The Ohio Independent Baptist, January 1992
, After more than 20 years as pastor of the South Madison Bible Baptist Church of Madison, Ohio, Pas tor Bernie Smith, has announced his retirement, effective December 31. Ohio Semina1 y Extension Launched From left, Gerald Keller, Lee Grosh and Mark Ashley make use of the ' SEMEX library. H .istory was made as Baptist Bible Seminary of Clarks Summit, Pennsylvania, held its frrst Ohio exten– sion for the Master's degree program. The school, known as SEMEX, is held at Graham Road Baptist, Cuyahoga Falls which is ideally located for professors' from the seminary who fly into the Akron-Canton airport. Thirteen students were enrolled in the two courses taught by Dr. Howard Bixby. The students were pastors, assistant pastors, and laymen from several churches in northern Ohio. Pastor David Robertson of Brookside Baptist in Parma said, "For a number of years I have prayed for tbe .opportunity of seminary– leye.l work w~ile remaining in my local ministry. This program provides that opportunity." The next two courses will be offered in February, 1?92, wilh .D~. James King . Pastors, assistants, m1ss1onaries, and laymen are encouraged to contact BBS or Graham Road Baptist to enroll for tl1e e courses. Cbu~ches.can g.reatly help this program to ~onunue .•n Ohio by taking offerings to assist DBS m purchasing required library books for lhe Ohio S ~ MEX program. OARISC Plans Youth Counseling Seminar ' 'G etting Involved with Teens" is the topic of a two-day conference/workshop to train and encourage lay youth sponsors and youth pastors in dealing with teens from dysfunctional homes, teens in crisis and teens facing emotional hurts. The ' seminar, sponsored by the Ohio State Youth Committee of the Ohio Association of Regular Baptist Churches, will be held March 6-7 at the Colu1nbus Marriott North. Keynote speaker for the seminar is Mr. E. Warren Throckmorton, director of Throckmorton & Associates, a clinical ~ounseling and consulting group located 1n Portsmouth. A graduate of Cedarville College, Mr. Throckmorton is a doctoral candidate at Ohio University. Work hop spe_akers include Dr. Cheryl Fawcett, assistant professor at Cedarville College· Pa~tor ~ike Fraser, youth pastor at ' Willowick Baptist, Willowick; Pastor Drew Gelatt, youth pastor, Washington Heights Baptist, Dayton; and Pastor Ken Gentzler, Meadowbrook Baptist, Lima. Seminar cost is $50 per couple and $25 single; cost includes dessert buffet . , continental breakfa t and printed materials. For more infonnation or to obtain a conference brochure, contact Pastor Gary Spence, Lakeview Baptist Church, phone 216-756-2502. Has God blessed your church with an unusual ministry ? Tell us about it! Write Ohio Independent Baptist PO Box 293058 Kettering, OH 45429 1992 Confer ence DATE CHANGE: OCTOBER 26-28 Please make note and plan to j oin us Preferred Risk Insurance Company • Auto •Life • Church • Health • Home •Business Insurance for non-drinkers your "best buy" Phelps Financial Services, Inc. Professional consulting and sa les for your financial and insurance needs Dorr R. Phelps , G.P.. CFP, RFP, NQA 659-H Park Meadows Drive Westerv ill e. Ohio 4308 1 Pho ne 6 14-899-6000 FAX 899-6022 -- \ ' I . ,I < )I{) • Tl'.td1 \\ ith 111.ttl'n.d 1h.n hutld... on!ht lound.1t1nn ol Cod\ \'\ ord n11 ... 11l'\\ 1, rL'\ l'>l'd tllfflt ulu1n J', e,hil'r 10 u...e. 1n.1k1ng 1ht 1t·.1d11ng IL'.1n11ng j)fOL'l'',', f1l()fL' L'l1JO\ .thk· l ',(I)~ thl' I\ J\ J', thl' ...,tand.trd IL'\I. the k ...... on.., l'rnph.1..,11t ~, .1ngt·lt..,n1 .ind l t1rti'>l di .... ttllllh l'" Yuu \\ 1ll t·nrid1 \Ollr tL'.lLhtng h\ lhtng 1he \. Urrtt ulu1n 1h.1t 1.., tn1l' 10 111, \\ nrd For a free cop) of our ( urrirulwn ( .ataJog rail: 1-800-RBP-4'!40 g ~~gular Bf1pti~I Press ,, , ' '" ' ' E1ze11g" ,Hu11 st ,·1es • 1,J \J1 ,,, 1\l~s 3
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