The Ohio Independent Baptist, October 1991
, Tb~<> The Newsletter of the Ohio Association of Regular Bap t ist Churches Vol. 64 No. 7 October I 991 Ruby Jeremiah: ''Mrs. Far Above Rubies'' ho can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies" (Proverbs 31:10) . At bi mother 's memo– rial service, David Jeremial1 referred to Proverbs 3 1, and to his moU1er as "Mrs. Far Above Rubies ." It was mo t appropriate, for Ruby Jeremiah was a virtuous woman of great worth . The Jeremiahs came to Emmanuel Baptist hurch in Dayton in 1950. Our new pastor and hi wife provided Ulc caring, spiritual leadership we needed. Mrs. Jeremia11·s love for her Lord was very evident to her class of senior high girls. Her sound teaching challenged them to live for God. She was a god Iy example to Lhem- a wife and mot11er Mrs. Ruby Jeremiah, pictured here with her husband, Dr. James T. Jeremiah, was ushered into the presence of the Lord on August 24, 1991 . by ~ Jean Fisher ~~ ... totally committed to bu band and children. The youth group appreciated her graciou ho pitality. We enjoyed Lhe fun-fill ed time and tJ1e serious Bible studies held in the parsonage. Several of u went off to Baptist Bible Serninary . We were encouraged to know our pa tor and his wife were praying for u . Then tl1e Jeremiahs took on a new challenge edarvillc allege. The school was small and truggling. 01ne doubted it would urvive. When I j oined the faculty, I aw Mr . Jeremial1 doing what he could to help tJ1e college urvi ve and grow. 01neonc t run U1c po I office? She could do U1at. Someone to run tl1e print In This Issue • Shawnee Hills adds non-traditional worship service. Page 2 • Now there are two FUNTASTICS. Page 2 • 65 Ohio churches to participate in Friends Day. Page 3 • State conference program. Page 5 Motels and map. Page 8 • Dear Blanche. Page 6 • Is your church independent? Take a quiz to find out. Page 7 shop? She cou ld do that. Someone to plan a fall faculty-staff dinner? he could prepare the dinner and serve it in the Jeren1iab ' garage. Someone Lo give student wive U1e opportunity to learn and grow together? She could tart a tudent wive ' fellow hip. Someone to work and to lead in U1e Women ' Auxiliary? he could work with others to provide lounge fun1iture and mattre pad for the donn ', curtains for the tagc and an organ for the chapel . And through it all , Mrs. JeremiaJ1 wa a j oyful ervant of U1e avior, delighting to do Iii will. She never sought prai e or recognition, but quietl y behind ll1c enc · howcd warmth, con1pa · ion, g nuine– nc ' , hun1or, diligence, consi 'Lency, and faiU1fulness in prayer. "I Ier hildren ri e up and ca ll her ble ed, her husband also, and he pra ise. h r" (l>roverb 31:28). And so do those who were pri vileged to know Ruby J crcn1 iaJ1.
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