The Ohio Independent Baptist, May 1973

AVON BAPTIST CHURCH - We held special meetings April 8 through 11 Guest speaker for these days was Rev. Ron Merrill of the Bethel Baptist Church, Savannah Our youth held a retreat recently . \;Ve v. 1 ere able to purchase new church furni- 1 ure. BIBLE BAPTIST CHURCH, BEDFORD - The lord blessed in our Missionary Con– ference . Participating missionaries were Larry Gol1n (ABWE- Bangladesh), Kay lamb (BMM– Africa) The Oatleys (BMM-Colombia) and Douglas Green (BMM-Jamaica). Our pastor, Rev Garr ison Rice is ministering in a number of mission fields at this time. These include the West Indies and Brazil. BEREA BAPTIST CHURCH - We were privileged to have the Grand Rapids Baptist College Choir at our church . Our young peoble recently made a visit to Faith Baptist Bible College in Ankeny, Iowa Rev. Gerald Smelser (Cleveland Hebrew Mis– sion) spoke here on a Sunday evening and Rev. Margraff (HBM) at one of our prayer meeting services. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH, BOWLING GREEN - We held a Father and Son banquet on March 27th. Professor Ron Busch of the Grand Rapids Baptist College and a singing group ministered here in March. Dr . and Mrs . Richard Stagg (ABWE-Bangladesh) were with us re– cently. April 8th was "Missionary Sunday" for Miss Phyll is Bancroft . CAVARY BAPTIST CHURCH, BUCYRUS - Rev and Mrs. Paul Margraff (HBM), Rev. and Mrs. Wm. Grant (BMM-New Zeeland), a GIRLS TRIO from Cedarville College and our own ,V\iss Janet Wolfe (BMM-Brazil ) min– istered here GRACE BAPTIST CHURCH, CANTON- For special evangelistic meetings, we had Evangel ist Mel Stadt We are taking part in a Sunday School Contest with the area GARB Churches. This runs from April l through May 6. • WHIPPLE AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH , CANTON- We recently viewed the film- 11 like a Mighty Army' ' Miss ionary Duane Gow of Trans World Radio ministered here. Rev Nile Fisher of the Emmanuel Baptist Church, Day– ton, was with us for our Spring Bible Confer– ence-April 8 through 11 . 6 MAY, 1973 JV t Invite all o/ o,,r OA RBC pastors to place u.r on t h t l r malling list. Send us your Church Calen– dars eac}i week. Our mailing ad– dress is simply - Editor Don Mo I I at, Box No. 160, Xenia, Ohio - 45385. GRACE BAPTIST CHURCH, CEDARVILLE - The lord blessed through our m1ss1onary conference. We were privileged to hear Rev. Ron Meznar (ABWE-Brazil) and Rev. Dave Gardner (ABWE-New Guinea). We received an offering of almost $1200 for missions . Our Youth Director, Ken Nichols, attended the Word of Life Counselors Conference. Our young people recently distributed tracts at the Dayton airport. We have remodeled our church auditorium. It is beautiful! BETHEL BAPTIST CHURCH, CLEVELAND - We have been in a Sunday School Contest ~ 1 ith Suburban He ights Baptist Church (Gar– field Heights) and Northfield Bapt ist Church. A "Mini-Conference" for Christian Education and Sunday School teachers was held on March 10th. BROOKSIDE BAPTIST CHURCH, CLEVELAND - Dr . Reginald Matthews, Field Representative of our GARBC was guest speaker a t our "Mortgage-Burning" Ceremony. Mr . Paul Ma tthews, Music Director of Cedar Hill Bap– t ist ChL•rch presented a Musical Concert. CLINTONVILLE BAPTIST CHURCH, COLUMBUS- Guest missionary speakers of late have been Leonard M. Meznar (Cleveland Hebrew Mis– sion-Brazil), Ronald M. ME>znar (ABWE- Bra– zil) nnd Richard E. Tice (ABWE-Chile). Our pastor has been bringing studies on " The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit." HOPE BAPTIST CHURCH, COLUMBUS- Missionary Dick Marsh (BMM-Alaska) and