The Ohio Independent Baptist, May 1973

CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH, FINDLAY- Pastor Snavely recently began a series of messages on " The Christian Home." A f ine young couple, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Cecil, have come to work wt ih us in reach ing our youth. Brother Cecil is now serving as our Minis te r :,f Youth. Brother Hooks, who previously se rved as Minister of Youth is now our Min– ister of Educat ion . Dr . Joseph Stowell, Na– lional Representative of our GARBC s po ke at our Bible Conference he ld in early March . Dr . iand Mrs. Rice were with us for an eight-day i?Vangel istic meeting. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH, GALION - At one of our evening services recently we oresented a " Home Tal e nt " program. Blessing Nas realized. Rev. Florian Manas of Cleveland Nas the guest speaker at our Bibl e School 'Covered Dish" supper . Dr. J e remiah, Presi– ~ent of Cedarville College was with us for :>ur Ce darv ille College Day. FAITH BAPTIST CHURCH, GALLIPOLIS - The lord has been bless ing with revival Hres. We praise Him fo r His working in the 1earts of o ur p eople. Our radio outreach ' Faith To l ive By" is gaining new listeners !Very week. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH, GALLIPOLIS - We had good meet ings with Brother Ea rl Vluller with h is " Bible Chart' ' ministry. Rev . ind Mrs . J ack Finley (BMM- Brazil) a re to be Nith us in May. Brothe r Ken Hay, Director of NILDS, shared with us his camp and confer– !nce ministry. The WILDS is a yea r round :hrist ia n camp and conference center locat ed n North Carolina. A number of our young ,eople visited some of our Christian colleges . ;AITH BAPTIST CHURCH, .ANCASTER - We praise the lord for the good a ttendance ind the blessi ng received through the special neet ings held recently. Evangel ist / Ed itor Don Aoffat was our guest speake r . We are making >I ans to purchase a 10 acre plot of ground on Nhich we will be erecting a chu rch bui lding. he lord is causing our work to grow. Already Ale are crowding out our present quarters . RACE BAPTIST CHURCH, ONDON - Rev. James Grier spoke to us recentl y on 1ow modern philosophy is e ffect ing our youth ind told us how to combat it . The Cedarvi ll e :allege choi r presented a conce rt . Special peakers of late include Dr. Merl in Ager of edarville College, Mr . Dal e Work and Mr . arry Ice . MMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH, ORAIN - We voted recently to give $35 monthly sup– >ort to Rev. Starlen Washington for his work mong his own black people in the Grand apids, Michigan area . Bro ther Dave Gardner ABWE-New Guinea) was a blessing to our >eople. We had Evangelist Bob Sumner with s for special meetings in March. The Lord >lessed Many decisions were made. IRST BAPTIST CHURCH, ~EDINA - Rev and Mrs George Heiland (FBHM) were v1th us for a morning service We appreciate he ministry of Interim Pastor, Rev Albert E. ohnson • RACE BAPTIST CHURCH, AINFORD - Mr Don Pfleger 1 one o f our own men vhom God has called into f ull time work, poke df our church recently We will be hav HE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST ing special meetings with Evangelis t Hugh Horner May 20 throug h 25. Four of our young peop le made a special "College Tour." God spoke to their hea rts abou t rece iving tr aining in a Christian school. We recently obtained " land f ill" to make s pace for more parking. NORTHFIELD BAPTIST CHURCH - The lord is working in the Iives of our young folk. Rich blessing was received through the minis tr y o f Evangelist Jack Mur– ray. We pra ise the Lord, too, for the increase in a tt enda nce. NORTH OLMSTED BAPTIST CHURCH - We held our Missionary Conference April 14 through 18. Rev . and Mrs . George Heiland (FBHM) were with us . They have accepted a call to a church in Enfield, Connecticut . This is a work 1 hey had brought to self-support some years ago. CAMDEN BAPTIST CHURCH, OBERLIN - The lord is blessing our work here . Recent– ly we had six who were baptized and 16 who were received as members in to our church . Our pastor-Rev. Kline-is leading our teachers and others in a leadership Training course . We voted to receive a bundle lot of THE O HI O INDEPENDENT