The Ohio Independent Baptist, January 1992
' )1l{' l,\(l' <'l ()hi,, S,l \ "" ' \ I~\\ R,,nlh " n1u:-l h,,\\'" ,\ llC \\' \h,h,, .,,her t .u1, ,,ur qu,u tc1 ,., c, ~ .,nd ,,u1 dr\11,,r, ft,1 th,, ()h1n \ t' tnl'n'~ 11,," n,lf') l lnH,n Ph'fl'c..' t '1'()1) 't r (Sec p.,g.c {) h"r tn:n,ut er' s .1Jdrc~s.) (1(,,\1 ~ 6,( 01 the 8R c unties tn h10, 24 o f them. with a From left. Streetsboro Faith Baptist former pastor William Moser, Joe Jordan, Elmer Hammond f~aith Bapti t Church of treet.$boro ~ trcetsboro held a mort– gage-burning ceremony ._ unday, October 20. The 90,000 mortgage wa to be paid ff in 199 . Fonner pastor William Mo er wa the . peaker for the day; it wa while he was pa tor at trectsboro that an addition was built. Faith Bapti twas tarted in 1960 as an ex ten ion \vork of Cedar Hill Bapti L The original buiJding wa built in 1965, and the addition in 197 . The congregation of Faith Bapti t recentl y called Donald Workman, Jr. to be its pa tor. Donald, who ha pa tared in 1 e\\' York ince 197 , i a graduate of Bapti t Bible College, Clark ummit, and hru a Mru ter of Mini try degree from Bapti t Bible eminary. Hi wife, Beth, ha a Bachelor of acred Mu ic degree from the college. be teache voice and i ....... acuve in the church mu ic program. The couple ha fou r children SaraJ1, Hannah, Jo hua, and Leah . ~ On November 23 - 24 a • large crowd gathered at Westerville Grace Bapti t to remember ~ 25 year of progre in the _,/,,,,,,~- CoJumbu area. Partici pan ts included former pastor Ed Morrell, Jim Ellick, Murray Ingerham, pre en t pa tor Murray 1urdocb. and tate Repre entative Larry FeLZer. The church began as a Bible clas taught by Pastor Morrell, and has grown through three building program to occupy a paciou building, with about 400 1n attendance regularl y. 4 co1nh1n ' d (X)puJation o f over one m1Jl1on. do not have an () /\.RO(· church. Assistant Pastor Dan Simmons, Rebecca and Kirsten n»,$~ First Baptist, pastored by ~ Brad Quick, recently - • called Rev. Dan Simmons n - as its assi tant pastor in tbe ~ -_ areas of Chri tian education ~ and vi itation. Dan is a graduate of Baptist Bible College and Seminary of Clarks Summit, Penn ylvania. He has had seven year experience in the ministry. Dan, who began his ministry at Elyria November 1, hope to help the church develop new methods of outreach. His burden is for evangelism and disci- ple hip, and the church 's prayer is that God might u e Dan to help them reach their community for Christ. Dan and hi wife, Rebecca, have a 3- year-old daughter, Kirsten. ~~~ Pa tor Robert Perry ~~ reports that, "Grace Wm· Baptist held its 6th annual ~ harvest banquet on ~- ... Tuesday, November 26. ~ About 85 friends and loved one came together for thi highlight of lhe year. Three large turkey were donated and prepared by member . Others brought the re t of the dinner, which wa topped off by what el e but pumpkin pies . We beard several te tify of what Thanksgiving means to them this year." ~ , v#~ Mr. and Mr . Everett ~ .. Paulin, known at Skyview ~ Ranch as Aunt Roth and - Uncle Pete, recently ~ -A: celebrated their 50th wed– ~ ding anniversary. To honor them, family members ho ted an open hou e at Boardman Baptist, where the Paulins are members. I Wilmington congregation dedicates its new bu ilding. Pictured in the foreground left to right, are Daniel Berger who was ' the first pastor of the church· Pastor Bruce Charpia; OARBC Stat~ Represen– tative Larry Fetzer; and former pastor Dwaine Hill. Faith Baptist Church of Wilmington Pastor Bruce Cbarpie and the congregation of Faith Baptist dedicated their - new building to the Lord ~ _ on November 17. After W meeting for several years in the student center of Wilmington College, the congregation is delighted with their new facilities, located approxi– mately one mile north of Wilmington on route 68. The men of the church did much of the work in the construction of the new building. David Engel bas joined the staff of Mogadore Baptist Church as youth pastor. - David is a graduate of the ~ __ University of Akron and has ~ done graduate work in youth ministries at Liberty University. David served as president of the Campus Bible Fellowship chapter at University of Akron for four years, and served one year as a short-term missionary with CBF.
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