The Ohio Independent Baptist. June 1973
A Word From Your Editor . . . • I 1l I l, 1l1u11t l1 , 1, ,11t" l 11\ , , '7- ) ,, c ll dli , rli ~l'T1Cl.'r11111g a 11t1111bc r o f " t i r 1\ l, 13 i a~ t ,)r" ,, 11 "1 tl 11dcr,, c11 t ttrgcr , . 1 t ) f tl11 \\ r1l i 11g ( earl} "" " 1 ' ,vc arc l1.1r>11, t rc11 rt tha t h,)th Re, J )1111 \\ t) li ( Bcllcfonta1ne, 1111.1) and I r Ra, ·n1ond Har11ilton l Port , 111 l ttl,. Ohio) J1,1d tJcce ' ful l'" rations Brot l1cr \\ o d has inc rea ed in hcaltl1 a nd trcngth, and ha once again ta k.en , r ht dut1e a pa tor. Brotl1er Han1tlton' recovery, how– ever. ha been n1uch lower. Compli– cation , were evidenced, and it wi ll , et be ome time before he i able to • re ume hi work. Rev. John White (Oregon, Oh io) had open heart surgery. This oper a– tion al o was most uccessful, how– ever, due to other compl ications his recovery ha been much slower . He On Our Front Cover •.• l1a l1cc11 through a scrie of th ings ,vJ1icl1 ,vot1ld cause the average pcr– ,011 to be di couragcd and literally gtvc tip in despa ir. God, in grace, i ca t1sing these very experie nce to s trengt l1en ou r bro ther . Both he and 11 i dear wife ( and family) need our continued prayer . Many of our 0.1.B. readers already know of the accident your editor had . Whi le in M i hawaka, I n d i a n a I broke my leg. I am now wearing a full length ( toes to top of leg ) cast. T he leg was broken in two places. T his i the third time this has hap– pened . I am inconvenienced by the cast, however , His grace is proving su fficient! It was necessary to cancel some of our meetings. The cast will be removed sometime during the latter par t of June. We appreciate the many cards sent us . . . and the many who have prayed for us ! is a picture of the Municipal Auditorium Plaza, a cheerful spot of bright greenery in the heart of Kansas C ity, Missouri. To the south of this Plaza ( right background ) is the Kansas C ity Municipal Auditorium. On the east are the Muehlebach, Aladdin and Holiday Inn Hotels. A 2,000 car underground garage beneath the Plaza is connected with the hotels and the Auditorium through underground passageways . Many of our OARBC folk will be making their way to Kansas C ity, Missouri to attend the 42nd Annual Conference of our General Association of Regular Baptist Churches . T he dates are June 25-29. All meetings will be held in the Kansas City Aud itorium. The theme for this 42nd Annual Conference is "Our Watchword - Evangelize" . D r. Joseph M. Stowell , National Representative of our GARBC, said, "Our forty-second annual confer ence presents an urgent call to Biblical evangelism today. I believe the iron is hot and it is time to strike! It is time . to bestir ourselves with renewed zeal in true evangelistic ministry ! "T rue evangelism is based upon Bible preaching and teaching, for 'faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God' (Rom. 10 : 17 ) . It will involve the whole scope of the great commission - to reach the lost for Christ, to scripturally baptize them and to teach such in a life-long ministry of edifica– ton. It is not a sentimental, sh allow experience but rather a deep work of the Spirit and the Word that will abide for eternity. "We must remember, too, that in this cause we are in partnership with the Holy Spirit. '... T he Sp ir it and the bride say, Come' ( Rev. 22: 17 ) . We dare not grieve nor quench our P artner. I f the trumpet of true evangelism is to be a certain sound, we must be in absolute harmony with the Holy Spirit." Our General Association of Regular Baptist Churches represents 1,443 local churches united to accomplish mutu al concern on a national and interna– tional level through the chaplaincy, radio broadcasts, missions, education and social responsibility . This 42nd Annual Conference is for spiri tual edification, challenge and fellowship. PLAN ON ATfENDING!! ! Distinctively Baptistic .. .that ' s the character of our literaturel Presenting the great fundamental doctrines of Scripture to the pupil in language that he can understand. This Bible– centered, pupil-related literature that has the proper approach to the Scriptures can be ordered today from Regular Baptist Press. Send for free sample pocket. Regular Baptist Press 1800 Oakton Boulevard e Des Plaines, Ill. 60018 The Ohio Independent Baptist - Published Monthly by - THE OHIO ASSOCIATION OF REGULAR BAPTIST CHURCHES SECOND CLASS POSTAGE paid at Xenia, OhiA POSTMASTER: Please send Form 3579 t The Ohio Independent Baptist Box No. 160 Xenia, Ohio 45385 Editorial Office: Box No. 160 Xenia, Ohio 45385 Rates of Subscription: $2.00 per year; $5.0! for three years; EVERY ACTIVE FAMILY PLAN $1.15 per subscription; BUNDLE LOT PlAt (mailed directly to the church), $1.00 pt subscription. Minimum bundle order - 1. copies; single issue 20 cents. Your Editoria Office should have all news and advertis ing copy in hand no later than 30 day prior to printing. Advertising rates will b1 sent on request. STAFF Editor .......... . ...... A. Donald Moffa Box No. 160, Xenia, Ohio 45385 Circulation Manager . . . . . Stuan L. Chaffc Box No. 160, Xenia, Ohio 45385 W omen 's Editor . ..... Mrs. Earl Umhauj?'l 2 150 Marhofer Avenue Stow, Ohio 44224 State Missionary . . . . . . . Earl D. Umbaugh 2150 Marhofer Ave., Stow, Ohio 44224 State Y out/1 Director . . . . . . Wilbur Parrish Galtia St. at Waller, Pon smouth, 0. 45662 COUNCIL OF TEN Cl1airman ............. Kenneth H. Good 5 103 Broadway, North Olmsted, 0 . 44070 Vice-Chairm an . . . . . . . . Donald B. Winters 2435 Eaking Road, Columbus, 0 . 43204 Secretary ......... .. .... Wil liam F. Russell 1 9 1 Whipple Ave., N.W., Canton, 0. 44708 Treasurer .. . ..... . ..... Will iam A. Brock 4659 Trabue Rd ., Columbus, 0. 43228 Program Chrm . ......... . . . John R. Wood Box 596, Bellefontaine, Ohio 43311 Missionary Chrm. . ..... Lawrence G. Fetzer 5650 Far H ills Ave., Dayton, Ohio 45429 Education Chrm. . . . . . . . Donald J. Sewell 4207 Laskey Rd., W. , Toledo, 0. 45623 Y outh W ork Chrm. . . Norman E. Bosworth Cedarville College, Cedarville, 0. 45314 William Broughton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Box I 2 Cedarville, Ohio 453 14 Raymond F. Hamilton . . . . . 1148 Gall ;a St Portsmouth, Ohio 45662
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