The Ohio Independent Baptist, May 1973

Mortgage Burned At a recent annual meeting, the Bible Baptist Church of Newark, Ohio, burned their mortgage. It was an exciting ceremony! The indebtedness on their building was paid off in about one/ third the time originally planned. Pictured above are the Pastor , Deacons and members of the Building Committee. They are ( left to right)– Andrew Klimek, Mildred South, Interim Pastor Edward Spencer, Bob Bucklew, Ray Wagner and Jim Ebbert. Missionaries Honored Jack and Tina Cash, missionaries with Hiawatha Bap– tist Mi ssion for 23 years were honored in a special farewell service at Berean Baptist Church, Tomahawk, Wisconsin. The Cashes pioneered mi ss ionary work in the Carp River area of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan and have been at Crandon, Wisconsin prior to retirement. Martin E. Strolle was the speaker for the occasion. Executive Director Rev. Guy King spoke on behalf of the Mission and presented the Cashes a love gift. fHE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST Bus Evangelism l!!l!lt saa The Lord is doing great things at Blessed Hope Bapti c;t Church in Springfield, Ohio! They have passed the 300 mark in their Sunday School and plan to go much higher. Pastor Joseph hapman and some of hi s men attended an International Bus Conference in Lynchburg, Virginia. They came back all "fired ttp" to get their bus ministry underway. Already they have purchased a Dodge Van (see above picture) and a 60 pas~enger 1965 International bus. It is in excellent condition and has been given a new paint job. Both the Van and the bus have been paid for 1n fuJJ. The church's vision of Bus Evangelism is growing! The first time the Van and bus were used there was a good increase in attendance. They have assigned a builder to give them detailed drawings regarding the erecting of a new auditorium . En– thusiasm is running high . The Lord hat h done great things for them ... whereof they are glad! ~ia~ ~a{tti4t 2601 LINCOLN ROAD , SOUTH e~'"'ta.~ 49129 A ml ••lo n 81,l.,ncy • ppro~"d b~ • nd < opr,ratln1 v..tth lh~ C AR BC SUBSCRIBE TO The Ohio Independent Baptist a bundle lot of 25 - $25 00 Thi s averages out less than 10¢ per copy MAY, 1973 s •