The Ohio Independent Baptist, September 1991
Keeping Up With Our Camps S~ew Ranch The Ranch was well-served by a dedi– cated staff this summer. The ministry of the staff is one of the biggest impacts made on lives each summer. An attitude of service is cultivated and each staff member has an opportunity to put his testimony into action on a personal basis. This summer's Directors Awards for outstanding service went to Jennifer Roloff, Perry Baptist, Canton, and C.J. Richardson, Bellefontaine, of the support staff; and Korey Loughry, Grace Baptist, Kent, and Dawn Kramer, Riley Creek Baptist, Bluffton, of the counseling staff. Fall/Winter Schedule Sept. 19-21 OARBC women' s retreat Oct. 8, 10, 15, 17 Senior citizen days Nov. 1, 2 Couples retreat Jan. 24, 25 Singles retreat Jan. 31 , Feb. 1 Teen retreat Feb. 7, 8 Junior retreat Feb. 28,29 Teen retreat Mar. 6, 7 Junior retreat May 14-16 Men 's retreat Scioto Hills To God be the glory! Another mile– stone at Scioto Hills-1,200 campers and many decisions for receiving and living for Christ! Once again the Lord provided an excellent summer staff. How we thank God for His faithfulness! All but two of this year's staff members have been campers in the past. Looking Ahead Sept. 5-7 OARBC ladies retreat Sept. 27-28 Couples retreat #1 Oct. 1-3 Senior saints retreat Oct. 4-5 Couples retreat #2 Dec. 7 Christmas dinner Men for Missions Projects • Reconstructing a log cabin built in 1850 • Building a 2-story A-frame to house campers Light Up Scioto Project The project is nearing completion. The underground wires are in; we are waiting for the lights and posts to arrive. New Mission Board Headquartered in Ohio A t the annual conference of the GARBC, held in Indianapolis in June, Baptist Church Planters of America was accepted as an approved missionary agency of the GARBC. The mission office is now located in Lorain, Ohio, in the facilities of the West Side Baptist Church. Rev. Virgil Freyermuth is serving as temporary office manager until permanent administration can be selected. Already over 125 missionar– ies have officially associated with the mission. More than 300 churches are now reg u– larly supporting the mission. The governing council includes the following Ohioans: Gary Brock, Les Newell, Dick Pettitt, Virgil Freyermuth, Charles Johnson, James Waldo, and Al Yost. The mission is committed to the task of church planting throughout the United States. Church Multi-Peril Group Insurance Plan for Ohio Association of Regular Baptist Churches Administered by RUPP AGENCY, INC 1357 West Lane Avenue Columbus, OH 43221 call toll-free : 1-800-282-9258 Buses & Vans For Sale 15-84 passenger vehicles available Buy quality for less at ~"""~ Transportation ,;1,;.;,,;t:J Equip. Sales Corp. 6401 Seaman Rd., Oregon, OH 43618 419-836-2835 Toll-free nationwide 1-800-227-3572 'Big church discounts' ask for Bud Graham ~ Children's Home & fami I y min.istries . Dr. Don Worch President Family Counseling Foster Care Chlld Care Homes Maternity Care Adoption 354 West Street Valparaiso, Indiana 46383 Ohio 513-322-0006 Iowa 51 5·964-0986 Indiana 219-462-4111 Michigan 517-681 -2171 Church Pew Padding • Adds Comfort and Beauty to Old Pews • On-Site Installation 15 Year Guarantee Stays in Place ... Will Not Slip or Slide Like a Loose Cushion • Nearly 50 Colors of Fabric Call 1-800-232-1822 The American Pew Padding Co. 676 E. Sixth Ave. Lancaster, Ohio 43130 7
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