The Ohio Independent Baptist. June 1973

FLAG DAY - June 14, 1973 by Warren Wiersbe On June 14, 1777, the American Congress voted to adopt the first official flag. Although not a legal holi– day, June 14 was set aside as "Flag Day" in 1895, thanks to the efforts of Dr. B. J. Cigrand of Batavia, Illinois . Most citizens honor the day by di3- playing the American flag. Frances Scott Key forever enshrined the "red, white, and blue' ' in our national anthem "The Star-Spangled Banner," Written Sept 13-14, 1814, while Key was watching the bombard– ment of Fort McHenry, "The Star– Spangled Banner" was not made our official anthem until an executive or– der by President Woodrow Wilson in 1916, later confirmed by Congress in 1931. But of late the American flag has suffered much abuse, and, ( sad to say) sometimes at the hands of pro– fessing Christians. Tearing down the flag, walking on the flag, and burning the flag have become favorite activi– ties of people "doing their own thing." Young men and women who were born too late to remember V-E Day and V-J Day think it is a · sign of "maturity" to desecrate the America11 - flag. They forget that hosts of young people just like themselves have died on battlefields to preserve their liberty, yes, even the liberty to disagree with the government! No Christian can conscientiously desecrate the flag. He doesn ' t have to agree with the party in office to show respect for the nation and its flag. Like a wedding ring, a family photo, or a pair of baby shoes, the flag is much more than a material thing, a piece of cloth. lt stands for something precious. And the citizen who tears down the flag is not measuring his country, he's 111easuring l1imself and telling every– body just how small he is. "Obey the government, for God is the One Who has put it there. There is no government anywhere that God has not placed in power. So those who refuse to obey the laws of the land are refusing to obey God, and punishment will follow. " "For the Lord 's sake, obey every law of your government.. . Show respect for everyone . . . Fear God and honor the government." ( Romans 13: 1-2 and I Peter 2: 13 and 17, in Living Letters.) "Then conquer we must, When our cause it is just ; And this be our motto: In God is our trust! And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave, O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave!' ' THE CLEVELAND HEBREW MISSION , . 0. lox 11056, Cleveland, Ohio 44111 Founded 1904 FUNDAMENTAl - BAPTISTIC - EVANGELISTIC Evangelizing the "lunsmen" of our Lord in Cleveland, Ohio Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil OFFICERS·- REFERENCES :- Mr George B. Dunn , President Dr. James T . Jeremiah, Cedarville, Ohio Or. Pau l Van Gorde r, A1lanta. Ga. Re v. Roy ( ' lark. Vice Presiden t Dr. Vaughn Sprunger, outh Bend. Ind . Rev Ll oyd Morr1 ~. Flint, Mich. R G I ,, v S I c I d I Dr. Robert Ketcham, Chicago. Ill. ev. era u . me \er, ..Jllpe,111 en en p Dr Ral ph toll , Lancaster, a. Rev A Paul Tidball, Supt . Dr. Melvin V. Efaw, Huntington, W. Va Dr. Frank . Torrey. Boca Raton, fl a. Mr. Earl Helfrick, .Sec'> . TreaJ. Dr. Warren Y. Bibi ghaus, Haddon Hts., New Jersey Write fo, you, fl!I copy of "The Trv,,,,.,.t« for 1,,.. 1" ov, qu•rte,ty meo•zlne devoted to the wo,lt of Jewish ~•noelllffl. THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST VOL. 45, NO. 9 JUNE, 1973 ' 'Jack Van lmpe' ' Evangelistic Crusade A "J ack Van Impe Crusade" will be held July 8 through 15 in the Findlay High School gymnasium, Findlay, Ohio. Cooper ating churches include First Bapt ist Church (GAR– BC), Calvary Baptist Church GAR– BC) and others. Pastor Richard Snavely is serving as Crusade Chair– man and Pastor Fred Crown as Cru– sade President. Dr. Van Impe will be accompanied by his wife, Texel la. As an evangel– istic team, they have been used far and wide. Brother Van lmpe has ministered in over 30 countries. He is well acquainted with the Scriptures and delivers his messages with power. Mrs. Van lmpe serves as Crusade pianist and soprano soloist. Services begin nightly at 7: 30. The public is invited to all of these meet– ings. Remember the dates - JULY 8 through 15. Available Again For Meetings Rev. George Zinn has been serving as Musical Director at the First Bap– tist Church in Elyria, Ohio. This has been on an "interim" basis. He has informed us that he is discontinuing this ministry and is avai lable again to do supply preaching and/ or the pre– senting of special musical progran1s. Pastors interested 1n having hin1 minister in their churches &hould write - Rev. George P. Zin11, Route No. 3, Huber Road, Norwalk, Ohio - 44857. JUNE, 1973 3 f I