The Ohio Independent Baptist, May 1973

a C,ada r l le C ,! er. (t I. ibra ry C J, ar\f l~ , O J·o ::,314 rom. Think of the possibilities of a mistake! How in the world do you knowwhich college is for YOU? What kind of thing doyou look for in a college? Where do you start looking? Why is one college better than another for YOU? Al I these questions, plus a hundred more, may flit through your mind ••• and they should! At B. B. C. we make no claim to omni– science, but we believe you need some facts to make a decision in such an im– portant matter. We have prepared a special brochure that we be Iieve wi 11 he Ip any Christian • • • • young person 1n arr1v1ng at a wise , un - shakeable decision . Write Today for your copy of "Choosing the Right College" . Baptist Bible College of Pennsylvania 538 Venard Road Clarks Summit, Penna. 18411 A pproved by Accrediting A ssociation of Bible Colleges • General Associatior, of Regular Baptist Churches Pennsylvania Department of Public lnst ructio11 I I f I