The Ohio Independent Baptist, October 1990

2 THE OHIO·IN_DEPEN_DENT_BAPTIST October, 1990 A View from the Desk of LAWRENCE FETZER STATE REPRESENTATIVE IMPACT ·TheOhioAssociation ofRegular Baptist Churches hasbeen raised upby God to make a dif– ference in our state and in our world. AgainI call your attention to the VISIONSTATEMENT that has been adopted by the ass~iation. CHURCH PLANTING SURVEY REPORT . (Report by Church Planting Task Force) Thispast summer a survey form was sentby the 0.A.R.B.C. Church PlantingTaskForce to our churches inOhio. It was designed to gauge the deg~ee ofinterest in churchplanting within our churches and to getsome initial feedback to the idea ofcalling a second full-time man who would have the responsibility of coordinating church planting efforts in Ohio. We stat~ that ~e results would be published in the 0.I.B. so here are the numbers. 1. I, as Pastor, think new 0 .A.R.B.C. churches need to 'be planted in Ohio. 54 strongly agree; 22 agree; 2 disagree; 1 strongly disagrees i . The people of this chur~h think new O.A.R.B.C. churches need to be planted in Ohio. 27 strongly agree; 40 agree; 3 disagree 3. I believe that in order to seenew churches planted inOhio the 0.A.R.B.C. will need to have a second full-time man to be a catalyst and to coordinate the work 27 strongly agree; 25' agree; 8 disagree;· 6 strongly disagree 4. This church is stable .and is able to help others get started. ************************************************************************ 38 yes; 4 no; 32 hopefully in the future VISION STATEMENT We aretheOhioAssociation ofRegular Baptist Churches.We are dedicated to the, building of New Testament churches committed to fulfilling the Great Commission locally and throughout the world. No one ofour churches can accomplish this alone. We draw together to strengthen and sharpen one another throughmutual encouragement and ~ification. As a fel– lowship we will impact our state and the world for Christ. **********************************************************~************* 5: This church is willing and able to financially help church planting efforts in Ohio. 27 yes; 4 no; 42 hopefully in the future 6. Thi.s church is willing and able to help in ways ?ther than financial. 39 yes; 2 no; 27 hopefully in the future 7. Check the category that best represents your morning worship attendance. 17 - up to 75; 25 - 75 to 100; 24 - 150 to 300; 11 - more than 300 That is a summary ofthe survey itself. A\the bottomofthe page was an optional sectionthat asked for inputregarding churchplanting projectsthe churchhadbeen involved inpreviously. The last word ofour vision is to truly leave a lasting and significant IMPACT on the world There was also space to express opinions regarding the recommendation that the 0.A.R.B.C. inwhich God has placedus to serve. The Bible is full of illustrations of men and women who call a second full-time man. · left their mark on the world of their day. Some of them were nothing less than spectacular. The numbers onthesurveydotell us a few things. They tell us thatthereisgoodsupportfor Some examples: . o . h h d d " th all' f d . 1 "S J ah d · N. ah d' th d f th L d N N' ah startm., new c urc es an even goo support 1or e c mg o · a secon man. . o on arose, an went mto mev , accor mg to e wor o e or . ow wev · . . . . . was an exceeding great city...So the people of Ninevah believed God, from the greatest of The change ~~urs when q~est1ons 4 through 6 ask for some md1cat1on of support that 1s them, even unto the least of them...And God saw their-works, that they turned from their more than an op!Illon. R~~arding churches stab~e ~d able t? help o~ers g~t started, the?~- evil way." Jonah 3. · bers are a~osr,;wen~y d_lVlde~ When th~ quest1~n 1s asked~r:noney 1s available, t_he 1:1aJonty This was ·truly "a city wide revival" ofstaggering proportions. God used one man to open do not say no .b~t md1cate! not 10ow. There 1s ~or~ pos1~!ve support [or helping m,;'ays the door for eternal life to many lost people. other than fmanci?,l b~t still a sizable number_md1cate ~op_efully in the future. 