Ron Mezna r (ABWE-Brazil) ministered here. Miss Janet Wolfe (BMM- Brazil) spoke to our ladies group. Rev. Norman Street of Flint, Michigan will be holding special meetings May 27 through 31. Our Mother-Daughter Banquet is to be held May 12th. IMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH, COLUMBUS - We are praying much concerning our com– ing evangelis tic meetings-May 13 through 20 with Evangelist Bob Sumner. Our young peopfe visited the Columbus airport and dis– tributed tracts and talked with people about Christ . MARANATHA BAPTIST CHURCH, COLUMBUS - We thank the lord for th e decisions made at our Family l ife Confere-nce . The lord en– abled us to give an offering of over $500 for our DFC program. MEMORIAL BAPTIST CHURCH, COLUMBUS - Proisc the lord for the spirit of revival omong our people I Some 83 people were present for a soul winning class. We honored our pastor recently to celebrate his four th year with us. Evangelist Bill Compton from Chattanooga, Tennessee held special meetings here in April. PINE HILLS BAPTIST CHURCH, COLUMBUS - Rev. and Mrs . Dennis Oatley, ABWE mis· sionaries to Colombia, South America, were wi1 h us 1n March On Palm Sunday, our choi r presented John Peterson's cantata-"Hallelu– jah, What a Saviour." On Easter Sunday, Evangelist Hugh Horner began special Evan. gelistic Meetings. The lord blessed April 2nd was our 11th anniversary as a church. FAITH BAPTIST CHURCH, COMMERCIAL POINT - Our church was blessed by the messages given by Rev. lee Turner, and the special singing by a trio from Cedarville College. We are looking forward to special meetings with Bob Sumner as guest evangelist. COUNTY LINE BAPTIST CHURCH, DAYTON - Evangelist Jonas J . Cohen of the American Board of Missions to the Jews was with us for a Conference on Prophecy. The Cedarville College choir under the direction of Mr . David Matson presented a morning service of special . music. EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH, DAYTON- Missionary Terry Armstrong (ABWE-Peru) was with us recently to tell of his work in Peru . Rev. Ray Reed of Toronto, Canada is to hold special meetings here May 6 through 13. Blessing is anticipated. WASHINGTON HEIGHTS BAPTIST CHURCH, DAYTON - An Advanced Oral Interpretations Class from Cedarville College, ui'lder the direction of Mrs . Clifford Maddox, gave Chancel Read– ing of the Book of Job, Choral Readings and Oral Interpretat ions. It was greatly appreci– ated. Mr . Earl Helfrick, a business man from Cleveland brought a message entitled, " Don't · leave God Out of Your Business Life ." The film-"The Ultimate Adventure" (Moody Sci– ence) proved fasc inating. FAITH BAPTIST CHURCH, ELIDA - "A Heart For Missions" was the theme fo r our Second Annual MissiQnary Conference Missionaries taking part in the conference were Rev. and Mrs . Ostrander (BMM-Liberia ) Rev. and Mrs . Gerald Pa uley (BMM-Chad). Rev. and Mrs . Marsh (BMM-Alaska) and Rev and Mrs Walt Miller (BMM- Brazil ). ABBE ROAD BAPTIST CHURCH, ELYRIA - Special meetings with Rev. Paul Friederich· sen (ABWE-Philippine Islands) proved sue· cessfuf. They were very well attended. We are presently in a Sunday School Contest with the Litchfield Bapt ist Church. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH, ELYRIA - We had Rev. Don Tyler speak at our An nual Sunday School Staff Banquet. The Elyria Christian Academy dinner was held March 23 Rev. Don Sewell and several students frorr their school in Toledo were present Brothe, Sewell spoke. Dr . l . Duane Brown spoke a· our Bible Conference April 8 through 11 THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST