The Ohio Independent Baptist, October 1991

• Havin lmpac Ohio an on Larry Fetzer State Representative Reac /1 i 11g 0 /1io f or Christ W ith this Ll1cn1c Lhe OARB will con, ene 1n Toledo October 2 1-23 for its Mt11annual onferen e. The empba i \\ tl l be n outrea h in Ohio. Dr. Paul Ta ·ell. naLional repre entative of t11e GARB , will be the principal ~ pcaker. We have a great challenge before u a we eek to increa e Lhe impact \\' e will have on our tale in the clo~1ng day of lhe 20th century. Pe ter .. Iot11er~head, original ly from f oledo. \Viii be re turning to teach u bow to de, elop trong evangeli tic outreach m1n1 tnc~ in our churche . o, ember I -19 i the date for a eminar d~ igned for pastor on the tllen1e· "1l1e Power of a V i ion: Oe\ eloping a Vi ion for Mini try in Your L a1 (~hurch That Can Revi talize the \\·ork. .. The es ion wil l be held at kyview Ranch in l\.1iller burg, beginning Monday, ! ·ovember l , at l :00 p.m., and concluding Tue. day at l :00 p.m. Announcemen are being mai led to all O.'\RBC pa tors . The emphasi will be on practical . bow-to-do-it procedur~ that v.·ill heJp your church reach new heights of ac ompl1 hmenl for God. fIO\\' can I help you and your church? Ju t call or \\·rite. ? - I: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 2 • • Nn l n nt-, hut twn (>ARJlC--. l.,l JN r As·r1S( 'S • • • ·" t• orn 111g your way thi s yc,\r, One will be • • In h ·Id al K · 111 , l~\lC, the n thor ,ll Wr,~ht l .1tc • • l Jn1vc rs1ly. nc .,r l)aylon Sec th Novcmt r • : '92 ()111 fn 1 dclJtl s. : • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • New IRS Re u la tions Af ect Pastors A ccording to the Regular Baptist Reporter, new letter of the Wi con in A ociation of Regular Bapti t Cburche , TI1e IR has i ued new pennanent regulation for ec. 62(c) regarding the handling of reitnbur ed employee bu ine expen e . Of intere t to churche i the newReg. 1.62.2 (TD 324), which require employer to modify tlleir rein1bursement policies for the tax year of 1991. ome of Lhe provi ion are: I ) no part of a pas tor ' alary may be recharacter– ized as being paid under a reimbursement arrangement; monies for reimbursement of the pastor ' expenses mu t be budgeted a eparate item from bi salary; 2) if the pastor' s expen es are less than the amount fixed in advance, the church cannot pay the difference as additional salary or bonu . The Reporter advises that churches act quickly to make certain their policie regarding the reimburse– ment of pa tor ' bu ine s expenses meet tl1e IR guidelines. For further infonnation, contact your local IRS office or Worth Tax and Financial ervice, PO Box 725, Winona Lake, IN 46590, or call 219-267-4687. Serving Churches Across the State State Representat ive Larry Fetzer 4221 Wallington Drive Dayton, OH 45440 51 3-299-3128 • Wapakoneta Group to Plant Church A group of 70-80 people from the Wapakoneta area have declared their intention to e tabli h a Baptist church in their city. Gary Bragg, a graduate of Cedarville College, is erving as the founding pa tor. Toe Riverview Community Center in downtown Wapakoneta bas been secured as a temporary meeting place. State Representative Larry Fetzer is helping the group in the initial stages of organization. They do nol have a spon– soring church, nor financial help. Any of our Ohio churches with a burden for helping establish local churches may want to consider supporting this brand new work. Any who are in terested in being a part of this new effort should contact Larry Fetzer. Community Service • • Begins 1n Jamestown T be new Shawnee Hills Community Service, designed to meet the needs of those who desire a non-traditional style of worship, began Sunday, September 15, at Shawnee Hills Baptist of Jamestown. Senior Pastor Dennis Hender on says each 8:15 a.m. service will feature a wor hip leader, who will direct ~ e congregation in choruses and praise mu ic. In addition, perfonnances by the Shawnee Hills Community Players drama group will be featured regularly. The church will continue to offer services at 10:30 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. on Sundays. Henderson says that the . decision to expand to another service was based on "recent growth in overall atten– dance and the need in the community to offer biblical applications to real life needs.,