The Ohio Independent Baptist, November/December 1991

Calvary Baptist of Bellefontaine has pews in excellent condition for 500+ people, available immediately. Please call the church for information. Try This in Your Church Ideas That Work! O n Sunday night, September 15, Immanuel Baptist of Columbus held an outreach service called "Hotdogs and Hannony." Personal invitations were sent to every home on the sLreets around the church, flyers were handed out, and members invited friends and neighbors to an evening which featured free hotdogs and other food, AWANA game demon– strations, displays of various church min– istries, and tours of the church building. Following these activities the evening service was held under a tent across the street from the church. The Merl yn Jones famil y of Mount Vernon provided special music and an evangelistic message. Over 20 visitors from the neighbor– hood attended Hotdogs and Harmony, and one teen accepted Christ. The evening, attended by over 200, was an encouragement to all involved. Hotdogs and Harmony II is already being planned. - Submitted by Bill Abernathy Has God blessed your church with an unusual ministry? Tell us about it! Write Ohio Independent Baptist PO Box 293058 Kettering, OH 45429 2 Funtasticks Scheduled for '92 On March 30, 1991, nearly 2,000 young people gathered on the campus of Kent State University for the 5th annual OARBC state-wide FUNTASTIC. The OARBC FUNTASTIC is designed to reach young people for Jesus Christ through a one-day ministry event using sports and recreation. The event has grown each year, and each year more and more churches use the FUNTASTIC as an outreach tool. Youth leaders and teens of our churches are able to invite unsaved friends whom they know will have a great time participating in the activities, but w·bo will al so be chal lenged with the Good News of salvation. This year TWO FUNrrASTICS are scheduled. One will again be held at Kent State University, on Saturday, March 28 . The new FUNTASTIC will be held at Wright State Uni versity, near Dayton, on Saturday, March 2 1. This location will make it more realistic for churches in the southern and we tern parts of the state to participate. More details on both FUNTASTICS will be coming through the mai l to every church in the state. We would love to have every church participate. Mark it on your calendar and begin planning now. For more information, contact Bill Higley, OARBC State Youth Commi ttee Outreach Chairman, at Grace Bapti t Church in Lima (419-221-0112) . 1992 Conference DATE CHANGE: OCTOBER 26-28 Please make note and plan to j oin us Preferred Risk Insurance Company • Auto •Life • Church • Health • Home •Business Insurance for non-drinkers your "best buy" Phelps Financial Services, Inc. Professional consulting and sa les for your financial and insurance needs Dorr R. Phelps , G.P.. CFP. RFP. NQA 659-H Park Meadows Dri ve Westerville, Ohi o 4308 1 Phone 6 14-899-6000 FAX 899-6022 \ t Teach \Vith material that build\ on the foundation of God's Word. Thb ne\\'I\' re\'i~ed curriculum is ' ea, ier to u e. n1aking the teaching-le·arning proces n1ore enjoyable. l 1sing the Kj\' a~ the standard text. the le~ ·ons cn1pha~ize e\'angelbn1 and Bapti t di tincli\'es.You will enrich your teaching by usmg the curriculum that is tn1e 10 His \v'ord. For a free copy of our urriculuo1 Catalog call: 1-800-RBP-4440 G Regular Baptist Press 1, lt\\o\l> o\ Eize,iga 1Ui,i 1stries • (~19 ) 1~\. 19~8 C.O.M.E. Approves Evangelists The ommittee On Missionary Evangelism has approved two more missionary evangelists . Jim and Joyce Sloan are experienced worker with the deaf and hard of J1earing. Jim has pastored deaf churches and assi ted many other churches with deaf n1inistries. They are available for deaf only, hearing only, and deaf/hearing mini lrie . They can be reached at 2233 E. Lockw d, Wichita, K 6721 6. The econd team i --rimoLJ1y and Jane ilcou. Timothy i experienced in children' n1cctings, but 1ninister well with older youth and adult as well . Whi le attending co llege and c1ninary, l ' in1othy ·pent five un1111ers a an evangeli t, and God bles ed hi n1inistry with over 500 de i ion tun ng children and adult . ~ cn11on are illustrated \.vit11 t11e u e of vcntril qui sn1 . 1'hey n1ay be contacted at 304 NW C .... <>llcge #7, Ank ·ny IA 50021