The Ohio Independent Baptist, October 1990

12 THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST October, 1990 MOTEL LISTINGS HOW TO GET NAME ADDRESS PHONE RATES COMMENTS DISTANCE TO C.B.C. N THERE SgVDbl ·+· HOLIDAY 1250 North 1-614- $39/$46 Contact: 8 miles s INN Bridge ·775-7000 (This is a discount) Vickie Dalton ROUTE JS Exit 1-614- Reservation RODEWAY 20 North $44/$44 (?) must be made 7 1 /2 miles INN Plaza Blvd. 775-3500 by Oct. 18 ( CIDLLICOTHE 20 North 1-614- $25)$29 4 1 /2 miles INN Bridge 774-2512 ltcn: so . TRAVEL 1135 East 1-614- $34.20/$43.20 6 miles LODGE Main 775-2500 (This is a discount) CRILLICOTIII FM) and the Cedarville College Athletic De- That evening the Alumni Association partment, ..Yellow Jackets SportsLine" f~a- sponsored an Alumni Srudent Reception. rures three minutes. of up-to-date scores, m- . They served appetizers and bevera~es. It was terviews, and commentary by Sports Infor- designed to be an informal gathenng where mation Director Mark Womack. students could become familiar with the ''Yellow Jackets Sportsline" is available Alumni officers and their spouses. ·24 hours each ·ctay and can be accessed by calling 513-766-8800. The service is updated , · Monday through Friday. 1!~~~~~~~~~~~~~9 CDR Radio General Manager Paul Gathany says the new servicewas added due to listener requests and increasing interest of friends and graduates of the college nation– wide in Cedarville College athletics. PHENOMENAL FREE-FOR-ALL The Student Association held a Pheno– menal Free-For-All on LaborDay for the sru– dents. The highlights include~ an aftei:noon picnic next to the FBBC pond and an mter– donn competition with each team consisting of brother/sister dorms. One team was made (;edarville·College Box 601. Cedarville. Ohio45314 REKNOWN MUSICIAN 1!~~~~~~~~~!1!!!~~~~ 1 up offaculty, staff, seminarians, and married students. coaching at the University of Dayton. Kim received her undergraduate degree at Cedar– ville College where, as a senior, she was named "female athlete of the y ear." As an undergraduate, Kini traveled to the- Peoples Republic of China as part of a women's ba– sketball t~. Kim will be teaching physical education classes and coaching in the Comet Athletic DepartmenL JOINS FACULTY . 1 H .Jen-v Rod9_ers_clarinet soloist with White _ ouse ana V-1Shey"World muSic groups, ruis Faith Baptist , Bible College 1900 N.W. Fourth St. . Ankeny. IA. 50021 Some of the games in the competition were"Rowdy Cheers,""Water BalloonWar– fare," "Frisbee Football," "Pillow Basket– ball," and "Sponge Plunge." The day was concluded with a bonfire, singing, testimo– nies, and a challenge from God's Word. It was an ·exciting afternoon and evening of fun, food, and. fellowship. .-,.....___ ,_:,_ 'CT-1. ..... t-........,-- _,...4.... 1'\_.6.4 f-rnTT\ Grand Rapids Baptist in 1986, then later re– ceived her master's degree in Communica– tion from WheatoI). College Graduate School Most recently, she taught English and Communications at Jordan College in Cass City and is teachingFreshmanCompos– ition and College Writing. joined the music faculty of Cedarville Col– lege. Rodgers and his wife, Katherine, share an appointment in which they instruct wood- winds and strings respectively. ·- Jeny and Katherine Rodgers came to Ce– darvillefromOrlando, Florida, where he was a staff musician at Disn~y World and she SEMINARY UPDATE . taught vocal and instrumental students at Dr. James Grier, seminary dean, who has Calv{ll'Y Cluistian School. As a member of been with Grand Rapids Baptist College & the White House Marine Band, the White Seminary since 1982, recently received his House Orchestra, and an ensemble called Th.D. from Grace Theological Seminary, "The President's Own," Mr- Rodgers per– Winona Lake, Indiana. Dr. Grier also holds a fonned for ·presidents Johnson, Nixon, Car- Th.M. from Westminster Theological Semi- ter, Ford, Reagon, and Bush. · nary, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; anMDiv. Mr. and Mrs. Rodgers have concertized from Grace Theological Seminary, Winona with the Cleveland, Alexandria, and Akron Lake, Indiana; and a Th.B.. from Baptist symphony orchestras. They will continue Bible College in Clarks Summit, their performance schedules in addition to Pennsylvania. their new responsibilities at Cedarville Dr. John Lillis has assumed duties as asso– College. ciate dean of the Seminary. His responsibili- ELEVEN NEW ties include supervision of the continuing FACULTY MEMBERS education programs, srudent services, mini- Eleven professors have joined the faculty stries, and government. ·Dr. Lillis has recen- at