE CHILDREN'S GOSPEL HOUR, INC. Henry C. Geiger, Executive Director-Livingston, Tenn. 38570 Presenting Jesus Christ to Youth . by Radio and TV PRAY FOR THE SALVATION OF BOYS AND GIRLS The Children' s Gospel Hour is now on 90 radio and 30 TV stations each week. Pray that more stations will take the program. The youth of Amer ica need to hear the Gospel now. Wr ite for future informat ion . Radio : WCOL-FM, Coll•mbus - Saturdays, 11 :30 a .m . WTTO, Toledo - Saturdays, 7 : 15 a.m. The Ohio Independent Baptist - Published Monthly by - THE OHIO ASSOCIATION OF REGULAR BAPTIST CHURCHES SECOND CLASS POSTAGE p1id 1t Xeni1, Ohw POSTMASTER: Please send Form 3579 t, The Ohio Independent Baptist Box No. 160 Xenia, Ohio 45385 Ed itorial Office: Box No. 160 Xenia, Ohio 45385 - Rates of Subscription: $2.00 per year; $5.0I for three years; EVERY ACTIVE FAMILY PLAN $1.15 per subscription; BUNDLE LOT PLAt {mailed directly to the church), $1 .00 pt subscription. Minimum bundle order - 1 copies; single issue 20 cents. Your Editoria Office should have all news and adverti1 ing copy in hand no later than 30 d1y prior to printing. Advertising rates will b sent on request. STAFF Editor . . . A. Donald Moff; Bo x No. 160, Xenia, Ohio 4 5385 Circulation /1.. f anager Stuan L. Cha fl Box No. 160, Xenia, Ohio 45385 iv omen's Editor . Mrc;. Earl U1nhaus?° 2150 Marhofer Ave nue Stow, Ohio 44224 State Missionary . . . . . Ea rl D. Umbaug 2 150 Marhofer Ave., Sto\v, Ohio 44224 State Yourlz Director Wilbur Parris Gallia St. at Waller , Portsmouth, O. 4566 2 COUNCIL OF TEN Clza,rrnan . . . . . . . Kenneth H . Goo 5 I O 3 Broad \.Vay' North Olmsted, 0 . 44070 V1ce·Cha1rman ..... .. .. Donald B. Winte1 2435 Eaking Road, Columbus, 0. 43204 Secretary . . . . . William F. Russe 19 1 Whipple Ave., N.W., Canton, 0. 44708 Treasurer ........ . . .. . . Wil1iam A. Broe 4659 Trabue Rd., Columbus, 0 . . 43228 Program Chrm. . . . . . . . . John R. Woo Box 596, BelJefontaine, Ohio 433 11 'A1issionary Cl1rn1. Lawrence G. Fetz< 5650 Far Hills Ave., Dayton, Ohio 4 54i9 Education Chrn1. . . . . Donald J. Sewe 4207 Laskey Rd., \¥. , Toledo, 0. 45623 Youth Work Clzrnz. . Norma n E. Bos\vort Cedarville College, Cedarville, 0 . 453 I 4 William Broughton Cedarville, Ohio 453 14 . . . . . .. . . . . Box I Raymond F. Hamilton . . . 1 r 48 Gall ia 51 Portsmouth, Ohio 45662