BAPTIST magazine. BEREAN BAPTIST CHURCH, OREGON - There has been a steady increase in attend– ance. Our pastor, Rev . John Whi te-, will be undergoing open heart surgery. We urge folk t o remember him and his family in prayer. TEMPLE BAPTIST CHURCH, PORTSMOUTH - We w e re happy to have Rev. Andrew Wood, Executive Director of Shepherds, Inc. with us recen tl y. The work of Shepherds, Inc . is one greatly used of the lord. We continue to broadcast our church servi ces over WNXT-AM and FM. There are many shut-ins who app re– ciate this ministry . BIBLE MISSION BAPTIST CHURCH, REYNOLDSBURG - On March 19th the Philadelphia College of Bible Chorale presented a concer t . We had the Cedarville College Chora la ires here on April 15th. Rev. and Mrs . Dennis Oatley (ABWE- Colombia) ministered here. They will be serving the lord 1n the Amazon region of South America. CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH, SALEM - Miss Lilyan Eicher (BMM-Congo) was with us in Ma rch . She and her parents have been serv ing the lord in Africa Her parents have spent many years there . BLESSED HOPE BAPTIST CHURCH, SPRINGFIELD - FBHM missionary, Rev William Plenge (Cheshire, Massachusetts) spoke at one of our prayer meeting services Brother Terry Holly (Magician) was featured at our Junior Youth Rally. We are a t the 300 mark in our Sunday School attendance. We hope soon to have detailed drawings and an e~ t1mate for our new church auditorium. SOUTHGATE BAPTIST CHURCH, SPRINGFIELD - Recent speakers include Dr Gromack, of Cedarville College and Dr . Richard Stagg (ABWE- Bangladesh). Our request for funds has been approved by The Springfield Bank in the amoun t of $265,000. Pastor and Mrs . Stowell recently vacationed in Florida . GRACE BAPTIST CHURCH, SUNBURY - Ofl Pastor Holmes' birthday, the church had a surprise get-together for him . The ministry of Rev. Howard Clayton Gruy proved a bless– ing to our people Recent guest speakers in– clude Rev . Pc:ul Margraff (HBM), Miss Janet Wolf (BMM- Braz1 I) and Miss Kay lamb (BMM- Africa) . BETHEL BAPTIST CHURCH, TOLEDO - March 25th was the 8th anniversary o f our church. We now have new pews in our church. Miss Doris Porter, missionary to Liberia spoke a t our Family Night service. EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH, TOLEDO - Our Missionary Conference included mis– sionaries Dr. and Mrs . Stagg (ABWE- Bang– ladesh), Dr and Mrs . Olsen (ABWE- Bangla– desh) and Rev . and Mrs . Nicklas (ABWE– Brazil) Recently Rev and Mrs Albert Os– trander (BMM- liberia) spoke at one of our prayer 1neetings. Our Emmanuel Baptist Chris– tian Schools have gotten under way. These are Grade Sc~.ool and grades 9 and 10-High School. BETHEL BAPTIST CHURCH, WARREN - The Chorale of the Grand Rapids Baptist Bible College were w ith us. Their ministry of music was greatly en1oyed. We were blessed through the ministry of Rev Earl Umbaugh . GRACE BAPTIST CHURCH, WESTLAKE - Some of our young people visited Grand Rapids Baptist College. Brother Warren Sim· mons (FBHM-Joy Clubs) directed a Christian Education Seminar. This was of special help to our Sunday School teachers Dr Richard Stagg (ABWE- Bangladesh) was with us on April 15th to tell of their proposed work. GRACE BAPTIST CHURCH, WILLOUGHBY - Rev Thomas A. Thomas of Baptist Bible College, Clarks Summit, Pa . le d us 1n our Spring B,ble Conference His top ics, among o thers, included " The Que stion of the Ages," " The Promises of God" and " The Secre t of Peace of Mind. " FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH, WILLOWICK - A quartet from Bapt ist Bible College, Cl a rks Summit, Pa were with us for a se rvi ce . The Lord blessed through our Evangel 1st 1c Se rvices with Evangelist Hugh Horner Hi s messages were most challenging . Dec is ions were made! EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH, XENIA - We have witnessed the be st attendance ever in our Xe nia Bible Institute whi ch meet s 1n our church each Monday even ing Rev Dave Woodman (HBM Canada) w as g ue st speaker c\t one o f o u r Sunday mo rn ing se rv ices The Ri chard McCurdy famil y from Grand Rapids, Michigan sang at o ne of o ur services Also, Rev Henry DeVrie s, Jr (ABWE- Ph1lrpp1ne Islands) told us of his work. MAY, 1973 7 I i I J