The Ohio Independent Baptist, November/December 1991

, Keeping Up With Our Camps Scioto Hills Newest addition to Litteral Village This cabin was dismantled by the summer staff of 1989 and recon tructed by the permanent staff in the spring of 1991 . The log building was band-hewn timber from the 1845 era. Scioto Hills hosted the National Association of Regular Baptist Camp Conference November 4-7, bringing together Regular Baptist Camp director from Aorida to Alaska. 1992 Retreat Schedule Jr Hi Sr Hi Singles Junior Men#l Men#2 Sr Saints Women Couples #1 Sr Saints Couples #2 Chrisunas Dinner Jan 24-25 Jan 31-Feb 1 Feb 7-8 Mar 6-7 April 24-25 May 1-2 May 5-7 Sept 10-12 Sept 25-26 Sept 29-0ct 1 Oct 2-3 Dec 5 Camp Patmos Praise God for His goodness to Camp Patmos this year. Another successful year was completed with 1,355 campers and 141 counselors attending camp on the island. There were 75 salvations, and over 100 dedication decisions acknowledged. The speakers did an excellent job of minister– ing the Word and presenting challenging messages. Our staff functioned very well under our new camp director, Rohn Thomas. A special note of tha,nks to all of our volunteer counselors from our local churches. Your sacrifice and dedication are deep I y appreciated. The four famil y weeks were fi lled in the cabin areas, with RV hookup capac– ity still available. If you wi h to book a week at camp for your family, plea e contact our regi trar . The price is right and the fellowship is outstanding . We have several needs at camp which require your prayerful consideration. In the maintenance department, we need a new mower deck for our lawn mower at an e timated cost of $1,050. An air compres or ($275) and band lawn mower ($200) are al o needed. Mattresses, indoor\outdoor basketballs, bats, balls, bicycles, and 2 sunfish sailboats (approximately $1,800 each) are needed. If your church, Sunday school class, or missionary group would like to contrib– ute to these need , please call Pastor Rob Seymour at Magadore Bapti t Church. Please pray for the camp lfu tee as we plan for the 1992 camp season that God will be plea ed and honored. s ·ew Ranch T be Ranch is pleased to announce t11at it bas purchased the house of former administrator Bill Russell. The house was built on land formerl y owned by the Ranch with the intention that ome day it would become Ranch property . Because of favorable economic condition tl1e purchase was made, and Executi ve Director Bill RoJoff and family will move into the house. For the first time in eight years the Ranch director will be able to live on site. Our summer attendance was once again at its peak efficiency level with just under 1,000 campers. By keeping the atten– dance at a manageable size each week tlle Ranch program are able to be 1nost effectively used in coordination of facilities, staff, and chedule . The resul ts Lhis ummer show tl1e effect of efforts toward l1igh quality mini lfy. We aw 272 rancher n1ake dcci ion for hri L, ahno t t11rec of every eight ranchers. Fall\Winter Retreat Schedule Oct. 8, 10, 15 ,I 7 Nov 1,2 Jan 24,25 Jan 3 1-Feb l Feb 7,8 Senior itizen Days ouples Re trea t Singles Retreat Teen Retreat Junior Retreat OARBC Group Insurance Plan Church Multi-Peril Policy Administered by: RUPP AGENCY, INC 1357 West Lane Avenue Columbus, OH 43221 cal l toll-free: 1-800-282-9258 • Church • Home • Auto • Life • Commercial • Health Benjamin Rupp David Bell Buses & Vans For Sale 15-84 passenger vehicles available Buy quality for less at f,f'Jt,'3~ Transportation IJI,;&;;.;~ Equip. Sales Corp. 6401 Seaman Rd.. Oregon. OH 43618 41 9-836-2835 Toll-free nationwide 1-800-227-3572 "Big church discounts" ask for Bud Graham ~ Baptis t Children's Home • • & famil y mini s tries Dr. Don Worch President Family Counseling Foster Care Child Care Homes Maternity Care Adoption 354 West Street Valparaiso, Indiana 46383 Ohio 513-322-0006 Iowa 515-964-0986 Indiana 219-462-4111 Michigan 517·681-2171 Church ~ew Padd·ing • Adds Comfort and Beauty to Old Pe\VS • On-Site Ins tallatio n • 15 Year Guarantee • Stays in Pli1ce ... Will Not Slip or Slide Like a Loose Cushion • Nearly 50 Colors of Fabric Call 1-800-232-1822 The American Pew Padding Co. 676 E. Sixth Ave. Lancaster, Ohio 43130 reb 28,29 Marc h 6,7 May 14 16 l 'een RcLrea t Junior Re treul Men '~ Re treat 7