The Ohio Independent Baptist. June 1973
Cedarville Holds Wrestling Clinic fhe first wrestling cli11ic ever held at Cedarville College s conducted on March 31st by Mr. Ben Peterson, 72 Olympic Gold Medalist. vtr. Peterson has been a Christian for over 12 years. >ng with giving in tructions pertaining to wrestling, he J of what it means to have Jesus Christ as one's own ,sonal Saviour. He stated· that wrestling was far from most important thing in his life and that ultimate >piness and fulfillmefit can only be found in a life 1tered on Christ. =:-ommenting on the Olympics, he said, "A problem ed by every Olympic athlete is that of coping with , 1mpic pressure, the pressure to make it to the top" For n, his perspective on life's priorities aided him. Believing truths of Psalm 1, that a man is only happy when !king in the "law of the Lord." Ben worked hard for t performance in the Olympics, but the possible outcome , s not crushing to him because he knew that the Lord -s directing his every step. f o Ben Peterson, an Iowa State graduate, athletics is ~ood training ground for growth and development as a Christian. In crthletics, one must learn to train, to pro– gress one step at a time just as a Christian must master the princ iple· of living, responding to God one day at a time. Whether its a win, loss or draw in athletics, the ultimate win or loss in life lies in one's response to the true source of happiness, Jesus Christ," he concluded. t Serve In Bangui tptist High School \1y name is Lillian Burkhart. I was ·n in St. Bonifus, Pennsylvania. My ldy died when I was very young l my mother remarried and when v1as in the 8th grade we moved to ra. Until I was fifteen I promised ! of my aunts I would return to dad's relatives at eighteen and .n to become a nun. But then one ht I cried to God if it were possi– for me to come directly to Him • show it to me in His Book so t I could understand it. The Holy rit directed me to I Timothy 2: 5 "For there is one God and one diator between God and men, the n Christ Jesus." From this point directed me to other verses that >wed me how to become one of d' s family. fhe following summer at a Bible np a missionary challenged us with > questions; ( 1) Are the heathen t if they have never heard the spel? (2) Who is responsible that OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST they hear the Gospel? Through this God caused me to see my responsi– bility as a Christian to witness to the unsaved. In 1962 I went to Peru, S.A. as a missionary under an interdenomina– tional mission board. After nine years with the board I catne home with physical exhaustion and during my recuperation I had to come to a de– cision concerning Biblical separation, both personal and ecclesiastical. Thus, I entered Cedarville College March, 1971 and completed require– ments for my B.A. degree. March 21, 1973 I appeared before the General Council of Baptist Mid– Missions and after oral examination I was approved for missionary ser– vice in the Central African Republic. For seventeen years I have had a burden for M .K. 's and now that bur– den is to be fulfilled. I will be work– ing in Bangui Baptist High School. This is a very important part of missionary work because parents who would not be able to stay on the field, or if they did they would be separated by great distances from their high school kids if it were not for Bangui Baptist High School . But this is not all that I will be involved in. There is the youth work among the nationals and countless opportunities among the women and children. Then there is the four year Bible Institute with many avenues for service. So you see I count it a great privilege that God should call me to work in the Central African Republic. I would appreciate very much your consideration of me as an addition to your missionary interests. Pastors desiring Miss Burkl1art to speak in tl1eir churcl1es may write lier in care of Grace Baptist CJ1urc/1 , Ce<larville, Ol1io - 45314. Geared toward re· vival and edification of the saints, with an emphasis on evan· gel ism. MIKE COYLE Musical Ministries Utiliz ing a tenor voice and playing the French horn - Mike Coyle uses power· ful sound equipment with taped accom· paniment to minister the word of God, through the medium of music. A Chris• centered and God honoring ministry God has used for His glory. 2731 Central Ave., St. Petersburg, Fla . Phone: (813) 828-7911 NOW AVAILABLE REGULAR BAPTIST CHILDREN 'S HOME 2 14 N. Mill St reet St. Louis, Michigan - 48880 Firs in Ser ;ce o Children and he Unw·ecJ others s·nce 1952 Pray for U Brethren App 1 o ed bv Na ional As '1. GARBC Wa nt More lnforn,c1 ion? 'v\'rite JUNE, 1973 11 I I I I I
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