2. The prophet Elijah had a ministry that left an impact following his confrontation with the At our very first m~tmg the Task Fo:c~ recog~~ed th~t a s1gruficant nur:iber of our chur- priests ofBaal onMount Carmel. I Kings 18:39, "And when all thepeople saw it, they fell ch~_s are small, strug~g or even de~lmii:g. This 1s particularly reflected m the comments on their faces: and they sai<Ir 'Toe Lord, He is the God." wntten at the bottom of the questionnaires. · 3. John the Baptist: Matthew 3:5-6, 'Toen went out to him Jerusalem, and all Judaea, and all The number one concern is finances. Can we affprd a the region round about Jordan, and were baptized of him in Jordan, confessing their sins." If our churches are not able or willin o to support this plan financially then the answer is ob- This "."~s a region-wide revi':'al tha~ led many to get ri~ht wi~ God. viously, "no." 0 · · 4. ~e tnm1Stry ~f the Lord !esus is c~~ainly the greatest of all illustrauons of the powerful A second area ofconcern raised in the comments center around what the jobdescription of impact~~ soc1el)'. of the life and IIllillStry of the man of 9od. ~ e read repeated st~tements such an individual would be. We do have a specific job description that has been printed in a such_as. ~~d His fame went throughout all the land, and There followed Hun great previous issue ofthe 0 .1.B. Copies will be available at the conference and it will be discussed mulutude,-. . . . . . . . with the messenoers on Tuesday momino. 5. The woman of Samaria m John 4 fell under HIS influence and her life was dramat1cally . 0 , - " • • • • transformed, giving her a powerful testimony of her own. That testimony in tum bore a As a basic answer_ to some of th~~oncems.about theJOb itself, our recommendat~on 1S not ~o great impact in Samaria: John 4:39-41, "And many of the Samaritans of that city believed have me_rely a.coordinator or a~strat?rbU:t ~ !11anwho would be both hands-onmvolved m on Him for the saying of the woman...and manymore believed because ofHis ownword." ~e starun~ of loc_~ churches and usmg his ab1l1t1es to see churches and groups across the state Even a brandnew converthas thecapacity to have a powerful impacton his o- her immedi- involved in additional efforts. ate neighborhood. 1 At the C?nference in ~coth~ we will ask for permiss~on to pursue the implementation 6. John· 1 is strong evidence on individuals having an impact on the life ofclose friends, as il- andfinancmg ofthe recommendatlon of theTask Fo~ce. This would then be presented for ap– lustrated by JohntheBaptist, Andrew, andPhilip. It is this kind ofinfluence tha"t sets up the proval by the churches at the 1991 conference m Toledo. chain reaction type of impact that we see in 2 Timothy 2:2. We realize the difficulties regarding funding such a position and through this survey have . Stage 1: The witness of Paul. sought to evaluate the health of our churches, measure their interest and possible support. Stage 2: Timothy received the message. Now we·ask each to prayerfully consider the inforrriation given here, come to Chillicothe, al- Stage 3: Timothy committed it to faithful men. low us to present the recommendation and answer your questions. Stage 4: They taught others also. . May the outcome be to the glory ofGod as we together seek to impact our state for Christ. From a small beginning comes a wide-spread impact on many lives. 7. The early church in Jerusalem had an instant impact on their own city. Acts 5:28, "You •i"llll~i"llll~N!ANl!.;IIINl!..,,llli:"'IILl!..ll~~s...lll!..4C"'olll!..415""C..llli""e..llli""e..llli""C...~C...~-e..4".P have filled Jerusalemwith your doctrine." Their impact was such that "the number of dis– ciples multiplied in Jerusalem, and a great company of the priests were obedient to the faith." Acts 6:7 8. The first missionaries left an impact on city after city as they made their way .across the lands of Asia and Europe. Acts 17:6, they "turned the world upside down." 9. This phenomena is seen repeatedly as· the believers extended their influence abroad. Acts 9:35, "AU that dwelt at Lydda. and Saron...turned to the Lord." and turned to the Lord." Acts 13:49, "The word of the Lord was published throughout all the region." Acts 19:10, "All they whichdwelt in Asia heard the word ofthe Lord Jesus, both Jews and Greeks." 