The Ohio Independent Baptist, November/December 1991

nitial fl' ()('rt!\ ,UC 1.n 11: ,·ery (' lturch rt' ()('rtinc. had an tncrcas ' 1n 'atlcndancc \ n 1 rtcnds I ,ly. ll1c average 1ncr 'asc , n th,tt d.1~ ,, ,\s 1.~ c, . ll1c gr ' atc.. t lllt' ft' ,l~l' rcpt)rtCd ~(.) f~lf \\'HS l~e l]l ·E l ll.tpl1~l ,n 1 ·1 na. und ' r ll1c lead rsh1p ,,t l)r I l,tr,) ld 1arland. \: 1tl1 an lflt' re.t~c l)f lOc. r1.. ·111 i.: figure quailed the h1c.hc ~l -cv ' r attcndtlll 'C in tJ1c ... church·s ... 1-ye:.u hi , le ry. llt1tl1 1-irst llaptist f C,alion :.u1d (,race l~aptt ,.'l 1f I , nd n had an 1n~rea.·c l)f (.., .... c~<'. l~ · t part of i t- o f:.lf. ,, 1tl1 on1 y a 111all part f t11e churchc.. rept)rting 14 ac cptcd hri · t a. ,'avi t)r t)n r-:riend Day. l ncnd~ Day i a .. imple prom tional idea tJ1at ,vo rk when a hur h wi ll \\'llrk al it. on1e comn1ent f rorn p:uticipating pa.. tor : '"llnhelievable re.. ult . 1l1e audito– nun1 ,va full." ··Toi ,va · a great encouragement to ()Uf pe )pie." "·F,rst tin1e in many year we had <)vcr l 00 in unday cbool. ,, "All our churche cou ld real ly benefit from thi day.'' Women and Missions Need ideas for your women's missionary group? The quarterly newsbulletin, Women and Missions, offers ideas from women's groups across the country, and much more. And it's free! Write SaJlie McElwain Coordinator, Women's Department Baptist Mid-Missions PO Box 308011 , Cleveland OH 441 30 or call 216-826-3930 __ • New Add.res • New Programs ~~~ • Same Quality • Same Sunshine 6 and Laughter We'll prai e the Lord together! Mu ic • Devotion • Drama Invite us along. We're till available throughout Ohio. Elaine Baldwin (and Clementine) 735 tennelt Wheelersburg, OH 45694 Womens· Page North Bethel Fall Meeting ' 'F r lJ1c I vc of t11c Little One " was tl1c tllcn1c of the N rth DetJ1el Mi ionary r:e11 w hip held October 3 at the Fir t lJapti t hurch of Defiance. Jean I I ln1an, Jan Whetstone and Terry ecil were pcaker , al l three of whom are n1i ionarie to tlle Philippine . Project rn ney for the year wi ll go toward a kindergarten there. Eighty-eight ladie an wered lo roll cal l, wi th Calvary Bapti t of Findlay having the 1110 t point . The spring n1eeti ng will be held in April at Bowling Green. Submitted by Pauline Cogan, ecretary Dear Blanchel J u la hort note to a friend on a beautiful fall day. I just re turned home from Emmanuel Bapti tin Toledo, after being at the Ohio Women's Missionary meeting. Over 200 women gathered together, eagerly listening to Sallie McElwain. She was uperb (as she always is !), speaking on the current conditions of believers in warring Africa. I looked all over for you, Blanche, but someone told me you were home painting your front porch. I beard you spilled so much paint on the porch floor from painting the wing and window boxes that you had to spend the next day painting the floor . You real ly should be more carefu l, dear. Maybe pring will be better for you. I hope so, because the spring meeting will be the mo t unusual one we have ever bad . The Women's Missionary Meeting will be held Tue day, Apri l 2 1, at Lakeview Church in Dundee. Since that's Amish country, plans are for us to spend the day before sightseeing and shopping in the area. We can stay in local motels or bed & breakfas ts. So get all your painting done now, Blanche. I ' m really looking forward to seeing you at the spring meeting. Your Friend, They're Stacking Up! At $2,919.83, we're halfway towards the goal of • $6,000 for a dishwasher for Skyview Ranch.