The Ohio Independent Baptist. June 1973

:1RST BAPTIST CHURCH, :;ALION - Rev. and Mrs . Arthur Somerville (BMM - :,ance) and three of th ei r co-workers mini– tered here recently. We also were privi– eged to hear Rev. and Mrs. Wm. Fusco (BMM :ield Representative). :AITH BAPTIST CHURCH, ;ALLIPOLIS - The Lord blessed in our Kid' s Krusade . :vangelist and Mrs. Clarence Henson did ,n outstanding job in dealing with the boys ,nd girls. We praise the Lord for those who ,ave been coming to Christ in our regular iunday services. On Easter Sunday the film - "The Power of the Resurrection" was 1hown. SOUTH LIMA BAPTIST CHURCH, IMA - We recently held Father/ Son and Mother/ )aughter banquets. Rev. Bruce Snyder of Elida spoke to the men and Mrs. Snyder to he women. Rev. Sam Hornbrook (BMM - 'llexico) spoke here. We voted to purchase •wo acres of land as a future church site. EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH, LORAIN - We held an Easter Sunrise service. A special ~rive is being launched to purchase a new :hurch bus. Our Vacation Bible School will oe held June 11 -15. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH, 'AEDINA - . Rev. James Sweet of Harbor Springs, 'Aich igan ministered here recently. Our ~WANA program is moving along in great style . The lord continues to bless the ministry :>f our Interim Pastor - Rev . Albert Johnson . BIBLE BAPTIST CHURCH, NORTH MADISON - -Or. W. E. Sampson lead us in our Spiritual ife Conference. Our b rother is an excellent Bible teacher and his ministry was one of :>lessing The lord is blessing our Bus Minis– ·ry . Our Sunday School continues to grow! NORTH OLMSTED BAPTIST CHURCH - Rev. Albert Williams (FBHM - East Coast ~epres.entative) ministered here recently. Rev . Javid Dunkin of Abbe Road Bapt is t Church spoke to our Men's Fellowship. Our ladies ~njoyed their Mother I Daughter banquet. TEMPLE BAPTIST CHURCH I PORTSMOUTH - We have purchased lovely new choir robes for our choir . Our ladies had a great rime at their Annual Missionary Banquet. Our pastor, Dr. Hamilton, took part in the Dedi– cation Services of the Belden Regular Baptist Church, Chicago, Ill inois. Pastor Hamilton had served there as Pastor for some 12 years We were privileged to hear Dr . Jack Riggs of Cedarville College and our own Rev Wilbur Parrish while Dr. Hamilton was away Also, our pastor has undergone ab– dominal surgery We request prayer for him and Mrs. Hamilton at this time . THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST Subscribe to: $2.00 per year The Ohio Independent Biptist FOR A FRIEND Box 160 Xenia, Ohio 45385 CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH , SALEM " The Margraff Family'', newly appointed missionaries under Hiawatha Baptist Missions, were with us recently. They told of the 'Nork in Ishpeming (Upper Peninsula), Michigan where t hey will be serving the Lord. SHARON BAPTIST CHURCH I SHARON, PENNSYLVANIA Our pastor, Rev . Fred Krueger, held special evange list ic meetings at the Calvary Baptist Church in Meadville, Pennsylvania . The Lord blessed. During his absence from our church, we were privileged t o hear Rev . R. A. Housea l. Our mothers and their daughters had a special tureen dinner. BLESSED HOPE BAPTIST CHURCH I SPRINGFIELD - In May we held a special "God and Country' ' Day. Mr. Joseph Hopkins, who is a sergeant and private investigator for the Ohio Highway State Patrol, spoke. We are seeking to start " Five Day Bible Clubs' ' in the homes of our people. A "Farewell Ser– vice" was held for " the Gene Stocktons" as they leave for Venezuela . FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH, STRYKER - The work of Hiawatha Baptist Missions was presented by their Director of Deputation - Rev. Douglas Wasson. Editor-Evangelist Don Moffat was with us for special meetings during May. The lord blessed His Word. Our ladies enjoyed their Mother I Daughter Banquet. GRACE BAPTIST CHURCH, SUNBURY - Kay lamb (BMM. - Africa) and Janet Wolfe (BMM - Brazil) both presented the ir re– spective f ie lds. They hope soon to be out among their people to share the Word of the Lord. THE BIBLE BOOKSTORE P.O. Box 107 Reynoldsburg, Ohio 43068 A non-profit Christian Bookstore owned/ operated by Danny K. Biggers. Method o f operation is based on the principle of the Grace of God. + Fellowship with "Oh io Association of Regular Baptist Churches". -j 216 Books & Publications available ; absolutely no charge or obligation. -+ Bookstore Catalog sent upon request . BETHEL BAPTIST CHURCH I TOLEDO - Our Mother I Daughter banquet proved a blessing. The men of the church cooked the meal and served I EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH, TOLEDO - We are now in our 75th year as a church. Special Sunday meetings have been held. We praise the Lord for the continued growth in our Sunday School J Our Missionary Confer– ence proved to be a rich blessing . We are proud of our young people who participated in the Ohio Talents for Christ Contest! They did very, very well I BETHEL BAPTIST CHURCH, WARREN - On May 3rd our ladies held a Mother/ Daughter banquet. Working and planning is being done for our Summer Bi ble School which will be held June 11-16. GRACE BAPTIST CHURCH I WESTLAKE - Dr. Richard Stagg, missionary appointee under ABWE to Bangladesh, spoke at one of our Sunday services. A group of our young people v isited Cedarville College. Rev . An– drew Wood of Shepherds, Inc. and two of their boys were here in late May. Our Va– cation Bible School will be held June 18-22. WHEELERSBURG BAPTIST CHURCH - Our young people put on a special Wednes– day Evening service entitled " Smile! God loves You!" It included solos (piano and organ), special readings of Scripture, a Sword Drill and the like. Everything was handled by the young people. Our new pastor is Rev. Richa.rd Sumner and he is now on the f ield. One of our young people, Mark Williams, participated in the Ohio Talents for Christ Contest. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH, WILLOWICK - The Lord warmed our hearts through the ministry of Brother B. F. Cate of Tallmadge, Ohio. Guest speaker at our Youth Rally was Rev. Leonard Meznar (The Cleveland Hebrew Mission - Brazil). We held our Mother/ Daughter banquet on May 18 and the very next day - May 19 - we held our Father/ Son banquet. These were greatly enjoyed. EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH, .XENIA - Our pastor, Rev. R. William Wheeler, held special meetings at the Baptist Bible College, Clarks Summit. He is a graduate of that school. Editor/ Evangel ist Don Moffat spoke at our prayer meet ing while Pastor Wheeler was away. Mr. Larry Kill ran gave a presen– tation - "Onesimus the Slave" which was mos t interesting. We recently took a special offering for Rev. and Mrs Dave Woodman. They are missionaries in Marathon, Ontario, Canada under Hiawatha Ba ptist Missions. JUNE, 1973 7 I I I I •