The Ohio Independent Baptist, October 1990
CALVARY BAPTIST, FINDLAY WELCOMED NEW PASTOR Pastor Dwight L. Allen Monday, September 17, 1990at7:00p.m., Calvary Baptist Church. Findlay, held an in– stallation service for their new Senior Pastor Dwight L. Allen. The service was followed by a reception in the church Christian Life Center, welcoming the family. Pastor Dwight L. Allen was born in Springfield, Illinois. Since his parents had' been students at Moody Bible Institute, Chi– cago, Illinois, they named him after thefam– ous evangelist, Dwight L. Moody. Pastor Allen began his education at South– ern Illinois University, majoring in radio and television, when God led him to Bob Jones University, where he graduated with a Ba– chelor of Arts Degree, major in Bible, in 1965, He then attended San Francisco Baptist Theological Seminary after which he studied one and one-halfyears atTrinity Evangelical Divinity School in Deerfield, Illinois. He served as a youth p~tor at Marquette Manor Baptist Church in Chicago. Pastor Allen has completed all residential requirements for a Doctor of Ministries de– gree at International Baptist Bible College in Tempe, Arizona. He is currently writing his thesis on "Unity in the Local Church." Pastor Allen has had over twenty years of pastoral experiencewith churches inCalifor– nia, Illinois, Idaho, and Minnes.ota. He served as Dean of Men at Pillsbury Baptist BibleCollege in Owatanna, Minnesota. Dur– ing this time, he used his broadcasting abili– ties on radio sports progr~. He has an in– terest in baseball, has served as chaplain of an Oakland Athletics farm team, and is cur– rently a certified scout for the Chicago Cubs. Pastor Allen's family is very talented. His wife, Ruth, holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree in teaching from Wheaton College, Whea– ton, Illinois. She has taught art, history, and literature in the high school, and is currently teaching first grade at Heritage Christian School. Mrs. Allen served as Dean of Wo– men at Pillsbury Baptist Bible College while her husband was Dean ofMen. Her other ta– lents include piano, singing, and speaking at ladies' meetings. Pastor and Mrs. Allen have three children. Their oldest daughter, Michelle, is a sopho– more majoring in physical therapy at Bob Jones University in-Greenville, SC; Nicole is a junior at Heritage Christian School and is involved inmusic and sports; their son, Ty, is an eighth grader atHeritageChristianSchool and is involved in sports. FOR SALE Kohler/Campbell Console Piano Excellent condition • New in 1983 Oak cabinet • Asking $2,200 Rev. Jack McCullough Call: 419·588·2903 GRADUATION SERVICE FOR BETHESDA, COLUMBUS A Graduation Service, celebrating their graduation from mission status, was held at Bethesda Baptist Church. Columbus on Sep– tember 23rd. FormerlyHopeBaptist Church, thechurch was "rescued" by the then Fellowship of Baptists for Home Missions when George and Betty Myers, missionaries under that mission board, served as pastor and wife un– til Pastor Myers had to resign for health rea– sons. Pastor andMrs. PaulVaughan, with the same mission, followed and have now ta.lcen the church to this point of self-support Bethesda was the first recipient of the 0 .A.R.B.C. ADOPT-A-CHURCH program in 1985, a gift that helped the work to pay in– herited debts. Speaker during the morning service was Pastor Rick Kirby, Faith Baptist Church, Fairfield, Iowa, the Vaughan's commission– ing church. presenting the challenge. A dinner was held immediately following the morning service. Pastor George and Betty ·Myers participated in the afternoon service. A cake reception followed to close out a very special day for the folks at Bethesda. SEMINARY SEND OFF Mark & Colleen Craig Sunday, July 29, 1990marked the end of a wonderful 4Yl -year youth ministry at Temple Baptist Church, Portsmouth, Ohio, by Mark and Colleen Craig. A fellowship meal was held in the church gym and a love offering checkfor $2,500.00was given to the Craigs. Onehighlight ofthe final servicewas a surprise phone call from Mark's brother, Kent (A.B.W.E. Phillipines). The call was carried through the sound system of the church and Mark could talk directly to his brother from the pulpit During their ministry in Portsmouth, their son Matthew was born and Mark was. or– dained in March of 1990. The Craigs res– igned to attend Grand Rapids Seminary. The theme for this final day was "Your Temple Time," taken from the title of the daily radio program of the church. Please continue to pray for the Craigs and for Temple Baptist as they seek the Lord's leading for a Youth/Music Pastor. WITH THE LORD Mrs. Helen L Crown