1 Thessalonians 1 :8, "Fromyou sounded out theWord of the Lord, not only inMacedonia . and Achaia, but also in every place your faith toward God is spread abroad." Acts 9:42, "It was known throughout all Joppa; and many believed in the Lord." Acts 11:21, In Antioch, "Thehand oftheLord was with them and a great number believed Truly the Biblical pattern supports the visions of our Association. "As a fellowship we will · - impact our state and the worldfor Christ."Now we askourselves: "Ho:w are we doing? How is THE OH.10 INDEPENDENT BAPTIST OFFICIAL ORGAN-OHIO ASSOCIATION OFREGULAR BAPTIST CHURCHES Published: Eight Issues Yearly EDITORIAL OFFICES: THE OHIO ASSOCIATION OF Box No. 28221, Columbus, Ohio 43228 REGULAR BAPTIST CHURCHES Rates of Subscription: $3.00 per year; OFFICE OF PUBUCATION $7.25 for three years. The Ohio Independent Baptist is printed at Central - STAFF Ohio Printing Co., 30S. OakSt, London. Ohio.43140. State Representative · Managing Editor SECOND CLASS POSTAGE paid at London, Ohio Lawrence Fetzer · Mrs. Mer1e Srock M A"'TER 4221 Wallington Drive P.O. Box 28221 . 43140. POST ~ : Dayton, Ohio 45440 Columbus, Ohio 43228 Please send Form 3579. to Ph (513) 299-3128 Ph (614) 771-0464 The Ohio Independent Baptist Assistant Editor Box No. 28221. Columbus, Ohio 43228 Kevin Srock Chairman Bradley Quiel( (92) FilSt Baptist Box 929 Elyria, Ohio 44036 Youth Chainnan Max McCullough (91) Grace Baptist 5050 Middlebranch Ave. NE Canton, Ohio 44705 Missions Chairman Latty Engle (90) Graham Road Baptist · 705 Graham·Road Cuyahoga FaOs, Ohio 44221 COUNCIL OF TWELVE Vie& Chairman Secretary Lynn RogeJS (90) Wiliam Davis (91) Northfield Baptist Bible Baptist 311 West Aurora Road. 20 Avalon Avenue Northfield, Ohio 44067 Bedford, Ohio 44146 Assistant Youth Chrm. Kenneth Spink (92) Betea Baptist 250 West Street Berea, Ohio 44017 Church Planting Chrm. J. Tony Beckett (92) Faith Baptist 9890 State Route 43 Streetsboro, Ohio 44241 Program Chairman G. Ben Reed (92) First Baptist 26 East Church Street Niles, Ohio 44446 Adop-A-Church Chrm. John Moosey (91) Whipple Avenue Baptist 191 Whipple Ave. NW Canton, Ohio 44708 Treasurer Tom Wright (90) Memorial Baptist 2435 Eakin Road Colurl'bus, Ohio 43204 Educa1ion Chairman Kenneth Floyd (90) Perry Baptist Box 80441 Canton, Ohio 44706 Approval Chairman Robert Barren (91) Faith Baptist Box 308 Amhe1St. Ohio 44001 . it in your town? Is your church making a difference? Do your neighbors feel the impact of a band of believers who love God and His word and are out to touch the lives of those around them .with the Gospel?" Let's work together to make a difference and to leave an impact across our state. Remember that I am here to help our churches and pastors to do a more effective job in reachirig Ohio for Christ. Ifl can help you, please getin touch at: Larry Fetzer, 4221 Walling– ton Drive, Dayton, Ohio 45440, 513-299-3128. · NEW CHURCH DEVELOPER JOB DESCRIPTION .1. Survey potential areas for church planting. . ;2. Counsel and advise groups of individuals who .request ·help in church planting. :3_ Minister in local churches to keep the theme of church planting before them. 4. Act as a liaison and resource for church planters from existing mission agencies. 5. Maintain appropriate plans for the future. 6. Representthisneedincolleges, Bibleschools& seminaries in order to encourage and deve– . lop church planters from this source. 7. Develop and oversee "Church-Planter Apprentices" (seminary graduates who would be supported and closely supervised for three-five years and then carry on as the pastor ofthe established work). 8. Coordinate the efforts among local area fellowships to plant c~urches. 9. Coordinate and encourage the involvement ofevangelists for a one to six month period in helping a church get planted and established. . 10. Be directly involved in the establishment of local churches. 11. Be a member in good standing of the OARBC Church.