The Ohio Independent Baptist, November/December 1991

11 lt ,,tt l,, \\ l"\ t,1di: 1, .,ptt , t ( ' ht t \ ll ,\I) ' " h,,,,1 ,,n thl' ll l \th ,Hllll \ ('t , ,\ry l )nl' hundn.' d h I tv ,,n(' , t\HJl·nt , K 8 ~ .:::.x~ ~ ~~ ., tlcnd the ''- h,'(,I. \\'h1i..·h ,, ., n11n1~trv ,,t 1.1d1,,,n vc..' nuc 11,,pll, t 1n ( ' h.. ' \ c l.,nd Havin Impac Ohio an on Larry Fetzer State Representative Q ne o f tl1e highlight of the year for n1e \Va.. the three day we pent together a. a fell o\v .. hip at our Annual Conference. From all part o f the tale they came, Bible .. 1n hand, primed for a piritual tea ' l. And feas t we did ! It wa a great crowd . A I looked ._ aero the audience and moved among the people in the hal l , I counted 125 pa.. tors and Laff men from l 03 different cburche . And I am ure there were everal I mi ed in the crowd . In addi– tion, I me t many friend , deacon , and lay people from o ur churche . How good it v.•as to renew friend hip wilh o many. The theme, ' 'Reaching Ohio for Chri t," wa mai ntained thro ughout the conference. Our vi ion for Ohio a an as ociation commits u to the building of ew Te tament cburcbe and the fulfi ll– ing of the Grea t Commi ion throughout Ohio . A Bible-believ ing churches we bear a great re pon ibility. Dr . Tas ell brought four challenging me age . All are avai lable on tape from .... Emmanuel Bapti t. Pe te Mothershead' e ion on evangeli m were inten ely practical . Peter di tributed to each pas tor pre ent a detailed notebook containing bis teach ing note . He left l O copie wi th me . If you wo uld like one, drop me a line . 2 Cedarville College News Director of Public Relations Doug Mi ller D ouglas J . Miller has assumed the duties of director of public relations at Cedarville College . A graduate of Cedarville College and the University of Arizona, Miller will oversee the produc– tion of the Cedarville TORCH magazine and other college publications. He also will be the primary contact person for all media relations. Miller recently held an admini trative po ition at Shepherds Bapti t Mini tries in Union Grove, Wi cons in. He and bis wife, Chrissy, live in Springfield . This year Cedarville enjoyed a fall enrollment of over 2,000 s tudents for the ftrst time in its 104-year his tory. Cedarville students come from 45 states and 15 foreign countries. The college bas expanded facilities and added faculty to accommodate the increasing student population. When the $7 million Engineering\Nursing Center is completed next fall, 95% of the college 's classrooms wi ll have been built or refurbished in the last ten years. Serving Churches Across the State • ·.",' State Representative Larry Fetzer 4221 Wallington Drive ,, Dayton, OH 45440 :::::::: ;.<·' 51 3-299-3128 . .... .;: ...~-. :: ~ -·_:.:.:. :. : ·: :. ::·::..:·:·::.:.;:;;::::;;;:;:;~;:;:;:;:;:;:;:::;;;;:·:~:·:·::::: :·:::::=:=:~:::=:::~:=:~:=::~:, Mrs . l{c nu l)arnes , who has been a ttending Ambrose n aptis t in Fuyctle fo r 90 year'i, was honored ns part of the church' s 150th ann1 vcr sary in clohcr. Mr . Jl arncs and bcr husband were, fo r many years, grounds keepers at amp 1 1 uunos . India11apolis to Host National Youth Ministries Conference Keynote Speaker Glenn Amos T be 7th Annual National Youth Minis– tries Con ference will be held at Heather Hills Baptist Church in Indianapolis January 13-16, 1992. The conference is sponsored by Vision for Youth, a Baptist Network for Youth Ministry. Keynote speaker for this year' s confer– ence is Rev . Glenn Amos, director of recruitment and public relations at Fai th Baptist Bible College in Ankeny, Iowa . Glenn has 14 years experience in full– time youth work . Other main speakers are Rev. David Bower and Dr . Paul Tassell. Sixteen workshops on practical youth ministry areas are planned, as well as nine sessions for those involved in Christian education, and multiple levels of "think tank" discussion sessions. The cost for the conference is $55 per individual and $70 per couple. After December 13 the cost is $60 per individ– ual and $80 per couple. The fee includes a conference notebook . Limited fr ee housing is available upon request at registration . For a full brochure, contact Bryan Waggoner at Vision for Youth, P.O. Box 612, Brownsburg, IN, 46112 or call 3 17-852-3101 .