The Ohio Independent Baptist, October 1991

o nee Hotel/Motel ommodations , , ,, h,n ,, n:w" rtl ,1 hln ·J.. 111 7. ro11111~ a l the Shcr:uon-Wcs1ga1c and a block of - "t\l\ 1 tl\, ,ll the Sr1.' \H Inn l he ' ;uc h)cl1lctl atljacrn l l > <.>nc anoth 'r near 1~1n 1nan– url ll.tp1,,1 < "'hurrh rh ,~' ~ l,\) 1ng at the Secor Inn arc pcnni LLcd Lo u. c the p I t.11..' 1hl1c,. t'l\.' • al the Shrrallltl -\ cs tgn tc. Rt',l:r, attllU~ ,v1ll I '11\atlc on illl intl1vitlual ba i ·. Room r eservation rnu t be n1ad no la t~r t ha n l o n cJay, <)cttlhcr 7. l ~h n\otct wi ll ontinuc t accept rt' . t'n ,tlit,n~ after th,~ <lat' cln n spa · ' available basis and at ll1c prevailing hotel ralt'. \\' hen (\llhng to 11,~lke y<.1ur r ·, crvati ns, pi ca c · ta te U1at you are wiU1 the () \ Rll " ( "' lnfcrrn ·c, {) · t<.)b ' r - 1-2 . Sheraton-\\' stga te: - · · inglc/d uble upan y, plu 6% tax 4 19-_35-7070, FAX 4 19-536-4 36 · or Inn: _9. l\V d uble bed /king ize, plu 6% tax 41 9-_ 1-2666 Other motels/hot I in the area ( tandard rale , Ii ting ju t a few): n1C rt Inn-N rtl1 Comfort Inn-We t 445 .. . lex i Rd 1426 Reynold Rd . near exit 4 toll road 41 9-476-0 170 419-893-2800 Nationwide: l -800-228-5150 Red R f Inn 1- 00- 4 -7663 Days Inn 1-800-325-2525 ome free hou ing arrangements through the church. Please contact the church offi ce at 41 9-473-32 0 and a k for Mary Alice Modrell . - -++-.....---=Ml~Jy=AN._____--,-- 0Hl0 EXIT s ( MM-'NUCL DAPTIST CIIUIIC' .. .. .. .. Av ... •• MICHIGAN OHIO HOflTHWOOO W'll.8RIOGE • .. .. -".., OACGOH .. CEDARVIl"'I"'E COLLEGE FOR YOUR Surprisingly, a Cedarville educa– tion co ts much less than most accredi ted private colleges and just lightl y more than public universi– ties . In fact, adjusted for inflation, Cedarville's costs are the same as they were 18 years ago. We offer a variety of financial aid options, work opportunities on cam– pus, and payment programs that can fit college expenses into a famil y budget. It' s reasonable to attend Cedarville. Consider what you get for your money: Outstanding career preparation leading to arespecteddegree. Gradu– ates are vigorously recruited by employers, and those who choose further education excel in top gradu– ate school programs. Opportunities for spiritual growth. Chapel every day, weekly ministries, godly professors, and many Chris– tian friends . Your student will be both well-rounded and well-grounded. Value for your investment. Affordability. CedarviUe CoUege. • Accredited Baptist liberal arts college • 75 academic programs • New programs! Engineering International Studies Social Work • Worldwide Christian ministries • Over 1,900 students from 45 states • New financial aid packages available! Call 1-800-444-2433 ADMISSIONS 1-800-777-2211