of Gambier, Ohio went to be with the Lord August 23, 1990. She served faithfully alongside her husband while in the military service in Texas, in downtown Chicago atMoody Bible Institute and throughministries ateight churches in Il– linois, Indiana and Ohio. The Crown's mini– stry in Ohio included First Baptist, Findlay, Ohio; CalvaryBaptist, Delaware, Ohio; First Baptist, Willowick. Ohio; and Faith Baptist, Mount Vernon, Ohio. -She is survived by her husband of 47 years, the Reverend Fred Crown, Jr., three daughters, Mrs. Merlyn (Nancy) Jones and Penny.Collins ofMount Vernon, Ohio, and Pat Snell of San Antonio, Texas, seven grandchildren and two sister's. The funeral service was held at the Faith Baptist Church of Mount Vernon, Ohio on August 27, 1990with PastorMerlyn E. Jones officiating. October, 1990 THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST 9 LABORS OF LOVE AT LEAVITTSBURG, WARREN ., ... •,. "Exploring God's Ways" \Vas the theme for Vacation Bible School held at Leavitts– burg Baptist Church in Warren, August 17 through 24. Average·auendancefor the week was 103, with a record first day attendanceof 92. All together the number of children reached with the Gospel during the weekwas 140. Under the direction of Assistant Pastor. Bill Bianco, the week included not only teaching from Regular Baptist Press Mater– ial, but also a craft time, puppets, and Charlie theMonkey fromMars. On Friday, a closing program and picnic were held for the parents with an attendance of 255. Praise God for a great group of workers that helped make this year's V.B.S. a wonderful success. The highlight of the week, however, was the offering that the children gave totalling $170.87. This offering was given to Norma LMF ANNUAL PICNIC CALVARY, TIFFIN The Ladies Missionary Fellowship ofCal– vary Baptist Church, Tiffin held its annual picnic on August 7th. Twenty-one ladies enjoyed the food and games. The event was highlighted by devo– tions prese~ed by Kathy Yost. President of the LMF is Pat Stover. MARK PRICE IN ·w ARREN Bill Bianco, Mark Price, Dan Webber On August 25, 1990 the Bethany Associa– tion of Regular Baptist Churches of North– easternOhio held aYouthRally at Champion High School in Warren with Mark Price of the Cleveland Cavaliers as guest speaker. Mark Price is from Oklahoma and attended Georgia TechUniversity graduating in 1986. Mark currentlyresides inAkron. Following a musical presentation by Bobby Shomo of Cincinnati, Mark gave a powerful testimony which included his being saved at age 17, and being a Christian in the professional sports world. Those in attendance, well over 350, were blessed by Mark's ministry ·as evidenced by 7 decisions, of which 3 were ·-,r salvation. Norma Nulph, Judi Bianco Nulph, Baptist Mid-Missions Missionary to the inner city in Cleveland, to buy food for her Faith Conununity Center. OnAugust 30 the LadiesMissionarySoci– ety invited Norma Nulph to be the speaker for the monthymeeting. While she was there the ladies presented her with over 50 bags full of clothes to be used at the Faith Com– munity Center. Judi Bianco, President of the group, then presented Norma a check for $242.37 which included the offering taken during V.RS . Norma appreciated both the money and the clothes. V.B.S., the dinnerfor Norma Nulph, _and the clothing drive have truly been labors of love for Leavittsburg Baptist in the month of August. SURPRISE BIRTHDAY DINNER Theresa Wagner Theresa Wagner, oldest active member of Bethel Baptist Church, turned 90 years old onAugust 7th. The folks of Bethel planned a swprise dinner for her after the morning ser– vice on August :5th. At the close ofthe morning service, Pastor William Plough presented Theresa with flowers and a plaque. Theresa is a faithful member and seldom misses a service. She is dearly loved by everyone in the congregation. This Rally was one of the four quarterly events that the Bethany Association Youth Committee.holds in Northeastern Ohio. The Youth'Committee consists of Assistant Pas– tors Bill Bianco of Leavittsburg Baptist, Warren (Youth Director); Dan Webber of Trinity Baptist, Cortland; Gary Marburger of First Baptist, Niles; and Dave Black of Bailey Road Baptist, North Jackson. In Fe– bruary a Winter Retreat was held at Shalom Lake Camp, with an attendance of 125. The speakers were Gary Koly and Gary Brancho ofTheGospelHousePJ:isonMinistry inWal– ton Hills, Ohio. May 18 the Second Annual ·Bethany Senior High Banquet was held with ·Bert Britt ofWord ofLife as the guest singer. Praise God for what He is doing in the .Warren/Youngstown area in regard to youth.
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