The Ohio Independent Baptist. June 1973

Youth Compete For Tuition §cholarships Bernhoft and Reynolds On April 7th, 19 teenagers from he Emmanuel Baptist Church, To- Church Recognized On March 31, 1973, a Recognition :ouncil consisting of eleven pastors, ,tate Missionary Earl Umbaugh and ~BHM Representative, Rev. James )ersham met to consider recognizing he Johnstown Independent Baptist :hurch as a duly organized Baptist hurch. After careful examination of the "hurch's History, Covenant, Articles 1f Faith and Constitution, it was vot– d unanimously to grant the church ull recognition. A motion was also assed requesting the church to . care– ully consider the recommendations nd suggestions made by the Council. -Rev. William Abernathy of the mmanuel Baptist Church, Columbus, )hio was elected Moderator of the 'ouncil and Rev. Larry Luard, Hope laptist Church, Columbus, Ohio erved as Clerk. ew Work Has Needs The Grace Baptist Church of Rich- 1ond, Ohio is a new work. They are lped by our State Missionary Rev. arl Umbaugh. They are very few 1 number. The other day your editor Ceived a letter from Miss Margaret . Hohn, R.D. No. 1 - Box No. 592, ichmond, Ohio - 43944. Miss ohn is the Acting Secretary for this oup of believers. In her letter she rote the following: "We have need supplies especially right now. That hich is needed is a typewriter, a imeograph machine and a com– union set. If anyone knows of these even some of these, we would eply appreciate being informed. ledo, Ohio made their way to Grand Rapids Baptist Bible College where they competed for tuition scholarships to the college. Emmanuel Youth com– peted in three catagories. Vocal En– sembles, Girls Vocal Trio and In– strumental Duets. The youth brought home with them first place trophy in vocal ensembles and first place trophy in instrumental duets plus $600.00 in scholarship money. The church bus was filled with joy and excitement but most of all praise to God for the victories won and the new experiences and lessons ]earned. Those who participated in the en– semble were Diane Wagner, Start High School, Karen Angel, Rogers High School, Debbie Jones, Bedford High School, Sue McThena, Start High School, Sue Shanks, Sylvania High, Barb Maidment, Start High, Becky Reynolds, Bedford High, Rhon– da Sloan, Bcdford High, Jill Nause, Whitmer High, Laura Seiler, DeVil– biss High, 1-lans Bernhoft, Maumee High, Pal Thompson, Whitmer High, Chip Bernhard, Start High, Tom Les– lie, Bedford High, Tim Ames, Libby High, Jay Williamson, Whitmer High, Kevin Shanks, Sylvania High, Rick Jaques, Start High. Becky Reynolds and Hans Bernhoft were the winners in the instrumental duets playing an organ and piano ar– rangement of "Stand up, Stand up for Jesus" while the vocal ensemble (called the Emmanuel Youth Singers) used for their competition number "Declare His Glory". Don Krueger, Minister of Music at Emmanuel di– rected the group and Carol Kilian accompanied. OHIO BIRTHPLACE AND HOME OF THE FELLOWSHIP OF BAPTISTS FOR HOME MISSIONS Reaching America at this Strategic Time P.O. BOX 455 ELYRIA, OHIO 44035 Phone: (216) 365-7308 DR. KENNETH A. MUCK, President I t I •