Cedarville College for the 1990-91 school tly returned to the States, having served in year. They are: Dr. Mark Ahlseen, assistant Bangkok andManila for there-· professor of economics; Richard Blumen– gJonal director of the Sout1:east Asia Exten- stock, assistant professor of Bible; Robert sion Program of the Semmary. _Duchardt, assist?Dt professor of athletic Dr. DavidTurner, who was recently prom- trai~ng; Kevin Heath, assist~t professor of oted to the rank offull professor at the Semi- English; ~ alter~offman, ass1~tantpro~essor nary, presented the address at the fall Semi- of markeung; ~berly Holliday, ass1st~t nary Convocation on August 11, 1990. His professor ofnursmg; ~argaret Ingalls, ass1s– address will be given as a paper at the ~- ~t professor of nursmg;_ Jeny Ro~gers, as– tional meeting of the Evangelical Theologi- s1stant p~ofessor of music; Kath~nne Rod- ea! Society. ~ gers, assistant professor of music; Charles . , . . Seeley, assistant professor of computer in- The Semmary s proposed Doctor of Mini- fonnation systems; Dr. Kevin Sims, assis~ant stry programhas been plac~ ?TI the October professor of political science; and Ardeth agenda of the State of Michigan Board of Webber assistant professor of office ~cati?n. If approval to ~roceed the technolo'gy. proJect ~s granted, an ~>n-site evaluation of New student orientation began September o~~um~ulummode, hb~ary, faculty and fa- 21 and classes on September 27. cilmes will be ::onducted m November 1990. · · With a positive recommendation from the NEW PHONE SERVICE committee, the State BoardofEducationwill A new phone service providing updates of act on the program in February 1991. June Cedarville College intercollegiate sports is 1991 is the target date to offer our first Doc- now available. ' · . tor of Ministry modules. Sponsored by CDR Radio (WCDR 90.13 SEMINARY WELCOME RECEPTION Faith Baptist Theological Seminary started the school year with a Seminary Wel- . ·~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!~!II come Reception on August 30. The Seminary professors and Seminarians meet to welcome new students and to be en– couraged by Dr. Elvin K. Mattison, the new Dean of the Seminary. Dr. Mattison spoke from Colossians 4:17 to motivate the sru– dents and professors to "Take Heed to the Ministry." He stressed that being a srudent and a professor is the task that Godhas called them to do·at this time. He emphasized the concentration that is needed in any ministry and the importance of persisting in the mini– stry. The devotional was followed by refreshments. SOCCER/VOLLEYBALL TOURNAMENT Faith Baptist Bible College sponsored its arumal High School SoccerNolleyball Tour– nament on September 20-22, 1990. Teams came from Kansas, Missouri, lliinois and Iowa. Th~ volleyball teams played a round robin townament and each of· the soccer teams played at least three games during the' tournament. The high school students.attended college classes, a Faith soccer game versus Barclay, and a teamtalk with other teams. ALUMNI DAY The Alumni Association of FBBC&S sponsored an Alumni Day on September 4, 1990. This day was dedicated to help sru– dents to understand the future role of the Alumni Association in their lives. It featured an alumni speaker and duet during chapel. Pastor Roger Crawford, president of the Alumni Association, spoke during both Col– lege and Seminary Chapel. The officers of the Alumni Association were introduced as well as those staffmembers who work for the Alumni/Place~ent Office. Baptist Bible College of Pennsylvania 538 Venard Rd. Clarks Summit . PA 18411 UPCOMING EVENTS ON CAMPUS Baptist Bible College has experienced an increase in enrolhnent for three consecutive years. This year's undergraduate enrollment is 586, while 22 students are in theMaster of Science in Christian School Education de-. gree program. Baptist Bible Seminary has a record enrollment of 135 students, its fifth consecutive record enrollment. November 2: Alumni vs. Varsity basketball game: An annual event, it will be followed by a social for students sponsored by the Faculty Women. November 6: College Day of Prayer November 7: Seminary Day of Prayer November 8-10: College Days November 8-10: Tip-Off Tournament November 15-17: The King's Players Drama Team presents their fall travelling repertoire. November 30: Artist Series andWinter Ban– quet featuring piano artist Sam Rounan. . NEW APPOINTMENT Dr. Barry Phillips has been appointed to the newly created position "Associate Dean for College Academics." Dr. Barry Smith has been appointed to the position of "Director of Information Services."